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The Sleepy Meadow ranch is among the few remaining, truly pristine locations in the United States. The ranch rests in a majestic meadow in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The owners: John and Helen have managed to avoid the evils of the civilized world and have formed a close knit family which includes their twenty two donkeys. John and Helen use their donkeys to take people on tours into the hills. Special needs children are among their favorite guests. Even with the harsh South Dakota winters, the valley provides an idyllic life for humans and for donkeys.Spring brings new life in the hills and on the ranch. Like most young children in the human world, the new born foals on the Sleepy Meadow ranch form cliques that exclude those donkeys who are a different. Alex is the different one. He is gullible, less than hansom, awkward and innocent. This makes him an ideal target for bullying by the other new foals. In spite of these faults Alex must grow to become strong, courageous, and wise donkey. Most importantly he must form a close bond with the Great Father and His Colt. He will need that closeness with the Father in the coming year. Just outside the confines of the Sleepy Meadow ranch looms an ancient evil that is biding its time for just the right moment to attack; that moment is near.Alex has been given a duty to pass along the Great Father message to future generations of donkeys. The message; in the form of stories, must be told and retold one generation at a time. But the ancient evil; the same evil that has destroyed millions of lives and taken souls of past generations lurks just beyond the pasture fence. It will do everything in its power to stop Alex from spreading the Great Father's word.
If you surrender like a child and enter the dream that Carolyn Budd-Goertzen had of a donkey named Dusk who helped Jesus, Mary and Joseph on their journey to Bethlehem and beyond, then you will be rewarded with a delightful experience of faith. DUSK is a magical story that will delight the innocent and young of heart but it is the classical, powerful story that gives hope today to our troubled world. Say a prayer before you start and let your imagination and the Holy Spirit carry you through this tale of adventure that you wont want to see end. Enjoy! You will laugh and you will cry and you will want to hear more. Fr. Bill Comerford, C.Ss.R.DUSK chronicles the story of the birth and life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph from a very unique perspective. Many years of research have gone into the creation of this historical novel. Told in a fresh and original way, DUSK fleshes out the supporting cast of witnesses. The innkeeper, the Roman soldiers, the rabbi from Nazareth, and many more people come alive as they tell of their encounters with the Holy Family. Dusk, the donkey who was a childhood companion of Jesus, tells the story of his life with all of these different people.History comes alive as you travel back in time to the world of ancient Israel. Beginning long before the arrival of Jesus, you are drawn into the love story of Joseph and Mary. You will be captivated by the events surrounding them and the birth and early life of Jesus. The book ends when Jesus and Mary leave Nazareth for the wedding in Cana. You will find yourself falling in love with the humble donkey. Where this book ends the sequel begins from the miracle at the wedding in Cana covering all the events of Jesus life through to the Resurrection.You do not want to miss DUSK, the first book in The Donkey Chronicles.
From four continents comes this collection of personal stories by foreign residents who came to live on the Greek island of Paros between the 1960s and the 1980s. Here are our love stories.
Mark and his donkey went to gather wood, but the donkey wouldn't budge when it was time to go home. Various animals offer their help, but finally a bee sting gets him moving.
This volume contains all three books in the Clockwork Vampire Chronicles: Kell's Legend ~ Soul Stealers ~ Vampire Warlords The land of Falanor is invaded by an albino army, the Army of Iron. A small group set off to warn the king: Kell, ancient hero; his granddaughter, Nienna and her friend, Katrina; and the ex-Sword Champion of King Leanoric, Saark, disgraced after his affair with the Queen. Fighting their way south, betrayal follows battle follows deviation, and they are attacked from all quarters by deadly albino soldiers, monstrous harvesters who drain blood from their victims to feed their masters, and the twisted offspring of deviant vachine, the cankers. As Falanor comes under heavy attack and crushing invasion, only then does Nienna learn the truth about grandfather Kell - that he is anything but a noble hero, anything but a Legend. File Under: Epic Fantasy [ Blood Oil | Alchemy & Infamy | The Axeman Cometh | A Hero’s Doom ] e-book ISBN: 978-0-85766-206-4
A soothsayer and his faithful donkey save the Israelites from destruction by King Balak on the orders of an angel.
After traversing the vast emptiness of the Weepingwaste and finding no help in the sacred city of Fontamity, Livid and Curesoon follow a rumor that they might find some of the sacred fruit upon an island called the Isle of Miserytaken. As they journey to this island, they find themselves standing at the oaken gates of Eastharbor. As night falls, Barghests begin to howl behind them while the guards upon the walls of the city refuse to open the gates. Fear grips the heart of the gray-maiden as the great black fell-hounds close in on the two way-worn travelers. They must survive, for if Curesoon does not return to Baleful, the old Troll of Miremurk will wreak havoc upon the bard's childhood home of Eaglespeak.
"A Donkey's Little Tale" was a Divine gift on the morning of December 28, 2004. I, the "author," R. Mitchell Scott, sat down with coffee and Bible. Throughout the month my devotional time teemed with spirit-charged poetic energy. Scripture fairly demanded a creative outpouring.Reading the brief accounts of Matthew 1 and Luke 2, the passages wanted for detail regarding the short journey to Bethlehem made by Joseph and Mary. Pondering the scriptural gaps, I was disappointed by the few and brief biblical accounts glaringly deplete of intimate detail. The couple blended in among the throng making their way to Bethlehem to register for the census. Was there no one to chronicle the intimate details of the love story between the chosen parents of the Son of God? I had questions but no one to ask . . . except the Lord. Suddenly, inspiration! Did they bring a donkey? If so, what might he have seen or heard? The child in me captured my thoughts. I had no one to ask, so I asked the Lord--what did the donkey see? Three hours later the breathtaking poetic contemplations were etched in a spiral notebook courtesy of my trusty yellow #2 pencil and the gracious hand of God. "A Donkey's Little Tale" turned out to be the crowning glory of my poetic bonanza, and it has been protected at all costs. Very few have read it over the past decade, and those who have, whisked away tears at the end. My beautiful sister, Lana, the first to hear a reading of "A Donkey's Little Tale," has faithfully nagged me for these ten-plus years to get on with the publishing. Now, here it is. Glory to God!
This series, running into eight books, presents a variety of delightful stories for children. Besides offering wholesome entertainment to them, the stories are full of day-to-day wisdoms. The language is lucid and children friendly. To make them more attractive and amusing, they are enriched with beautiful illustrations.