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The purpose of the project was to demonstrate the value of age-dating and isotopic tracers in characterizing the flow dynamics and water quality changes in a complex groundwater domain that includes high capacity municipal pumping wells, a geologic fault, and artificial recharge facilities with deep lake-like recharge ponds. Characterizing water quality changes during recharge and transport in groundwater was also an objective of this investigation. Below (west of) the Hayward Fault (BHF), water ages correlated well with aquifer layer sequence. BHF tracers did not reach the BHF wellfield within the time frame of the experiment. Above (east of) the fault, (AHF) tracers reached the targeted wellfield in only 60 days, indicating substantial heterogeneity and a fast travel time along preferential pathways compared to the average travel time of 2+ years indicated by age-dating and more classical estimating methods. A reconnaissance of water quality, conducted concurrently with the tracer studies, suggested certain water quality improvements occurring in either the pond sediment or the near-pond aquifer media. Variations in groundwater age depended on location and depth. A survey of natural isotopes indicated mixing of young and older water in wells, increasing age with depth of aquifer layer, and possible dissolution of carbonate minerals. AHF tracer experiments, along with other analysis, suggested that tracers probably percolated preferentially at shallow depths in the pond near the shoreline. Much of the tracer remained in deep pond water over time, increasing residence time in down-gradient wells. The tracer studies provided evidence of preferential pathways and heterogeneity in the AHF aquifer and a fast minimum travel time to the AHF wellfield. The tracer added to BHF ponds was detected in just two monitoring wells, but not at the BHF wellfield over the 10-month period. An AHF tracer from a small pond spanning the fault did, however, appear at the BHF wellfield. BHF pond water flows mainly to distal portions of the groundwater basin, or reaches the wellfield over a slow, circuitous route. Originally published by AwwaRF for its subscribers in 2003 This publication can also be purchased and downloaded via Pay Per View on Water Intelligence Online - click on the Pay Per View icon below
Water of appropriate quantity and quality is essential for drinking, sanitation, and food, energy, and industrial production for any society and is derived for most needs from surface- or groundwater sources. Studies suggest that groundwater use in irrigation globally is increasing in total volume as well as a percentage of all water used for irrigation, with the demand for groundwater resources increasing as available primary surface water supplies are depleted. Particularly in arid regions, groundwater may be the most accessible water supply for any purpose, leaving groundwater withdrawals concentrated in areas that are already experiencing water stress. Even in the presence of direct ground observations and measurements of the water table, quantitative evaluation of groundwater storage, flow, or recharge at different scales requires remotely sensed data and observations applied to groundwater models. Resolving the interaction of groundwater storage, flow, and recharge at a scale at which basins are managed requires remotely sensed data and proxy data. In June 2019, the Water Science and Technology Board of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened a workshop to identify scientific and technological research frontiers in monitoring and modeling groundwater recharge and flow in various regions of the world. The goals of the workshop were to assess regional freshwater budgets under major use scenarios, including agriculture, industry, and municipal; examine state of the art research frontiers in characterizing groundwater aquifers, including residence time, quantity, flow, depletion, and recharge, using remotely sensed observations and proxy data; discuss groundwater model uncertainties and methods for mitigating them using sparse ground observations or data and other approaches; and consider our ability to detect which water management strategies that affect groundwater flow and recharge are being used and any changes in their use over time. This publication summarizes workshop presentations and plenary discussions.
Potential changes to climate and precipitation patterns from anthropogenic influences like global climate change could have an impact on Michigan’s groundwater resources. Indirectly this could have an effect on Michigan’s surface waters as well, since groundwater and surface waters are intimately linked to form one system. This investigation utilized stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen found in precipitation, groundwater and surface waters to better understand the contribution of different types of precipitation to recharge of a shallow aquifer in Manistee National Forest, MI. The study also examines the contribution of this shallow groundwater to streamflow in the nearby White River. When combined with various physical and chemical hydrologic approaches, the dynamics of precipitation, groundwater flow and groundwater discharge into the stream become clearer. Samples from the different waters were collected from February 2015 to January 2016. During sampling groundwater head, stream discharge and other parameters were measured. These data provide valuable insight that will help the U.S. Forest Service better manage this natural resource.
Mountaifront recherge is the recharge of grounwater occuring in the piedmonts of high-elevation mountain often receiving more precipitation due to orographic effects. This type of recharge is the major source of groundwater replenishment in many semi(arid) basins. The Tensift basin in central Morocco hosts the large alluvial plain of Haouz with its vast pheatic aquifer of more than 6000 km2. groundwater in the Haouz plain is the main source of water for the socio-economic activities in the area. This groundwater originates from the adjacent high-Atlas ranges. Despite the importance of mountain-front recharge for the socio-economic development in the area, it was never investigated with care but only incorporate in a very limited regional-scale studies providing highly speculative conclusions. The aims of the present study is the close investigation of recharge sources in the mountain-front area of the High-Atlas of Marrakech at the local scale, with an emphasis on infiltration within wadi channels. Hydrophysical data (piezometry, sediment water content and heat), hydrochemical (major ions) and environmental tracers (stable isotopes of water) from field campaigns and experiments were used in this study. The data acquired was analyzed by analytical methods and modeling (heat transport modeling). Coupled groundwater fluctuation measurements and environmental tracers (18O, 2H, and major ions) were used to identify and compare the natural mountain-front recharge to the anthropogenic irrigation recharge. Within the High-Atlas mountain front of the Ourika Basin, Central Morocco, the groundwater fluctuation mapping from the dry to wet season showed that recharge beneath the irrigation area may be higher than recharge along the streanbed. A conceptual model of seasonal groundwater recharge sources in the study area was established. Theses findings highlight that irrigation practices can result in the dominant mountain front racharge process for groundwater. The hydrochemical evolution of groundwater in the mountain-front area is controlled mainly by water-rock interactions through mineral dissolution, silicate weathering and ion exchange. The strong relationship between groundwater and mountain water, enhanced by traditional irrigation, and the ecological agriculture practiced in the area preserved the excellent quality of groundwater. Streambed water content and temperature were continuously logged over a year for the Rheraya intermittent wadi. Over the entire year, the calculated total potential recharge based on heat transfer modeling was 425 mm/m2. During winter and spring when the alluvium has a higher water moisture, this recharge is predominantly generated by floods. Normal streamflow generally generates low infiltration but contributes to wetting the sediment. During the summer, brief flashfloods over dry sediment result in shallower and slow wetting from infiltration, despite of their higher peak streamflow. Results from this study can be incorporated in future management schemes for the water resources preservation in the Tensift basin.
This book presents an overview of techniques that are available to characterize sedimentary aquifers. Groundwater flow and solute transport are strongly affected by aquifer heterogeneity. Improved aquifer characterization can allow for a better conceptual understanding of aquifer systems, which can lead to more accurate groundwater models and successful water management solutions, such as contaminant remediation and managed aquifer recharge systems. This book has an applied perspective in that it considers the practicality of techniques for actual groundwater management and development projects in terms of costs, technical resources and expertise required, and investigation time. A discussion of the geological causes, types, and scales of aquifer heterogeneity is first provided. Aquifer characterization methods are then discussed, followed by chapters on data upscaling, groundwater modelling, and geostatistics. This book is a must for every practitioner, graduate student, or researcher dealing with aquifer characterization .
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Water Science and Application Series, Volume 9. Groundwater recharge, the flux of water across the water table, is arguably the most difficult component of the hydrologic cycle to measure. In arid and semiarid regions the problem is exacerbated by extremely small recharge fluxes that are highly variable in space and time. --from the Preface Groundwater Recharge in a Desert Environment: The Southwestern United States speaks to these issues by presenting new interpretations and research after more than two decades of discipline-wide study. Discussions ondeveloping environmental tracers to fingerprint sources and amounts of groundwater at the basin scalethe critical role of vegetation in hydroecological processesnew geophysical methods in quantifying channel rechargeapplying Geographical Information System (GIS) models to land surface processescoupling process-based vadose zone to groundwater modeling, and more make this book a significant resource for hydmlogists, biogeoscientists, and geochemists concerned with water and water-related issues in arid and semiarid regions.
This report assesses the levels and effects of exposure to ionizing radiation. Scientific findings underpin radiation risk evaluation and international protection standards. This report comprises a report with two underpinning scientific annexes. The first annex recapitulates and clarifies the philosophy of science as well as the scientific knowledge for attributing observed health effects in individuals and populations to radiation exposure, and distinguishes between that and inferring risk to individuals and populations from an exposure. The second annex reviews the latest thinking and approaches to quantifying the uncertainties in assessments of risk from radiation exposure, and illustrates these approaches with application to examples that are highly pertinent to radiation protection.
As demand for water increases, water managers and planners will need to look widely for ways to improve water management and augment water supplies. This book concludes that artificial recharge can be one option in an integrated strategy to optimize total water resource management and that in some cases impaired-quality water can be used effectively as a source for artificial recharge of ground water aquifers. Source water quality characteristics, pretreatment and recharge technologies, transformations during transport through the soil and aquifer, public health issues, economic feasibility, and legal and institutional considerations are addressed. The book evaluates three main types of impaired quality water sourcesâ€"treated municipal wastewater, stormwater runoff, and irrigation return flowâ€"and describes which is the most consistent in terms of quality and quantity. Also included are descriptions of seven recharge projects.
Understanding ground-water systems and their relationship to the geologic setting is an integral part of characterizing, protecting, and cleaning up the environment. Hydrogeologic studies are the basis for such understanding. This book provides an overview of the basic components and tasks of a sound hydrogeologic study.