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What constitutes a city? How does human settlement in a specific site create a civilization? Civitas, the latest issue of the Harvard Architectural Review, presents a series of provocative responses to these questions. Architects, critics, educators, and planners investigate the conflict between contemporary constructs of human settlement and more traditional definitions of cities. Through a combination of projects and theoretical essays, Civitas aims to provide a more diverse understanding of the nature of urbanism and community. "The conception of community as an orderly or focused environment in the landscape is an expression predominantly derived from the Western medieval city and perception. This idea has been copied, transformed, and even romanticized, but today its structure is no longer the image that dominates the landscape". -- from the introduction to Civitas
"The best study so far about the virtual collapse in the late twentieth century of South Jersey's largest city."--New York Times.
Civitas is an interdisciplinary collection of essays on the meaning of the city as human artifact, repository of memory, and the image either of heaven or hell. Drawing on scholars of Bible, theology, worship, literature, and the visual arts, the collection traces religious notions of the city from biblical times to the present. This work is especially suitable for courses on the city, whether those courses be sponsored by departments of religious studies, literature, sociology, or history.
This tale, "The City of the Sun" is told to author by a sea captain about his visit to an island Taprobane. The Protagonist describes his search for this land where the labor is divided equally among people who work for common good and not for money. The novel certainly depicts the author's utopian vision and reflects the idealism and revolutionary trends of thought in the age of reason. Appealing!
Based on the authors' rich experiences, this book demonstrates that evaluation of measures aimed at more sustainable mobility is a useful task which can be learned by everybody. By integrating theory and practice it offers richly-illustrated case examples and cartoons to provide hands on advice. It offers a framework for thinking about evaluation of mobility-related measures and outlines the necessary steps for good evaluation practice. Key Features •Richly illustrated by comics and on real measure examples. •A step-by-step hands on guide for practitioners.
The Political Philosophy of the European City is a courageous and wide-ranging panorama of the political life and thought of the European city. Its novel hypothesis is that modern Western political thought, since the time of Hobbes and Locke, underestimated the political significance and value of the community of urban citizens, called ‘civitas’, united by local customs, or even a formal or informal urban constitution at a certain location, which had a recognizable countenance, with natural and man-made, architectural marks, called ‘urbs’. Recalling the golden age of the European city in ancient Greece and Rome, and offering a detailed description of its turbulent life in the Renaissance Italian city-states, it makes a case for the city not only as a hotbed of modern democracy, but also as a remedy for some of the distortions of political life in the alienated contemporary, centralized, Weberian bureaucratic state. Overcoming the north-south divide, or the core and periphery partition, the book’s material is particularly rich in Central European case studies. All in all, it is an enjoyable read which offers sound arguments to revisit the offer of the small and middle-sized European town, in search of a more sustainable future for Europe.
This book provides a survey of modern debates on Greek and Roman cities, and a sketch of the cities' chief characteristics.
This Companion offers the first systematic analysis of the body in literature, from the Middle Ages to the present day.
Although many studies have been devoted to Augustine's City of God and its most important theme, viz. the antithesis between the civitas Dei and the terrena civitas,until now no consensus has been reached concerning the sources of this doctrine. Was Augustine decisively influenced by Manichaeism, by (Neo)Platonism, the Stoa or Philo, by the Donatist Tyconius? Or should we look in another direction and refer to preceding Christian, Jewish, and especially to archaic Jewish-Christian traditions? This lucidly written books opens with a survey of the research carried out so far on the aim, structure and central theme of the City of God. Chapter 2 analyzes the essentials of Augustine's life, of his City of God, and of his doctrine of the two cities. Making use of one of the recently discovered letters of Augustine in Chapter 3 the author describes the City of God as an apology and as a catechetical work. Chapter 4 provides an investigation into the possible sources of Augustine's doctrine of the two cities in Manichaeism, in (Neo)Platonism, the Stoa and Philo, and in the works of Tyconius. The idea of two antithetical cities proves to be present most clearly in writings in which, closely related to Jewish thinking, archaic Christian concepts occupy an important place. In a final chapter some pertinent remarks are made on Jewish and Jewish-Christian influences on pre-Augustinian Christianity in Africa.