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This chapter is devoted to understanding the difficulties faced by young competition law and economics academics (and those considering becoming competition academics) in new jurisdictions (in this chapter, New Academics). It also asks what can be done to help, in particular, those in poorer countries. New Academics face myriad difficulties in the developing world. They often include feelings of isolation, a lack of training (in both research and teaching), and limited infrastructure (there may be no broadband access, for example, and libraries can be sparse). So, it is often hard to persuade people to even consider academia as a career choice. It is even harder to generate interest in becoming a competition law and economics academic, partly because these disciplines are often unknown in new jurisdictions, which often means that there are few role models there. We want to help to develop research and teaching in competition law and economics in new jurisdictions. Promoting competition research should enable academics to translate the results of studies carried out elsewhere into their national contexts. We also hope that academics from developing countries will be able to come up with their own original research, which will benefit others as well. The laws developed in the West may be impossible to for new jurisdictions to enforce; but also they need different laws that address different goals. If this is true, greater efforts at translation are needed. In any event, this research should improve the insight into competition problems around the world, as well as feed directly into knowledge-based decision-making in the relevant country. This should bring with it pride and self-reliance, as well as better results. Improving the teaching in developing countries is important too. It gives these researchers a platform for testing and disseminating their ideas. This might be to help policy-makers to improve knowledge-based decision-making. It could also help to educate (future) lawyers, economists, competition authority officials, judges and civil society in general. This should mean that decisions are better and faster. This, in turn, should increase the benefits that competition can bring to these countries. This chapter is only the start of the conversation. It discusses the management and education literature dealing with the challenges of entering academia (or considering making this leap) in developing countries. This literature enriches the experience and comments of those present at the conference. However, one key weakness of our approach is that papers and experience are tied to specific countries, universities and people. This may limit the relevance of this chapter; discussion of development issues must take into account the people and context in issue. So, before we start, a health warning: more research is needed before we act. There is a history of unsuccessful intervention in this area. Failed schemes raise skepticism in the rich world which can, ultimately, undermine the appetite for trying to help; in the least developed countries, failure can shatter lives and undermine development for years to come.
'The most thoughtful collection available of insights into the challenges facing new competition jurisdictions. Whish and Townley have brought together experts on approaches global, comparative and local, combined with fresh inter-disciplinary insights. By combining law, economics and political economy, what emerges are pointed commentaries, and a rich source of principles and pragmatism. This book will guide the creators and enforcers of new competition law regimes.' – Philip Marsden, Director, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, and OFT Board Member 'This is a wonderful volume filled with good ideas. It evolves from the Sixth Conference of ASCOLA, the world association of competition law professors, which asked a group of young scholars how new competition law systems can be made more effective, and challenged the conference participants to interrogate the ideas. the resulting book is an admirable collection of insightful papers and commentary. For all who are interested in advancing younger competition law systems and their supporting academic communities, this volume must be read.' – Eleanor Fox, New York University School of Law, US This book focuses on the problems faced by newly-established competition authorities, and on shaping policies and building institutions in those jurisdictions. In particular four key issues encountered by new competition jurisdictions are considered, namely: the challenges and obstacles to adopting competition laws; institutional challenges and choices, with a specific focus on deterrence; the global perspective, with a specific focus on mergers; and a discussion of how to help young academics in new jurisdictions. Theoretical analysis is informed by practice throughout, and in particular by those considered to be at the cutting edge, either working in new competition authorities or from specialists advising them on a daily basis (such as those in the OECD and UNCTAD). New Competition Jurisdictions will be of great interest to lawyers, economists, academics, judges and public officials working in the fields of competition law and policy.
Competition law has expanded to more than 100 jurisdictions worldwide with varying degrees of economic, social, and institutional development, raising important questions as to what is the appropriate design of competition law regimes and the interaction between competition law and economic development. This volume, comprising a selection of papers from the 4th BRICS International Competition Conference written by academic and practising economists and lawyers from both developed and developing countries, is distinctive in its focus on a broader view of competition policy in BRICS and developing countries. It examines the role competition, the application of broader public interest and national interest concerns in the analysis and influence on developing country competition authorities' policy-making. The contributors address topics such as: - a broad view of competition policy; - making markets work for the people as a post millennium development goal; - some key issues concerning the further development of China's antimonopoly law; - remedies in BRICS countries; - public interest issues in cross-border mergers; - crafting creative remedies in food markets in South Africa; - what are African competition authorities doing to fight cartels?; - successes and challenges in the fight against cartels; and the economics of antitrust sanctioning.
'This is a very timely book which provides an unprecedented analysis of the factors which have shaped the competition law systems of ten Asian countries and Australia. The comprehensive discussion from varying viewpoints against the backdrop of the significantly different environments within which the respective regimes have developed creates a framework for the comparative assessment of competition law systems elsewhere in the world.' Lutz-Christian Wolff, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 'New competition laws have been adopted throughout Asia in recent years, and some of the older laws have been significantly strengthened. This makes Asia a fascinating region in which to look at the political and economic circumstances of the countries in which such laws are to be found, and to consider the very different conditions that exist within them. This book will be an invaluable guide to anyone with an interest in the developing competition law regimes of this immensely important part of the world.' Richard Whish, King's College London, UK This detailed book describes and analyses the essential political economy features that provide the backdrop to the competition policies and competition law regimes of several of the most important Asian economies. The book also discusses the impact of these political economy influences in determining whether the adopted competition policy is effective. Each of the authors experts in their respective countries offer specific insights into the nature and structure of their competition regimes and discuss to what extent the varied political economy factors unique to that country help to determine whether and to what extent the established system promotes or hinders economic competition in that jurisdiction. Comprising wide coverage of Asian jurisdictions, including Australia, this book will strongly appeal to students and academics of law, politics, economics and economic development, policy makers in national governments, international agencies and competition authorities, as well as practicing competition lawyers and in-house counsel.
There is ongoing debate as to what competition law and policy is most suitable for developing jurisdictions. This book argues that the unique characteristics of developing jurisdictions matter when crafting and enforcing competition law and these shoul
Comparative Competition Law examines the key global issues facing competition law and policy. This volume’s specially commissioned chapters by leading writers from the United States, Europe, Asia, South America, and Australia provide a synthesis of how these current issues are addressed by drawing on the approaches taken in different jurisdictions around the world. Expert contributors examine the regulation of core competitive conduct by comparing substantive law approaches in the US and the EU. The book then explores issues of enforcement – such as the regulator’s powers, whether to criminalize anti-competitive conduct, the degree to which private enforcement ought to be encouraged, and the extraterritorial scope of domestic laws. Finally, the book discusses how competition law is being implemented in a variety of countries, including Japan, China, Brazil, Chile, and Colombia. This scholarly analysis of the key substantive, procedural, and remedial challenges facing global competition law policymakers offers a comparative framework to facilitate a better understanding of relevant policies. This collection of global perspectives will be of great interest to scholars and students of competition law, microeconomics, and regulatory studies. Competition law regulators, policy makers, and law practitioners will also find this book an invaluable resource.
The vast majority of the countries in the world are developing countries—there are only thirty-four OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries—and yet there is a serious dearth of attention to developing countries in the international and comparative law scholarship, which has been preoccupied with the United States and the European Union. Competition Law and Development investigates whether or not the competition law and policy transplanted from Europe and the United States can be successfully implemented in the developing world or whether the developing-world experience suggests a need for a different analytical framework. The political and economic environment of developing countries often differs significantly from that of developed countries in ways that may have serious implications for competition law enforcement. The need to devote greater attention to developing countries is also justified by the changing global economic reality in which developing countries—especially China, India, and Brazil—have emerged as economic powerhouses. Together with Russia, the so-called BRIC countries have accounted for thirty percent of global economic growth since the term was coined in 2001. In this sense, developing countries deserve more attention not because of any justifiable differences from developed countries in competition law enforcement, either in theoretical or practical terms, but because of their sheer economic heft. This book, the second in the Global Competition Law and Economics series, provides a number of viewpoints of what competition law and policy mean both in theory and practice in a development context.
This book brings together perspectives of development economics and law to tackle the relationship between competition law enforcement and economic development. It addresses the question of whether, and how, competition law enforcement helps to promote economic growth and development. This question is highly pertinent for developing countries largely because many developing countries have only adopted competition law in recent years: about thirty jurisdictions had in place a competition law in the early 1980s, and there are now more than 130 competition law regimes across the world, of which many are developing countries. The book proposes a customized approach to competition law enforcement for developing countries, set against the background of the academic and policy debate concerning convergence of competition law. The implicit premise of convergence is that there may exist one, or a few, correct approaches to competition law enforcement, which in most cases emanate from developed jurisdictions, that are applicable to all. This book rejects this assumption and argues that developing countries ought to tailor competition law enforcement to their own economic and political circumstances. In particular, it suggests how competition law enforcement can better incorporate development concerns without causing undue dilution of its traditional focus on protecting consumer welfare. It proposes ways in which approaches to competition law enforcement need to be adjusted to reflect the special economic characteristics of developing country economies and the more limited enforcement capacity of developing country competition authorities. Finally, it also addresses the long-running debate concerning the desirability and viability of industrial policy for developing countries. The author would like to acknowledge the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong for its generous support. The work in this book was fully supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (Project No. HKU 742412H).
Significant power is exercised through webs created between different systems of national law, influenced by governments but also by transnational actors such as global corporations and transnational NGOs, and often with an overlay of formal international law or of substantial influence from international institutions. Studying the procedures used by competition institutions (dealing with specific cases concerning monopolies, mergers, anti-competitive practices) this volumes uses a template to study practices of many national institutions and the EU, and examines the interactions among these and with prescriptions of influential international bodies. Together these form a web, with existing procedural rules and practices in a particular institution criticized and alternatives championed and transmitted partly by prescription and partly by arguments of major global law firms, of global corporations, and of consultants dispatched by the ICN and other agencies. This whole process, examined for the first time in this book, is the real global governance of the procedural law and practices of market supervision under competition rules. Delving deeply into their jurisdictions and internationally, the contributors illuminate the inner workings of the systems and expose the procedure, process, and performance norms embedded within. Case studies are drawn from Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Japan, South Africa, the USA, and the EU, as well as four leading international institutions involved in antitrust, the World Trade Organization, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, and the International Competition Network. The results reveal a convergence of these norms across the very different systems, a procedural norms convergence that offers a necessary counterpart to studies on substantive rule convergence. These results provide benchmarks for the field, suggest possibilities for future development, and offer lessons for all interested in competition law and global governance.
'This volume contains many excellent chapters on some of the most cutting edge topics in competition law today. Among the contributions are assessments of new approaches to competition law analysis, analyses of central and controversial topics in the relationship between competition law and intellectual property, and explorations of new transnational developments in China and elsewhere. The chapters range from studies of specific cases to broad interpretations of major trends. I found many of them to be highly insightful and very useful.' – David J. Gerber, Chicago-Kent College of Law, US 'This fresh collection of essays by scholars from around the world lives up to its title: it stakes out more common ground for the competition law systems of nations. The chapters result from the fourth annual conference of the Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA). The essays cover major issues that reverberate around the world today, including: How should we think about the economic foundations of competition law in view of new research on behavioral economics and consumer choice? What is the future of the treatment of resale price maintenance? What is the proper fit of intellectual property with competition law? And how do we promote competition law and policy across borders? The collection offers insight from law, economics, political science, business strategy, and history.' – Eleanor Fox, New York University, US In recent years, an impressive proliferation of competition laws has been seen around the world. Whilst this development may lead to greater diversity of approaches, economic arguments may promote convergence. The contributions to this book look at a number of most topical issues by asking whether the competition world is turning more towards convergence or diversity. These issues include, among others, the changing role of economics in times of economic crises and political change, the introduction of criminal sanctions, resale-price maintenance, unilateral conduct and the application of competition law to intellectual property and state-owned enterprises. More Common Ground for International Competition Law will appeal to academics, PhD students, and postgraduate students law and economics, members of competition agencies, legal practice and international business.