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This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license Maritime or marine spatial planning has gained increasing prominence as an integrated, common-sense approach to promoting sustainable maritime development. A growing number of countries are engaged in preparing and implementing maritime spatial plans: however, questions are emerging from the growing body of MSP experience. How can maritime spatial planning deal with a complex and dynamic environment such as the sea? How can MSP be embedded in multiple levels of governance across regional and national borders – and how far does the environment benefit from this new approach? This open access book is the first comprehensive overview of maritime spatial planning. Situated at the intersection between theory and practice, the volume draws together several strands of interdisciplinary research, reflecting on the history of MSP as well as examining current practice and looking towards the future. The authors and contributors examine MSP from disciplines as diverse as geography, urban planning, political science, natural science, sociology and education; reflecting the growing critical engagement with MSP in many academic fields. This innovative and pioneering volume will be of interest and value to students and scholars of maritime spatial planning, as well as planners and practitioners. Jacek Zaucha is Professor of Economics at Gdánsk University, Poland. He is long experienced in maritime spatial planning, and is currently leading the team preparing the first plan for Polish waters. Kira Gee is Research Associate at the Centre for Materials and Coastal Research (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht), Germany. She has been involved in MSP research and practice for over 20 years, and has participated in numerous national and transnational European MSP projects.
Coastal waters around the globe suffer from strain due to a widerange of human activities. The situation calls for a holisticapproach, combining expertise from nature and social science, toreach a balanced and sustainable development of the coastal zone. This important book comprises the proceedings of TheInternational Symposium on Integrated Coastal Zone Management,which took place in Arendal, Norway between 11-14 June 2007. The main objective of the Symposium was to present currentknowledge and to address issues on advice and management related tothe coastal zone. The major themes of papers included in this bookare: Coastal habitats Impacts on coastal systems Integrated Coastal Zone Management Coastal governance Comprising a huge wealth of information, this timely and welledited volume is essential reading for all those involved incoastal zone management around the globe. All libraries in researchestablishments and universities where fisheries and aquaticsciences are studied and taught will need copies of this importantvolume on their shelves.
Anthropogenic transformation of the coastal zone continues at a steady pace, especially in the developing maritime countries, where coastal resources are often crucial to national economies. However, exploitation of these resources is often indiscriminate, ill planned, or carried out without adequate scientific knowledge. This leads to rapid resource depletion, and often irreversible environmental degradation. The 1992 Rio de Janeiro UN Conference on Environment and Development recognized the expediency of an integrated and sustainable use of all coastal resources, functions and services grounded on sound scientific data. The present volume is based on the 1994 international workshop Integrated Coastal Zone Management, and brings together contributions by leading specialists both on basic concepts and on applications of coastal management. The work is divided into six parts, dealing with the conceptual framework of ICZM; regional and global aspects of coastal management; environmental assessment in ICZM; capacity building and technology transfer; monitoring and environmental analysis; and case studies and status of ICZM plans. The book also incorporates an interactive ICZM planning module, COSMO, which can be of use in designing a management plan for a coast. Attention is also given to long-term environmental effects of present-day actions. It is hoped that COSMO will prove an additional learning tool for ICZM practitioners and enhance the value of the book. This work is intended to give a broad coverage of conceptual and technical aspects of ICZM, and will be of use to operational executives as well as students of ICZM, environmental economists, policy-makers and senior managers in the international development agencies and governmental and non-governmental organizations. It can be recommended as a textbook and as a reference work.
Our knowledge of the oceans is increasing rapidly, as more powerful tools for exploration and exploitation make it easier to locate valuable resources, such as fish stocks, oil and gas reserves, or sites for wind and hydropower schemes. At the same time competition for space has intensified, affecting marine life and people's livelihoods. Much has been written about marine management using marine protected areas, but MPAs are only a small subset of spatial management tools available. MPAs and MPA networks are better seen as starting points for more comprehensive spatial management, facilitated by ocean zoning. This logical scaling up from discreet piecemeal protected areas to larger and more systematic planning is happening around the world, but few are aware that we are entering a brave new world in ocean management with zoning at its core. This book provides guidance on using ocean zoning to improve marine management. It reviews the benefits of ocean zoning in theory, reviews progress made in zoning around the world through a wide range of case studies, and derives lessons learned to recommend a process by which future zoning can be maximally effective and efficient. Published with MARES, Forest Trends and UNEP
This book is the first comprehensive guide for coastal planners and those aiming to achieve effective coastal management world-wide. The book is to assist in the sustainable development and use of the world's coastal zones by providing a blueprint for planners and managers who want to produce integrated coastal management plans. Coastal Planning an
The first comprehensive tool-kit for coastal planners and those aiming to achieve effective coastal management worldwide. Coastal Planning and Management provides a link between planning and management tools and thus includes all stages in the process, from development through evaluation to implementation. Drawing on examples of successful coastal planning and management from around the world, the authors provide clear and practical guidelines for the people who make daily decisions about the world's coastlines. Coastal Planning and Management is an invaluable resource for professionals in environmental and planning consultancies, international organizations and governmental departments, as well as for academics and researchers in the local and international fields of geography, marine and environmental science, marine and coastal engineering and marine policy and planning.