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This national standard provides a framework for pest risk analysis(PRA)that describes the PRA process,and divides the three stages of PRA-initial stage,risk assessment and risk management.This national standard focuses on the initial stage.Common requirements of uncertainty,information gathering,documentation,risk communication and consistency are addressed. This national standard is applicable to PRA of plants and plant products within the scope of IPPC.
This document provides the comprehensive list of Chinese National Standards - Category: GB, GB/T Series of year 2011.
This document provides the comprehensive list of Chinese National Standards - Category: GB; GB/T, GBT.
All English-translated Chinese codes are available at:
This document provides the comprehensive list of Chinese National Standards - Category: GB/T; GBT.
This document provides the comprehensive list of Chinese National Standards and Industry Standards (Total 17,000 standards).
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This document gives the main pest risks in the transboundary movement of used vehicles, machinery and equipment (UVME), and specifies the phytosanitary measures applied to UVME, such as cleaning and treatment, pollution prevention, facilities and waste disposal requirements, and verification procedures. This document is applicable to the identification and classification of pest risks and the determination of appropriate phytosanitary measures, which are related to the transboundary movement of UVME that have been used in agriculture, forestry, horticulture, earthwork transportation, open-pit mining, and waste disposal. This document does not apply to passenger transport and commercial transport vehicles that move under their own power. For new vehicles, machinery and equipment, this document can be used as a reference.
Pest risk assessment methodology; The role of IICA's agricultural health program in PRA.