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This thesis combines highly accurate optical spectroscopy data on the recently discovered iron-based high-temperature superconductors with an incisive theoretical analysis. Three outstanding results are reported: (1) The superconductivity-induced modification of the far-infrared conductivity of an iron arsenide with minimal chemical disorder is quantitatively described by means of a strong-coupling theory for spin fluctuation mediated Cooper pairing. The formalism developed in this thesis also describes prior spectroscopic data on more disordered compounds. (2) The same materials exhibit a sharp superconductivity-induced anomaly for photon energies around 2.5 eV, two orders of magnitude larger than the superconducting energy gap. The author provides a qualitative interpretation of this unprecedented observation, which is based on the multiband nature of the superconducting state. (3) The thesis also develops a comprehensive description of a superconducting, yet optically transparent iron chalcogenide compound. The author shows that this highly unusual behavior can be explained as a result of the nanoscopic coexistence of insulating and superconducting phases, and he uses a combination of two complementary experimental methods - scanning near-field optical microscopy and low-energy muon spin rotation - to directly image the phase coexistence and quantitatively determine the phase composition. These data have important implications for the interpretation of data from other experimental probes.
Understanding charge dynamics and the origin of superconductivity in iron-based materials is one of the most important topics in condensed matter physics. Among different structures of iron-based materials, 122-type iron arsenides are of considerable interest due to their diverse phase diagrams, relatively high superconducting transition temperatures, and the availability of high quality single crystals. In this dissertation, we study temperature and frequency dependence of charge dynamics of the electron-doped 122-type iron arsenides in the metallic and superconducting states using broadband infrared spectroscopy at cryogenic temperatures. We have investigated the charge dynamics and the nature of many-body interactions in metallic La- and Pr- doped CaFe2As2. From the infrared part of the optical conductivity, we discover that the scattering rate of mobile carriers above 200 K exhibits saturation at the Mott-Ioffe-Regel limit of metallic transport. However, the dc resistivity continues to increase with temperature above 200 K due to the loss of Drude spectral weight. The loss of Drude spectral weight with increasing temperature is seen in a wide temperature range in the uncollapsed tetragonal phase, and this spectral weight is recovered at energy scales about one order of magnitude larger than the Fermi energy scale in these semimetals. The phenomena noted above have been observed previously in other correlated metals in which the dominant interactions are electronic in origin. Further evidence of significant electron-electron interactions is obtained from the presence of quadratic temperature and frequency-dependence scattering rate at low temperatures and frequencies in the uncollapsed tetragonal structures of La- and Pr-doped CaFe2As2. We also observe weakening of electronic correlations and a decrease of Drude spectral weight upon the transition to the collapsed tetragonal phase in Pr-doped CaFe2As2. We have measured infrared reflectance spectra of BaFe1.9Pt0.1As2 in the normal and superconducting states. We find that this superconductor has fully gapped Fermi surfaces. Importantly, we observe strong-coupling electron-boson interaction features in the infrared absorption spectra. By using two modeling methods which include strong-coupling effects via the Eliashberg function, we obtain a good quantitative description of the energy gaps and the temperature dependent strong-coupling features. Our experimental data and analysis provide compelling evidence that superconductivity in BaFe1.9Pt0.1As2 is induced by the coupling of electrons to a low energy bosonic mode.
This thesis presents various characteristics of 122-type iron pnictide (FeSC) such as crystal and electronic structure, carrier-doping effect, and impurity-scattering effect, using transport, magnetization, specific heat, single-crystal X-ray diffraction, and optical spectral measurements. Most notably the measurement on the magnetic fluctuation in the material successfully explains already known unusual electronic properties, i.e., superconducting gap symmetry, anisotropy of in-plane resistivity in layered structure, and charge dynamics; and comparing them with those of normal phase, the controversial problems in FeSCs are eventually settled. The thesis provides broad coverage of the physics of FeSCs both in the normal and superconducting phase, and readers therefore benefit from the efficient up-to-date study of FeSCs in this thesis. An additional attraction is the detailed description of the experimental result critical for the controversial problems remaining since the discovery of FeSC in 2008, which helps readers follow up recent developments in superconductor research.
From fundamental physics point of view, iron-based superconductors have properties that are more amenable to band structural calculations. This book reviews the progress made in this fascinating field. With contributions from leading experts, the book provides a guide to understanding materials, physical properties, and superconductivity mechanism aspects, and is important for students and beginners to have an overall view of the recent progress in this active field.
This volume presents an in-depth review of experimental and theoretical studies on the newly discovered Fe-based superconductors. Following the Introduction, which places iron-based superconductors in the context of other unconventional superconductors, the book is divided into three sections covering sample growth, experimental characterization, and theoretical understanding. To understand the complex structure-property relationships of these materials, results from a wide range of experimental techniques and theoretical approaches are described that probe the electronic and magnetic properties and offer insight into either itinerant or localized electronic states. The extensive reference lists provide a bridge to further reading. Iron-Based Superconductivity is essential reading for advanced undergraduate and graduate students as well as researchers active in the fields of condensed matter physics and materials science in general, particularly those with an interest in correlated metals, frustrated spin systems, superconductivity, and competing orders.
This book covers different aspects of the physics of iron-based superconductors ranging from the theoretical, the numerical and computational to the experimental ones. It starts from the basic theory modeling many-body physics in Fe-superconductors and other multi-orbital materials and reaches up to the magnetic and Cooper pair fluctuations and nematic order. Finally, it offers a comprehensive overview of the most recent advancements in the experimental investigations of iron based superconductors.