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Parenting made easy... even if a narcissist is making your life miserable. Are you dealing with a difficult ex who's ruining your kids' childhoods? Does it feel impossible to be happy because of this, not being able to see a way out? Are the challenges of co-parenting too difficult that you feel lost and hopeless? Being a single parent is hard on its own. When you throw in a narcissistic ex, the process can be unbearable! You probably feel like you want to scream from the top of a mountain or pull your hair out because of the stress. It's okay. You are completely justified to feel this way. Take a break and relax, because there are plenty of solutions you can try. You are here because you care about your children. They need a loving parent to have a happy childhood. While narcissists are complex and open up many grey areas, single parents have been able to raise healthy children without the need to stress themselves out. That's what this guide will do for you. You can move on with your life, handle difficult situations, and focus on your children to the best of your abilities. These challenges might pop up one after the other, but with the right knowledge, you can knock them out of the park! In Co-Parenting HELL, you will discover: 6 distinct signs that you have a narcissistic ex and how you can deal with this difficult person in your life The importance of empathy parenting and how you can use this to raise healthy and happy children How to navigate a difficult situation if you have chosen to officially divorce your ex The underlying reason why your ex may be a narcissist and why they have developed this personality trait The common coercion techniques narcissists use -- and how you can stop them before it becomes explosive How to deal with difficult family members so you can live a carefree and happy life The importance of self-care to strengthen you and your children's mental well-being The steps to recover from being married to a narcissist and leave the past behind And much more. By having a detailed plan, a healthy way forward, and an eye for the future, your stress will melt away. Even a narcissistic ex that has caused you so much misery will seem like another bump in the road. All it takes is an experienced mentor, the will to move on, and the love for your children. Remember, this isn't about your ex. This is about your children and their happiness. That is the motivation that will get you through this. If you're ready to leave the past behind and raise healthy, happy children, then scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button right now.
"Co-Parenting Hell" is a raw and unflinchingly honest exploration of the often tumultuous and emotionally charged journey of co-parenting amidst seemingly insurmountable challenges. In this gripping narrative, readers are invited to confront the darkest corners of co-parenting dynamics and discover the untapped reserves of strength and resilience that lie within. Within these pages, the harsh realities of navigating co-parenting in the midst of conflict, discord, and frustration are brought to light. Through personal stories, shared experiences, and expert insights, "Co-Parenting Hell" sheds light on the emotional toll that constant disagreements, power struggles, and communication breakdowns can exact on individuals striving to raise children in a fractured partnership. The narrative fearlessly explores the depths of emotional turmoil that can accompany co-parenting battles, acknowledging the feelings of anger, resentment, and hopelessness that often emerge. Readers are met with validation, as the guide underscores that these emotions are a natural response to the challenges they face and that seeking help and support is not a sign of weakness, but a courageous step toward healing. While "Co-Parenting Hell" delves into the darkness, it is also a testament to the indomitable human spirit. Through the storm of adversity, readers are presented with practical coping strategies, communication techniques, and self-care practices designed to foster emotional resilience. By focusing on their own well-being and embracing the power of mindfulness, individuals learn to navigate the depths of co-parenting challenges with a renewed sense of purpose. This narrative is a lifeline for those who find themselves trapped in the tumultuous terrain of co-parenting hell. By addressing the harsh realities head-on and offering a roadmap for emotional survival, "Co-Parenting Hell" becomes a beacon of hope, reminding readers that even in the darkest of times, they possess the strength to rise above the challenges and create a path toward a brighter, more harmonious co-parenting future.
Protect your child from alienation and loyalty conflicts. During and after a difficult divorce, it’s easy for your relationship with your kids to become strained—especially if you are dealing with a toxic ex who bad-mouths you in front of your children, accuses you of being a bad parent, and even attempts to “replace” you with a new partner in your children’s lives. Your children may become confused, conflicted, angry, anxious, or depressed—and you may feel powerless. But there is help. In this guide, you’ll discover a positive parenting approach to dealing with a hostile ex-spouse. You'll learn the best ways to protect your children from painful loyalty conflicts, how to avoid parental alienation syndrome, and techniques for talking to your children in a way that fosters honesty and trust. Co-parenting with a toxic ex can be challenging, but with the right tools you can protect your kids and make your relationship with them stronger than ever.
Divorcing a narcissist? You are probably left feeling baffled and shaken by the communication that you receive from the narcissist. In my mid-twenties, I contemplated learning multiple foreign languages. I envisioned dabbling in French to successfully make my way around Paris or Irish Gaelic to explore the rich history of Ireland along with my deep ancestral roots in that country. My day dreams about learning new languages always went hand in hand with the imagery of world travel. The thought of exploring exotic and old world places far away from home intrigued me. My mind summoned several foreign adventures, but never did I think I would need to learn a foreign language to navigate my own life. In 2008, I heard the words, "Narcissistic Personality Disorder" (NPD) to describe my then-husband, Seth. It took a couple years for the reality of those three little words to really sink in. Looking back, the red flags had been waving in the wind since our very first date. Those flags grew taller and more vibrant in color during our marriage. As it turns out, those same red flags that had been lining my path for years were dipped in a highly flammable mixture of kerosene. I realized the danger only when they exploded near the end of my marriage. Like any unexpected explosion, I was unprepared and left nursing deep, emotional, third-degree burns. In my research, I discovered a new language which took quite a bit of studying and insight on NPD to understand. As it turns out, the reason that I was so bewildered by Seth's communication style was that we were speaking completely different languages. I spoke the English version of "human" while he was speaking the non-human "Narc-ish." I am convinced there is a Narc-ish dictionary or manual hidden deep in a dark, musty hole somewhere in a faraway land with step-by-step instructions on how to inflict fear, confusion and despair. From this land, narcissists hail. Their secret language can only be decoded by those who aren't fooled by the narcissist's stealth ability to inflict confusion and chaos with it. My computer has a feature that allows me to translate most languages. However, this particular area of my life requires technology that is a bit savvier. Need is the catalyst of industry: and I was in need of a device to decipher Narc-ish. So, I invented one. I call it the "Narc Decoder" and have made life-altering good use of it. The good news is, everyone has access to the Narc Decoder because it is a machine that I am honored to replicate and share with anyone who is forced to communicate with a narcissist. Once you understand how to use the Narc Decoder, your life will change for the better. You will become empowered and will regain your voice. Over time, you will begin to find humor in the communication style that once left you on your knees begging for mercy.
A successful co-parenting relationship is as vital to your child's well-being and health as nutritious food or proper exercise. Research, anecdotal evidence, and plain common sense all point to the fact that children are happier, healthier, and better adjusted when both of their parents play an active role in their lives. Studies also show that the trauma children experience in the wake of a divorce or separation can be lessened when they see their parents getting along. Kids whose parents successfully co-parent feel more secure than those who have limited or no connection to one of their parents post divorce. Co-Parenting 101 is based on the premise that co-parenting is a must, not an option. The involvement of both parents—not just the primary guardian—is the cornerstone of successful co-parenting. This is the first book written by a formerly married couple for whom co parenting is central to their day to day lives, and it offers a comprehensive, personal, and upfront look at how to effectively raise kids with an ex-spouse. Authors Deesha Philyaw and Michael D. Thomas, the creators of the popular co-parenting website,, share their own experiences raising their children together, as well as provide professional advice from co-parenting experts. Through practical tips combined with expert parental strategies, this book a great resource for divorced parents with children. For parents, less time stressed out about legal wrangling means more time to be fully present and engaged with the children. By learning to put their animosity aside, parents can focus on putting their kids first.
"In his mid-twenties, Jimmy was bored, boring, unfulfilled and underachieving. He wasn't exactly depressed, but he was very sad. Think of a baby owl whose mum has recently died in a windmill accident. He was that sad. This book tells the story of how Jimmy turned it around and got happy, through the redemptive power of dick jokes. Written to take advantage of the brief window between the end of lockdown and Jimmy getting cancelled for saying something unforgivable to Lorraine Kelly, this book is as timely as it is unnecessary. Because you might be interested in Jimmy's life but he's damn sure you're a lot more interested in your own, Before & Laughter is about both of you. But mainly him. It tells the story of Jimmy's life - the transformation from white-collar corporate drone to fake-toothed donkey-laugh plastic-haired comedy mannequin - while also explaining how to turn your own life around and become the you you've always dreamt of being. At just $30, it's cheaper than Scientology, quicker than therapy, and significantly less boring than church"--Publisher's description.
Leave a Cheater, Gain a Life is a no-nonsense self-help guide for anyone who has ever been cheated on. Here's advice not based on saving your relationship after infidelity—but saving your sanity. When it comes to cheating, a lot of the attention is focused on cheaters—their unmet needs or their challenges with monogamy. But Tracy Schorn (aka Chump Lady) lampoons such blameshifting and puts the focus squarely on the-cheated-upon (chumps) and their needs. Combining solid advice that champions self-respect, along with hilarious cartoons satirizing the pomposity of cheaters, Leave a Cheater, Gain a Life offers a fresh voice for chumps who want (and need) a new message about infidelity. This book will offer advice on Stupid sh*t cheaters say and how to respond, Rookie mistakes of the recently chumped and how to disarm your fears, Why chumps take the blame and how to protect yourself, and more. Full of snark, sass, and real wisdom about how to bounce back after the gut blow of betrayal, Schorn is the friend who guides you through this nightmare and gives you hope for a better life ahead.
Create Emotional Peace When Coparenting Children with a Narcissistic Ex During or After a High-Conflict Divorce; Create a Strong Resilient Mindset Using the Power of Affirmations Combined with Journaling and EFT tapping techniques. This Workbook is for any parent who may be dealing with emotional difficulties brought on by co-parenting with a toxic or narcissistic ex-partner. The Co-Parenting Kids With a Toxic Ex-Partner Affirmations, EFT and Journaling Workbook Gives You the Emotional Tools to Reduce Ongoing Inner Turmoil, Extreme Anxiety and Other Negative Emotions. Stay Focused on Your Objectives as a Parent. Show Inner Strength to Deal Calmly & Effectively With Your Ex-Partner. Deal With Your Emotions While Protecting Your Kids Come up With Solutions to Solve Any Problems And Much More… The powerful EFT tapping exercises, combined with targeted Affirmations and Journaling can help you create a healthy mindset and maintain your emotional balance even when your Nightmare Ex-Partner From Hell is trying to rile you up. Created by a therapist, these simple yet effective self-help techniques could be just what you need. Scroll up and Get Started Today!
Overcoming the Co-Parenting Trap helps parents understand the reasons why some children resist a parent during divorce-a reality that touches many families. Combining years of experience in intensive work with families struggling with parent-child estrangement, Overcoming Barriers' first publication offers practical insight on two central questions: Why does a child resist contact with a parent? How can I best support my child to have healthy relationships with both parents? This guide details practical strategies for working through the significant challenges both parents may experience with a resisting child. Common scenarios and concrete solutions are presented both for preferred parents and resisted parents."