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Dr. Richard I. Evans interviews Jung about his relationship to Freud and his differences with Freudian theory, his views of the unconscious, introversion-extroversion theories, his concept of archetypes, and his responses to some of the contemporary challenges to psychology.
Find out all you need to know about Hadith methodology and literature.
The contributions in this volume offer the first comprehensive effort to describe and analyse the collection, classification, presentation and methodology of information in the knowledge society of mediæval Islam in the disciplines of religious and legal learning, as well as the rational sciences of Hellenistic origin philosophy, mathematical and medical sciences. The volume begins with a general discussion of the concept of encyclopædia. Successive chapters explore the bases of authority in the institutions of religion and law; biographical literature and handbooks of law; compendia of scientific and philosophical learning based on Iranian and Greek sources; and the more specialised expositions of mathematics and philosophy. The special character of Muslim institutions, their teaching traditions and syllabi is also put into perspective.This is a reference work for the principal genres of enyclopædic outlines and manuals biography, legal handbooks, historiography of knowledge transmission, cosmography, and the philosophical sciences and a major contribution to the literary and intellectual history of scholarly writing in the pre-modern Islamic world.
Preface p. vii Part 1 The Epistemological Foundation of Islamic Science Chapter 1 Religious Consciousness and the Scientific Spirit in Islamic Tradition p. 1 Chapter 2 The Question of Methodology in Islamic Science p. 13 Chapter 3 The Place of Doubt in Islamic Epistemology: al-Ghazzali's Philosophical Experience p. 39 Part 2 Man, Nature, and God in Islamic Science Chapter 4 The Unity of Science and Spiritual Knowledge: The Islamic Experience p. 61 Chapter 5 The Atomistic Conception of Nature in Ash'arite Theology p. 77 Chapter 6 An Introduction to the Philosophy of Islamic Medicine p. 103 Part 3 Islamic Science and the West Chapter 7 The Influence of Islamic Science on Medieval Christian Conceptions of Nature p. 131 Chapter 8 "Umar Khayyam's Criticism of Euclid's Theory of Parallels p. 157 Part 4 Islam and Modern Science Chapter 9 Islam and Bioethics p. 173 Chapter 10 Muslim Intellectual Responses to Modern Science p. 201 Chapter 11 Islam, Science and Technology: Past Glory, Present Predicaments, and The Shaping of The Future p. 227 Appendix Designing a Sound Syllabus for Courses on Philosophy of Applied and Engineering Sciences in a 21st Century Islamic University p. 243 Index.
Within the field of Islamic Studies, scientific research of Muslim theology is a comparatively young discipline. Much progress has been achieved over the past decades with respect both to discoveries of new materials and to scholarly approaches to the field. The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Theology provides a comprehensive and authoritative survey of the current state of the field. It provides a variegated picture of the state of the art and at the same time suggests new directions for future research. Part One covers the various strands of Islamic theology during the formative and early middle periods, rational as well as scripturalist. To demonstrate the continuous interaction among the various theological strands and its repercussions (during the formative and early middle period and beyond), Part Two offers a number of case studies. These focus on specific theological issues that have developed through the dilemmatic and often polemical interactions between the different theological schools and thinkers. Part Three covers Islamic theology during the later middle and early modern periods. One of the characteristics of this period is the growing amalgamation of theology with philosophy (Peripatetic and Illuminationist) and mysticism. Part Four addresses the impact of political and social developments on theology through a number of case studies: the famous mi?na instituted by al-Ma'mun (r. 189/813-218/833) as well as the mihna to which Ibn 'Aqil (d. 769/1367) was subjected; the religious policy of the Almohads; as well as the shifting interpretations throughout history (particularly during Mamluk and Ottoman times) of the relation between Ash'arism and Maturidism that were often motivated by political motives. Part Five considers Islamic theological thought from the end of the early modern and during the modern period.
This is the first English translations of one of the most popular manuals of Islam ever written. It is divided into seventy-seven chapters, each dealing with a major aspect of Islam, giving the relevant Quranic verses and authentic Hadiths for each. The book is an essential tool for all English-speaking Muslims.
In today’s complex and volatile world the consequences of relying on fraudulent and counterfeit Hadith to legitimize extremist behavior, issue violent fatwas, and justify blatant abuse, particularly of women, is not only far too easy but in fact dangerous. Israr Khan addresses the sensitive topic of Hadith authentication, focusing on the criteria adopted by classical scholars to maintain that concentration on the continuity and accuracy of the chain of narrators, rather than the textual content of Hadith, has led to particular Hadith being included which either contradict other Hadith directly, project the Prophet (SAAS) in an uncharacteristic light, or do not reflect and/or conflict with the teachings of the Qur’an. The study traces in careful detail the historical development of the oral and written traditions, as well as the many targeted attempts at fabrication that took place, critiquing in methodical detail certain Hadith which have come to be widely accepted as “authentic.” The prominent collections we have today, were made possible by the development of the science of Hadith criticism, and Muslim scholars deserve deep appreciation for their painstaking work, as well as their invaluable contribution towards preserving the Hadith literature to the best of their ability. However, insists the author, the process is ongoing, and the closed door policy which currently surrounds Hadith authentication needs to be carefully reexamined.
This excellent book is translated from the original Arabic book 'Nidham ul Islam' by Sheikh Taqiuddin An Nabahani, an Islamic jurist, 'alim, writer and the founder of Hizb ut-Tahrir - the largest Islamic global political party under a single leadership. It lays out the fundamentals to develop a strong Islamic personality and da'wah carrier. It begins with laying the foundation by explaining the correct way to belief. It proves the existence of a creator intellectually and the Quran as the final revelation sent to humanity by Allah (swt). It then goes on to clarify the important creedal concept of Al-Qada wal Qadar (fate and destiny), which is often held in a vague or confused manner. The third chapter, its largest concentrates on explaining the different ideologies that exists namely Capitalism, Communism and Islam highlighting the differences between them giving the reader a clear framework to understand the world that we live in. After having laid the basis for the correct belief, intellectual and political thinking, it then moves onto address the key Islamic legal principles. The short chapters are intended to focus on the most important aspects such as Usuli subjects like the meaning of Hukm Shar'i, the types of ahkam shariah, Sunnah and emulating (ta'assi) the actions of the Messenger (saw). The last section of the book also clarifies misconceptions regarding spirituality and morals according to Islam as well as articulating the need for a constitution for the future Islamic state.