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Although air quality has improved substantially in the U.S. in the 40 years of the EPA's Clean Air Act regulation, many issues remain unresolved. Recently, members of Congress from both parties have raised questions regarding the cost-effectiveness of, and authority for, EPA actions. This report focuses on three areas of likely interest to the 112th Congress: greenhouse gas regulations, emissions from power plants (including interstate pollution and mercury emissions), and air quality standards. Contents: Intro.; EPA's Greenhouse Gas Regulations; Legislation on Climate Change; Emissions from Power Plants; Clean Air Interstate Rule; Clean Air Mercury Rule; Air Quality Standards; Other Issues. Illustrations. This is a print on demand report.
The Clean Air Act and its 1990 amendments appear to have contributed to a marked improvement in air quality nationwide. Of nearly 100 metropolitan areas not meeting air quality standards for ozone in 1990, more than two-thirds now do so. Even greater progress has been achieved with carbon monoxide: 36 of 42 areas not in attainment in 1990 now meet the standard. Nevertheless, EPA remains concerned about air pollution. In 1997, the Agency promulgated major revisions to its air quality standards for ozone and particulates, an action that would require most states and urban areas to establish additional controls on a wide range of pollution sources. The revised standards were challenged by numerous parties and the courts have remanded the standards to EPA. Implementation is currently in limbo, pending resolution of appeals by the Supreme Court.
Contents: (1) Intro.; (2) EPA's Greenhouse Gas Regulations; (3) Legislation on Climate Change: Legislative and Regulatory Issues; Cap-and-Trade; GHG Emission Standards; HFC Cap-and-Trade; Removal of Existing EPA Authorities; Agricultural Sources of Emissions; Internat. Offsets; Tariff Provisions; State Preemption; Experience with Other Cap-and-Trade Systems; (4) Emissions from Power Plants: Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR): N. Carolina v. EPA; Effects of the Decision; Judicial and Legislative Options; Clean Air Mercury Rule: Background; NJ v. EPA; Other Mercury Issues; Next Steps; New Source Review; (5) Air Quality Standards; Background; Judicial Reviews; Adequacy of Monitoring. Illus. This is a print on demand publication.