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This book examines the relatively new social and medical phenomenon of women in the developed countries of the world choosing to remain childfree and electing for sterilization rather than continuing with other forms of contraception. Twenty-three voluntarily childfree, sterilized women, aged 22 to 51 years, tell their stories, revealing the struggles they faced in being women without children in a society which expects women to be mothers. They describe the many barriers encountered on the way to being sterilized, including prejudice from those around them as well as hostility and refusal from the medical profession. The women recall how their reasons and decisions were ignored or pathologized by doctors who held unquestioned assumptions about how women should be. Feminist and sociological perspectives are employed to highlight that voluntarily childfree women are perceived as abnormal, not "real" women, and are often the target of negative and critical comment.
The number of women choosing to forgo motherhood is steadily rising. These women have developed an innate childfree identity that encompasses their freedom, as well as positive and feminine aspects of themselves. While various forms of temporary contraception are available for childfree women in their quest to prevent motherhood, more permanent forms such as sterilization have been denied based on the belief that a childfree woman is too young or will regret her decision. Based on the logic of identity theory and the identity disruption model, the present study examined the impact of sterilization approval and denials as an identity-relevant event among childfree women. In a cross-section research design, 154 childfree women (89 sterilized, 65 denied) completed measures of quality of life, self-esteem, sexual quality of life, and regret following successful obtainment or denial of sterilization. Consistent with earlier research, sterilization was an identity-relevant event as evidenced by higher self-esteem, sexual quality, and overall quality of life, while childfree women denied the procedure experienced an identity disruption. Extending past research, results also indicated that the women’s age and time since requesting and being denied or obtaining the procedure did not account for the differences between the groups in terms of sexual quality of life and overall quality of life. Results indicated that regardless of a childfree woman’s age or how long it has been since sterilization obtainment or denial, differences between childfree women based on sterilization status remain. However, the results were limited by the inconclusive evidence regarding childfree regret, as group differences were not statistically significant. Collectively, these findings offer the first known empirical evidence of the impact of sterilization on the childfree identity.
From Dr. Amy Blackstone, childfree woman, co-creator of the blog we're {not} having a baby, and nationally recognized expert on the childfree choice, comes a definitive investigation into the history and current growing movement of adults choosing to forgo parenthood: what it means for our society, economy, environment, perceived gender roles, and legacies, and how understanding and supporting all types of families can lead to positive outcomes for parents, non-parents, and children alike. As a childfree woman, Dr. Amy Blackstone is no stranger to a wide range of negative responses when she informs people she doesn't have--nor does she want--kids: confused looks, patronizing quips, thinly veiled pity, even outright scorn and condemnation. But she is not alone in opting out when it comes to children. More people than ever are choosing to forgo parenthood, and openly discussing a choice that's still often perceived as taboo. Yet this choice, and its effects personally and culturally, are still often misunderstood. Amy Blackstone, a professor of sociology, has been studying the childfree choice since 2008, a choice she and her husband had already confidently and happily made. Using her own and others' research as well as her personal experience, Blackstone delves into the childfree movement from its conception to today, exploring gender, race, sexual orientation, politics, environmentalism, and feminism, as she strips away the misconceptions surrounding non-parents and reveals the still radical notion that support of the childfree can lead to better lives and societies for all.
"Should the option of Childfree (Childless by Choice) be presented in sexual/health education classes and medical related information? A predominant pronatalist conception of women's roles in society ostracizes the childfree decision, especially those women seeking permanent sterilization. Thus the bias leaves childfreedom as a topic unspoken about within education or treatment. Examining the state of sexual/health education for women and their ability to access proper education/treatments, how childfree women of all demographics are perceived by society, and the conflicting of messages both groups receive provides research into viewpoints of sexuality, childfreedom, and women's roles. Suggestions will be presented on how to combat issues with a focus upon sterilized women, or those seeking to be permanently sterilized to forgo all childbearing. Because there is scant research, if at all, it is original in its interest in the correlations of sex education and trends of childfreedom as an option" --Abstract.
This book is published open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. This open access book provides an overview of childlessness throughout Europe. It offers a collection of papers written by leading demographers and sociologists that examine contexts, causes, and consequences of childlessness in countries throughout the region.The book features data from all over Europe. It specifically highlights patterns of childlessness in Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Finland, Sweden, Austria and Switzerland. An additional chapter on childlessness in the United States puts the European experience in perspective. The book offers readers such insights as the determinants of lifelong childlessness, whether governments can and should counteract increasing childlessness, how the phenomenon differs across social strata and the role economic uncertainties play. In addition, the book also examines life course dynamics and biographical patterns, assisted reproduction as well as the consequences of childlessness. Childlessness has been increasing rapidly in most European countries in recent decades. This book offers readers expert analysis into this issue from leading experts in the field of family behavior. From causes to consequences, it explores the many facets of childlessness throughout Europe to present a comprehensive portrait of this important demographic and sociological trend.
"More information is always better, and full information is best. More computation is always better, and optimization is best." More-is-better ideals such as these have long shaped our vision of rationality. Yet humans and other animals typically rely on simple heuristics to solve adaptive problems, focusing on one or a few important cues and ignoring the rest, and shortcutting computation rather than striving for as much as possible. In this book, we argue that in an uncertain world, more information and computation are not always better, and we ask when, and why, less can be more. The answers to these questions constitute the idea of ecological rationality: how we are able to achieve intelligence in the world by using simple heuristics matched to the environments we face, exploiting the structures inherent in our physical, biological, social, and cultural surroundings.
A practical yet humorous guide to aging solo gracefully and achieving a happy retirement. In Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers, certified retirement coach Sara Zeff Geber coins the term “Solo Ager” to refer to the segment of society that either does not have adult children or is single and believes they will be on their own as they grow older. This book explores the path ahead for this group. That includes choices in housing, relationships, legal arrangements, finances, and more. Geber reviews the role of adult children in an aging parent’s world and suggests ways in which Solo Agers can mitigate the absence of adult children by relationship building and rigorous planning for their future. Geber shares her expertise on what constitutes a fulfilling older life and how Solo Agers can maximize their opportunities for financial security, physical health, meaning and purpose in the second half of life, and, finally, planning for the end game. Through real-life stories and anecdotes, the author explores housing choices, relationships, and building a support system. You will learn about: · different levels of care and independence in various types of living arrangements · how to initiate discussions among friends and relatives about end-of-life treatment · “what if” scenarios · who to talk to about legal and financial decisions And it’s not just the Solo Ager that can learn from this book. Financial advisors, elder law and estate attorneys, senior care managers, and others whose clientele is on the far side of sixty will benefit as well.
A brilliant exploration of the natural, medical, psychological, and political facets of fertility When Belle Boggs's "The Art of Waiting" was published in Orion in 2012, it went viral, leading to republication in Harper's Magazine, an interview on NPR's The Diane Rehm Show, and a spot at the intersection of "highbrow" and "brilliant" in New York magazine's "Approval Matrix." In that heartbreaking essay, Boggs eloquently recounts her realization that she might never be able to conceive. She searches the apparently fertile world around her--the emergence of thirteen-year cicadas, the birth of eaglets near her rural home, and an unusual gorilla pregnancy at a local zoo--for signs that she is not alone. Boggs also explores other aspects of fertility and infertility: the way longing for a child plays out in the classic Coen brothers film Raising Arizona; the depiction of childlessness in literature, from Macbeth to Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?; the financial and legal complications that accompany alternative means of family making; the private and public expressions of iconic writers grappling with motherhood and fertility. She reports, with great empathy, complex stories of couples who adopted domestically and from overseas, LGBT couples considering assisted reproduction and surrogacy, and women and men reflecting on childless or child-free lives. In The Art of Waiting, Boggs deftly distills her time of waiting into an expansive contemplation of fertility, choice, and the many possible roads to making a life and making a family.