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Child sexual abuse and exploitation are significant problems in Europe, and it is estimated that between 10 to 20 per cent of children are likely to be sexually assaulted during their childhood. There are many forms of abuse, including incest, prostitution, pornography, rape, peer sexual violence and institutional sexual abuse. This publication offers a pan-European perspective on the subject, drawing on a rapidly growing evidence base and on current policy, and also includes case studies from Germany, Poland, Romania and England. A range of papers by European researchers and practitioners also discuss general issues facing all countries and effective policy responses, including comparative legal processes and obstacles, therapeutic help for victims and their families, work with perpetrators, collection and use of information on child sex offenders, and telephone helplines for children and young people.
Protecting children from sexual violence - A comprehensive approach is a collection of highly readable expert papers for both child professionals And The general public. it is divided into five parts, presenting a European overview and covering the existing legal frameworks; abuse prevention and reporting; rehabilitation and social reintegration of victims; sexual violence on the Internet; and public and private partnerships against abuse. it also sheds light on the little-known problem of children who are sexually abusing other children. In addition to providing thorough information on the many facets of this complex subject, this publication also highlights new concepts, facts and recommendations. Foremost is the significant lack of data on the prevalence and nature of sexual violence in Europe, underscoring the need for co-ordinated pan-European research and information gathering, which are vital to effective policy making and programme design. it also sounds the alarm for urgent co-ordinated action in various fields to drastically improve child protection through awareness raising; targeted and specialised training, intervention and therapy programmes; sex education in schools; responsible family attitudes; and justice systems with tighter abuse laws and which take account of children's special needs as reliable witnesses. Protecting children from sexual violence is published as part of the Council of Europe campaign to stop sexual violence against children. The hope is that this publication will inspire judges, The police, educators, governments, The media and legislatures to join the campaign and expose, demythify and take concerted action to combat sexual violence against children, a phenomenon that affects as many as 20% of children in Europe
In spite of a high level of social awareness in Europe, millions of its children are still subjected to violence. Children's rights are violated on a daily basis in all European countries. Corporal punishment, sexual abuse, the exploitation of children and other similar violations are only now emerging into the public eye. While some progress has been made, it is far too slow and timid. Elaborately organised networks in human trafficking, online child pornography and sexual violence behind what should be the safe doors of the home still prevent Europe from fully guaranteeing children's human rights. The Council of Europe promotes and secures children's human rights through developing standards and policies, monitoring countries' compliance with norms, and launching awareness-raising actions. It also assists countries to develop comprehensive strategies addressing all forms of violence against children. This book references the Council of Europe's work in this field and provides insights into the processes that have led to its many conventions, recommendations, decisions, programmes, reports and publications.
Features on cover - Monograph 1: Building a Europe for and with children.
Many countries are struggling with issues involving the definition of child maltreatment, reporting requirements, processes for responding to reports, and services to abused children and their families. This book illustrates approaches to dealing with these problems by examining and comparing the designs of child abuse systems.
Children should grow up in their families. When confronted with crises or difficult situations, families should receive necessary, specifically adapted assistance from public authorities to help solve their problems. This is sometimes not possible, however, for example when parents are unable to bring up their children or when they represent a danger to them. The child and the parents must consequently be separated, with the parents' agreement or on the basis of a court ruling. Placement must always be an exception and a temporary solution - as short as possible - only foreseeable if all the right conditions are met and if the principal aim is the best interest of the child, including a successful and prompt social integration or reintegration. The main objective should be the development and fulfilment of the child. His/her views should be taken into account, according to the child's age and degree of maturity. Child protection and welfare, based on the rights of the child -including those of children in institutions - is a priority for the Council of Europe, as stated in Recommendation Rec(2005)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the rights of children living in residential institutions. The harmful effects of institutions on child development having been demonstrated, the aims are to prevent the institutionalisation of children and to reduce the number of children subject to such measures through the development of alternatives. This publication, while showing the importance of the issue and the necessity of dealing with it in a sensible and cautious way, also opens perspectives for the future.
Child maltreatment is a leading cause of health inequality, with the socioeconomically disadvantaged more at risk, perpetuating social injustice. Though it is a priority in most countries of the WHO European Region, few devote adequate resources and attention to its prevention. This report outlines the high burden of child maltreatment, its causes and consequences and the cost-effectiveness of prevention programs. It makes compelling arguments for increased investment in prevention and, by offering policy-makers a preventive approach based on strong evidence and shared experience, it will help them respond to increased demands from the public to tackle child maltreatment.