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When the people of God returned from exile, they built a Second Temple. "But many of the priests and Levites and heads of father's houses, old men who had seen the first house, wept with a loud voice when they saw the foundation of this house being laid, though many shouted aloud for joy" (Ezra 3:12). The Second Temple existed from around 516 BC to AD 70 and served as the temple for Jesus and Paul. But the Second Temple was missing five things: the ark of the covenant, the glory, divine fire, the Urim and Thummim, and the prophetic voice. Many people of God are weeping today because they experience a church empty of presence and glory. There is something missing. We have lost the glory of His presence. We no longer carry discernment or speak the prophetic word to the nations. Could the church today be missing the same things as the Second Temple? The church, as the final temple of God, should be the place of His presence and fullness of the Spirit. We should be the fiery voice of discernment and truth. The church must recover what is missing. We can restore what is missing, or we can become the Church of the Missing Five.
The Church of England still seemed an essential part of Englishness, and even of the British state, when Mrs Thatcher was elected in 1979. The decades which followed saw a seismic shift in the foundations of the C of E, leading to the loss of more than half its members and much of its influence. In England today 'religion' has become a toxic brand, and Anglicanism something done by other people. How did this happen? Is there any way back? This 'relentlessly honest' and surprisingly entertaining book tells the dramatic and contentious story of the disappearance of the Church of England from the centre of public life. The authors – religious correspondent Andrew Brown and academic Linda Woodhead – watched this closely, one from the inside and one from the outside. That Was the Church, That Was shows what happened and explains why.
The adventures and experiences of five boys as they secretly explore an underground labyrinth.
As early as 50 AD, Christians had gotten away from knowing who Jesus really is. Our generation is no different. In every decade we, as Americans, lost something important that we couldn't afford to lose: In the 1950's, we lost innocence In the 1960's, we lost respect for authority In the 1970's, we lost love In the 1980's, we lost values In the 1990's, we lost faith In the 2000's, we lost security In the 2010's, we lost hope in the future What can restore what we've lost? Only Jesus. Jesus gave us His name, His friendship, and a commission to accept responsibility for ourselves and for the world. When introduced to His wordsandways we'll rediscover the Jesus who: Wants His enemies won over, not wiped out Wants you to stop playing it safe Believed great things were possible no matter what things are like right now Was full of grace and truth Unleashed compassion Believed no one was too far from God to return to Him Came to seek and to save that which was lost Loves the church Pastor Ray Johnston shares the Jesus of the Bible and how we can be Christians without being jerks. He reveals how the radical message of the gospel calls us to love and serve not only our neighbors but our enemies as well. That’s the Jesus the American Church has missed and needs to meet. Jesus' mission is clear—risk everything in order to take care of people, starting in our home, neighborhoods, cities, and those in need around the world. That's the Jesus the American Church has missed and needs to meet.
Presented here are two volumes of apocryphal writings reflecting the life and time of the Old and New Testaments. Stories told by contemporary fiction writers of historical Bible times in fascinating and beautiful style.
What ever happened to the Virgin Mary in the modern Catholic Church? For the past forty years her presence has been radically minimized. In a groundbreaking work, Charlene Spretnak cuts across the battle lines delineated by the left and the right within the Church to champion the recovery of the full spiritual presence of Mary. Spretnak, a liberal Catholic, sheds new light on the dethroning of the Queen of Heaven at Vatican II, and she traces the rise of a grassroots resurgence of Marian spirituality in recent years. She offers fresh reflections on the meaning of Mary, situating the Marian renewal in the larger context of contemporary efforts to correct the barrenness and sterility of modernity. Spretnak also notes that much of the cosmological symbolism traditionally associated with Mary as the Queen of Heaven and the maternal matrix is simpatico with recent discoveries in scientific cosmology about the profoundly relational nature of the Creation. Moreover, Spretnak asserts that a deep loss ensues for women in particular when Mary's female embodiment of grace and mystical presence is denied and replaced with a strictly text-bound version of her as a Nazarene housewife. Complete with a striking insert of contemporary Marian art, Missing Mary is a deeply insightful reflection on Mary in the modern age.
Billy Don't, a novel, takes place in Oakland, and other parts of California during the 1930's. It is a story of the conflicts and behaviors which take place in a young boy who is placed with his older sister and younger brother in a boarding home run by the Blair's. The conflict comes form the evangeslistic preaching of Mrs. Blair who constantly tells Billy, "Your sole will turn black" or "God will send you to the Devil," and the other understandings he has gained from his grandmother who has taught, "God sees the good in you." Billy's often wild and vicious behaviors are driven by his hatred for Mrs. Blair. It is a story of young boy's desperate search for love and understanding.
Don’t trust your instincts—there is a better path to becoming a better man. It’s no secret: today’s men face a dilemma. Our culture tells them that their instincts are either toxic or salvific. Men are left with only two options: deconstruct and forfeit masculine identity or embrace it with wild abandon. They’re left to decide between ignoring their instincts or indulging them. Neither approach helps them actually understand their own masculine experiences nor how those experiences can lead them to become better men of God. The Bible doesn’t shy away from the reality of masculine instincts nor all of the ways those instincts can lead to destruction. Examining the lives of five men of the Bible, The 5 Masculine Instincts shows that these men aren’t masculine role models or heroes but are men who wrestled with their own desires and, by faith, matured them into something better. Through this book you’ll discover your own instincts are neither curse nor virtue. They are the experiences by which you develop a new and better instinct—an instinct of faith. By exploring sarcasm, adventure, ambition, reputation, and apathy, The 5 Masculine Instincts shows you how to better understand yourself and how your own instincts can be matured into something better. This is the path by which we become better men.