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The big terror events that keep hitting the news headlines - could these possibly be organized by elements within the nation-state, and not by the 'terrorists' we're told about? Has state-fabricated terror in fact been the main art-form of the 21st century?
The Emperor's New Airplanes is a comprehensive overview of the War on Terror, initiated by the 9/11 attacks. The book exposes the false flag nature of the events of September 11, 2001 and shows the complicity of the US government in the attacks. The book analyzes the physical evidence and concludes that the so-called investigations by the 9/11 Commission, FEMA, and NIST were complete whitewashes of the truth. In particular, the lack of military response to the attacks is shown to be deliberate, as the events were clearly planned to promote a twisted agenda. The book details the roles of intelligence agencies such as the CIA and the FBI in setting up the patsies beforehand and covering up the truth afterwards. It shows how the al-Qaeda network was created and maintained by the CIA for 20 years prior to 9/11, and how innocent Muslims were entrapped into terror plots by the FBI in an attempt to exaggerate the terror threat. Abuses at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib are detailed to show the true sinister nature of the War on Terror. The murder of Osama bin Laden by US Navy SEALS is shown to be fraudulent, and was just another chapter in the ongoing psy-op to dupe the public. Also discussed is the extremely taboo subject of Israeli involvement in the attacks, along with some very compelling evidence that they played a major role. Security arrangements for the WTC and airports involved are discovered to be in the control of the Israeli government, through the Mossad. Atrocities committed against civilians by the US military are exposed and shown to be flagrant war crimes. Also of great significance are the insider trading before the attacks and the war profiteering afterwards, both of which are largely ignored by mainstream media. The psychology of denial regarding 9/11 truth is discussed, as well as the media influence on public perception of the events. Other false flag operations throughout history are summarized to give an overview of how common this practice is in political and military circles. All of this is aimed at creating a police state in the USA, and the prison camps are already prepared and waiting to be filled with dissenters. The ultimate goal of all this is the creation of a new world order with the seat of government in Israel.
First-ever book documenting ADMISSIONS of false flag terrorism around the world, including false flags in the following countries (in alphabetical order):1.Algeria2.Britain 3.Burma (Myanmar)4.Canada5.Colombia6.Egypt7.France8.Germany9.India10.Indonesia11.Israel12.Italy13.Japan14.Kuwait15.Macedonia16.Mexico17.Russia18.Rwanda19.Saudi Arabia20.South Africa21.Turkey22.Ukraine23.United States24.VenezuelaThis book cuts through all of the wordiness, confusion and clutter, and simply documents - in as concise a manner as possible - ADMITTED historical false flag attacks. By examining specific historical incidents, one can gain insight into what false flags actually are ... and are not. Why would government officials admit that they carried out false flags? There are a variety of reasons, including: (1)An opportunity to obtain amensty if they confess their actions before they are convicted of war crimes, such as with South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission; (2) Leaking or declassification;(3)Video taken by bystanders; or(4)Human motivations such as trying to justify their actions or atone for their sins.Regardless of the reasons, there is an irrefutable historical record ... for anyone willing to look
False Flags are real, though the Deep State prefers you believe they are the product of "unhinged conspiracy nuts."False flags are real and have been used on many occasions to advance nations into war, change regimes or radically sway public opinion. But not every event is a false flag and not every conspiracy theory is correct, as there are literally hundreds of them circulating for every national crisis that is mentioned in the news.And behind the scenes are government forces--domestic and foreign--working to infiltrate and undermine those organizations that best analyze the available data and threaten to expose the perfidy of the false-flag orchestrators.In this book are chapters on some of the best-known false flags in American history and a few chapters on strange events, shootings, and bombings that have spurred some seemingly incredible theories.Author Clint Lacy examines the official narratives of each of these events (and many more) and then provides information that contradicts the official story, proving that we, as citizens, need to be ever vigilant, refusing to accept without independent investigation any scenario the Deep State foists upon us.
A New York Times Notable Book of 2020 “[A] sweeping and authoritative history" (The New York Times Book Review), Black Wave is an unprecedented and ambitious examination of how the modern Middle East unraveled and why it started with the pivotal year of 1979. Kim Ghattas seamlessly weaves together history, geopolitics, and culture to deliver a gripping read of the largely unexplored story of the rivalry between between Saudi Arabia and Iran, born from the sparks of the 1979 Iranian revolution and fueled by American policy. With vivid story-telling, extensive historical research and on-the-ground reporting, Ghattas dispels accepted truths about a region she calls home. She explores how Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shia Iran, once allies and twin pillars of US strategy in the region, became mortal enemies after 1979. She shows how they used and distorted religion in a competition that went well beyond geopolitics. Feeding intolerance, suppressing cultural expression, and encouraging sectarian violence from Egypt to Pakistan, the war for cultural supremacy led to Iran’s fatwa against author Salman Rushdie, the assassination of countless intellectuals, the birth of groups like Hezbollah in Lebanon, the September 11th terrorist attacks, and the rise of ISIS. Ghattas introduces us to a riveting cast of characters whose lives were upended by the geopolitical drama over four decades: from the Pakistani television anchor who defied her country’s dictator, to the Egyptian novelist thrown in jail for indecent writings all the way to the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in 2018. Black Wave is both an intimate and sweeping history of the region and will significantly alter perceptions of the Middle East.
Rogue State and its author came to sudden international attention when Osama Bin Laden quoted the book publicly in January 2006, propelling the book to the top of the bestseller charts in a matter of hours. This book is a revised and updated version of the edition Bin Laden referred to in his address.
In Killing Hope, William Blum, author of the bestselling Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower, provides a devastating and comprehensive account of America's covert and overt military actions in the world, all the way from China in the 1940s to the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and - in this updated edition - beyond. Is the United States, as it likes to claim, a global force for democracy? Killing Hope shows the answer to this question to be a resounding 'no'.
This anthology serves as a fundamental guide to PSYOP philosophy, concepts, principles, issues, and thought for both those new to, and those experienced in, the PSYOP field and PSYOP applications. It clarifies the value of PSYOP as a cost-effective weapon and incorporates it as a psychological instrument of U.S. military and political power, especially given our present budgetary constraints. Presents diverse articles that portray the value of the planned use of human actions to influence perceptions, public opinion, attitudes, and behaviors so that PSYOP victories can be achieved in war and in peace.