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Electronic Inspection Copy available for instructors here The field of social psychology is defined by a number of 'classic studies' that all students need to understand and engage with. These include ground-breaking experiments by researchers such as Asch, Festinger, Milgram, Sherif, Tajfel and Zimbardo. With the help of international experts who are renowned for work that has extended upon these researchers' insights, this book re-examines these classic studies through careful reflection on their findings and a lively discussion of the subsequent work that they have inspired. Organized in a way that way maps onto the content of most introductory courses, this title can work at a number of levels: as an accessible text for introductory classes that present a historical analysis of social psychology via its key studies, or as a broad-ranging text for higher-level courses that survey contemporary theory and encourage critical thinking. More generally, it is a compelling read for anyone who wants to know more about social psychology and the dramatic studies that lie at its heart.
Have you heard about the man who lived with a hole in his head? Or the boy raised by his parents as a girl? From the woman with multiple personalities, to the man with no brain, this collection of case studies provides a compelling insight into the human mind. This is a fascinating collection of human stories. Some are well-known case studies that have informed clinical practice, others are relatively unknown. For this edition, Rolls has added recent research findings on each case study plus four brand new cases: the story of Washoe, the ape who could communicate; the much debated case of Holly Ramona and repressed memory; and Kim Peek, the real 'Rainman'. Classic Case Studies in Psychology is for everyone who has ever wondered about the stranger side of life. No prior knowledge of psychology is required, just an open mind. For those who wish to use this book as part of their studies, or who are just keen to learn more, fun multiple choice questions, fascinating further reading, helpful web links, and self-assessment questions are all available free on our website, Prepare to be amazed ...
The typical survey course in psychology has time for only limited presentation of the research on which our knowledge is based. As a result, many students come away with a limited understanding of the role of experiments in psychological science. Where do experiments come from and how are they conducted? What are the pitfalls and how can we avoid them? What advantages do they have over intuition, authority, and common sense as guides to knowing and acting? What distinguishes research-based psychology from psychobabble? What have we learned from experimentation in psychology? This book presents, in more depth than textbook treatment permits, the background, conduct, and implications of a selection of classic experiments in psychology. The selection is designed to be diverse, showing that even for research in vastly different areas of study, the logic of research remains the same—as do its traps and pitfalls. This book will broaden and deepen the understanding of experimental methods in psychological research, examining where the research questions come from, how questions can be turned into experiments, and how researchers have faced the problems presented by research in psychology.
Used widely as a supplement to psychology texts, Classic Studies describes fi fteen cornerstone psychological experiments in detail (such as Pavlov's Condition Refl ex, Sperry's Split Brain, Piaget's Conservation, and Bartlett's War of the Ghosts) and places each experiment in historical context.
Revisiting the Classic Studies is a series of texts that introduces readers to the studies in psychology that changed the way we think about core topics in the discipline today. It provokes students to ask more interesting and challenging questions about the field by encouraging a deeper level of engagement both with the details of the studies themselves and with the nature of their contribution. Edited by leading scholars in their field and written by researchers at the cutting edge of these developments, the chapters in each text provide details of the original works and their theoretical and empirical impact, and then discuss the ways in which thinking and research has advanced in the years since the studies were conducted. Cognitive Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies traces 14 ground-breaking studies by researchers such as Chomsky, Tulving and Stroop to re-examine and reflect on their findings and engage in a lively discussion of the subsequent work that they have inspired. Suitable for students on cognitive psychology courses at all levels, as well as anyone with an enquiring mind.
While the field of classics has informed and influenced the early developments of the field of psychology, these two disciplines presently enjoy fewer fruitful cross-fertilizations than one would expect. This book shows how the study of classics can help psychologists anchor their scientific findings in a historical, literary and philosophical framework, while insights of contemporary psychology offer new hermeneutic methods and explanations to classicists. This book is the first to date to offer a wide-ranging overview of the possibilities of marrying contemporary trends in psychology and classical studies. Advocating a critical dialogue between both disciplines, it offers novel reflections on psychotherapy, ancient philosophy, social psychology, literature and its theory, historiography, psychoanalysis, tragedy, the philosophy of mind, linguistics and reception. With twenty contributions by specialists in different fields, it promotes the combination of classical and psychological perspectives, and demonstrates the methods and rewards of such an endeavour through concrete case studies. This pioneering book is thus intended for all readers who seek inspiration for their readings, research, or therapeutic practice.
Discursive Psychology is the first collection to systematically and critically appraise the influence and development of its foundational studies, exploring central concepts in social psychology such as attitudes, gender, cognition, memory, prejudice, and ideology. The book explores how discursive psychology has accommodated and responded to assumptions contained in classic studies, discussing what can still be gained from a dialogue with these inquiries, and which epistemological and methodological debates are still running, or are worth reviving. International contributors look back at the original ideas in the classic papers, and consider the impact on and trajectory of subsequent work. Each chapter locates a foundational paper in its academic context, identifying the concerns that motivated the author and the particular perspective that informed their thinking. The contributors go on to identify the main empirical, theoretical or methodological contribution of the paper and its impact on consequent work in discursive psychology, including the contributors’ own work. Each chapter concludes with a critical consideration of how discursive psychology can continue to develop. This book is a timely contribution to the advance of discursive psychology by fostering critical perspectives upon its intellectual and empirical agenda. It will appeal to those working in the area of discursive psychology, discourse analysis and social interaction, including researchers, social psychologists and students.
Kierkegaard's Psychology, filled with penetrating analyses of the most central and important problems of psychology, opens a new window to understand these enduring problems through a Kierkegaardian lens. Explanations cover the full spectrum of expected topics: sexuality and the damages connected to moralistic condemnation of sexuality; identity and awareness; escape and despair; instinct, guilt, defense, and self-delusion; anxiety, duplicity, conflict, and crisis; the state of encapsulation in which the individual rejects communication with the world and circles around himself; and the list goes on to include varieties of neurosis and psychosis. Parallels are made to Freudian and post-Freudian psychology, but the accent is put on Kierkegaard's major psychological project, namely, the analysis that obduracy, that sin, which consists in rejecting the possibility of being helped, in turning down recovery and clinging to one's own state of despair in spiteful love of it, leads individuals into the tragic zone of perpetually cherishing their own states of crisis. In the end, readers who either have no knowledge of Kierkegaard's concept of existentialism or a wrong notion of it, will be surprised to discover how very straightforward and realistic the Kierkegaardian problems are.
Classic and Contemporary Perspectives in Social Psychology illuminates the dynamic linkages among social organization, interaction processes, attitudes, and the self. It exposes students to the broad range of topics of interest to social psychologists and to the diverse methods that they use. Bringing together a wide variety of captivating classic and contemporary selections, this anthology includes work from a symbolic interactionist perspective as well as studies informed by expectation states theory, experimental social psychology, and life course sociology. The selections address the social psychological underpinnings and outcomes of group dynamics, social stratification, bureaucracy, deviant behavior, globalization, and technological change. The reader's innovative structure allows students to experience the foundational work of influential sociologists and psychologists through the lens of cutting-edge issues. This groundbreaking collection features brief excerpts from the classic literature of social psychology (by Emory Bogardus, Melvin Kohn, Stanley Milgram, Muzafer Sherif, Philip Zimbardo, and others). These texts are paired with explanatory comments by the editors and contemporary writings that show the earlier studies' relevance to contemporary social issues. Classic and Contemporary Perspectives in Social Psychology is enhanced by several pedagogical features, including introductory comments that highlight the connections between the classic and contemporary selections, highly engaging discussion questions for each article and unit, and a wide variety of supplemental resources (readings, websites, films, and radio programs). It is ideal for both undergraduate and graduate courses in social psychology.
1. Biology and Human Behavior. One Brain or Two, Gazzaniga, M.S. (1967). The split brain in man. More Experience = Bigger Brain? Rosenzweig, M.R., Bennett, E.L. & Diamond M.C. (1972). Brain changes in response to experience. Are You a Natural? Bouchard, T., Lykken, D., McGue, M., Segal N., & Tellegen, A. (1990). Sources of human psychological difference: The Minnesota study of twins raised apart. Watch Out for the Visual Cliff! Gibson, E.J., & Walk, R.D. (1960). The visual cliff. 2. Perception and Consciousness. What You See Is What You've Learned. Turnbull C.M. (1961). Some observations regarding the experience and behavior of the BaMuti Pygmies. To Sleep, No Doubt to Dream... Aserinsky, E. & Kleitman, N. (1953). Regularly occurring periods of eye mobility and concomitant phenomena during sleep. Dement W. (1960). The effect of dream deprivation. Unromancing the Dream... Hobson, J.A. & McCarley, R.W. (1977). The brain as a dream-state generator: An activation-synthesis hypothesis of the dream process. Acting as if You Are Hypnotized Spanos, N.P. (1982). Hypnotic behavior: A cognitive, social, psychological perspective. 3. Learning and Conditioning. It's Not Just about Salivating Dogs! Pavlov, I.P.(1927). Conditioned reflexes. Little Emotional Albert. Watson J.B. & Rayner, R. (1920). Conditioned emotional responses. Knock Wood. Skinner, B.F. (1948). Superstition in the pigeon. See Aggression...Do Aggression! Bandura, A., Ross, D. & Ross, S.A. (1961). Transmission of aggression through imitation of aggressive models. 4. Intelligence, Cognition, and Memory. What You Expect Is What You Get. Rosenthal, R. & Jacobson, L. (1966). Teacher's expectancies: Determinates of pupils' IQ gains. Just How are You Intelligent? H. Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. Maps in Your Mind. Tolman, E.C. (1948). Cognitive maps in rats and men. Thanks for the Memories. Loftus, E.F. (1975). Leading questions and the eyewitness report. 5. Human Development. Discovering Love. Harlow, H.F.(1958). The nature of love. Out of Sight, but Not Out of Mind. Piaget, J. (1954). The construction of reality in the child: The development of object concept. How Moral are You? Kohlberg, L.., (1963). The development of children's orientations toward a moral order: Sequence in the development of moral thought. In Control and Glad of It! Langer, E.J. & Rodin, J. (1976). The effects of choice and enhanced responsibility for the aged: A field experiment in an institutional setting. 6. Emotion and Motivation. A Sexual Motivation... Masters, W.H. & Johnson, V.E. (1966). Human sexual response. I Can See It All Over Your Face! Ekman, P. & Friesen, V.W. (1971). Constants across cultures in the face and emotion. Life, Change, and Stress. Holmes, T.H. & Rahe, R.H. (1967). The Social Readjustment Rating Scale. Thoughts Out of Tune. Festinger, L. & Carlsmith, J.M. (1959). Cognitive consequences of forced compliance. 7. Personality. Are You the Master of Your Fate? Rotter, J.B. (1966). Generalized expectancies for internal versus external control of reinforcement. Masculine or Feminine or Both? Bem, S.L. (1974). The measurement of psychological androgyny. Racing Against Your Heart. Friedman, M. & Rosenman, R.H. (1959). Association of specific overt behavior pattern with blood and cardiovascular findings. The One; The Many..., Triandis, H., Bontempo, R., Villareal, M., Asai, M. & Lucca, N. (1988). Individualism and collectivism: Cross-cultural perspectives on self-ingroup relationships. 8. Psychopathology. Who's Crazy Here, Anyway? Rosenhan, D.L. (1973). On Being sane in insane places. Learning to Be Depressed. Seligman, M.E.P., & Maier, S.F. (1967). Failure to escape traumatic shock. You're Getting Defensive Again! Freud, A. (1946). The ego and mechanisms of defense. Crowding into the Behavioral Sink. Calhoun, J.B. (1962). Population density and social pathology. 9. Psychotherapy. Choosing Your Psychotherapist. Smith, M.L. & Glass, G.V. (1977). Meta-analysis of psychotherapy outcome studies. Relaxing Your Fears Away. Wolpe, J. (1961). The systematic desensitization of neuroses. Projections of Who You Are. Rorschach, H. (1942). Psychodiagnostics: A diagnostic test based on perception. Picture This! Murray, H.A. (1938). Explorations in personality. 10. Social Psychology. Not Practicing What You Preach. LaPiere, R.T. (1934). Attitudes and actions. The Power of Conformity. Asch, S.E. (1955). Opinions and social pressure. To Help or Not to Help. Darley, J.M. & Latané, B. (1968). Bystander intervention in emergencies: Diffusion of responsibility. Obey at Any Cost. Milgram, S. (1963). Behavioral study of obedience.