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Perchloroethene (PCE) and its degradation products are among the most common organic groundwater contaminants in the United States. Constructed wetlands are a relatively new approach to dealing with this contamination problem. With their upward flow capability it is possible to introduce an aerobic and anaerobic environment with a consortium of microorganisms available to degrade the contaminants to within acceptable levels established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This study is a follow-up to the previous two years of research on PCE degradation in cell 1 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. This thesis was conducted in order to study the wetland and determine the mechanisms that exist to degrade the chlorinated solvent contamination that is present. It also provided additional evidence that the constructed wetland is degrading PCE to its innocuous byproducts. A purge-and-trap gas chromatograph was used to determine the concentrations of PCE, TCE, DCE isomers, and VC throughout the three layers of the constructed wetland. Inflow and outflow were also sampled and analyzed. In this year's data, PCE was detected at a level that was below the maximum contaminant level established by the EPA. However, it is clear that Cell 1 is still developing. This wetland cell has been in existence for three years and it is obvious that the development of a constructed wetland is a lengthy process. If a constructed wetland were to be used as a treatment process for contaminated water sources, time would have to be allowed for it to develop before it would reach maximum treatment efficiency.
Chlorinated solvents have been used in industrial cleaning and degreasing processes in the United States since the early 1900s, and their induction into the environment increased significantly with the growth of industrial processes over the past century. PCE, TCE and their daughter products have been associated with a number of human health concerns and are currently the most common contaminants found in groundwater in the United States. Wetlands possess characteristics necessary for the complete degradation of chlorinated ethenes by microorganisms via anaerobic and aerobic regions that foster the necessary oxidation-reduction conditions. Organic acid and inorganic anion concentrations were evaluated in samples taken from a constructed wetland at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio during the summer and fall of 2003. These analyses are indicative of redox conditions in the subsurface and suggest the occurrence of microbial activities that degrade chlorinated ethenes to innocuous end products. Organic acid concentrations decreased by 100% from July 2003 to fall 2003. Combined with data collected previously during the months of December and January, this suggested that changing seasons and temperature fluctuations have a significant influence on microbial metabolisms. Nitrate and sulfate reduction above stratum C indicated mildly reducing conditions in the lowest stratum that became more highly reducing in the upper two strata. Based on the changing analyst concentrations throughout the wetland cell over several seasons, it was evident that the appropriate subsurface conditions existed for the reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes.
Widespread chlorinated ethene contamination of aquifers coupled with high costs of current treatment technologies demand innovative remediation solutions. Wetlands, maintaining anaerobic and aerobic zones promoting the complete degradation of chlorinated ethenes such as Tetrachloroethylene (PCE), could be the answer. This thesis characterized the chlorinated solvent contamination levels in three strata of an upward flow constructed wetland. Analysis of samples was accomplished by purge-and-trap gas chromatography. Water quality parameters, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP), pH, Conductivity, and Temperature, were also measured in monitoring wells with a water monitoring sonde. After removing data outliers caused by short-circuiting flow, PCE concentrations declined from an average of 32,59 +/- 0,699 ppb (+/- 95% confidence interval) in the inflow stream to an average of 0.171 +/- 0.079 ppb in the upper layer (99,3% reduction). Concentration trends of PCE degradation products cis-1,1 -Dichloroethylene (cis-DCE), Vinyl Chloride (VC), and Trichloroethylene TCE) indicate dechlorination processes are occurring. In addition to PCE, TCE at concentrations below 0,6 ppb was the only other analyte detected in the inflow and outflow, Water quality measurements (DO and 0RP) decreased from the bottom to the middle layer to a level that supports anaerobic reductive dechlorination but not methanogenesis. The DO increased slightly from the middle to the top layer while 0RP continued to decrease.
The purpose of this book is to help engineers and scientists better understand dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) contamination of groundwater and the methods and technology used for characterization and remediation. Remediation of DNAPL source zones is very difficult and controversial and must be based on state-of-the-art knowledge of the behavior (transport and fate) of nonaqueous phase liquids in the subsurface and site specific geology, chemistry and hydrology. This volume is focused on the characterization and remediation of nonaqueous phase chlorinated solvents and it is hoped that mid-level engineers and scientists will find this book helpful in understanding the current state-of-practice of DNAPL source zone management and remediation.
The purpose of this study is to determine chlorinated solvent contamination levels in an upward flow constructed wetland at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB), Ohio. A stratified grid sampling methodology will be used in sampling the contaminated groundwater. Analysis will be accomplished by means of purge-and-trap gas chromatography. The contaminant concentration levels will be used to enhance the design and construction of man-made wetlands used to remove chlorinated solvents from aquifers. PCE levels declined from an average of 33.97 ppb in the inflow stream to an average of 3.65 ppb in the upper layer, a 91% reduction. High concentrations occurred in areas where high hydraulic pressure gradients and hydraulic conductivities combined to allow contaminated water to migrate to the upper layers of the wetland with minimal contact time for reduction. Removing these areas from the data set increased the PCE reduction efficiency to nearly 98% with an upper level concentration average of 0.84 ppb. Trichloroethene (TCE) inflow rates averaged 0.63 ppb while TCE concentrations in the upper layer averaged 0.175 ppb. TCE concentrations peaked in the middle layer of the wetland suggesting that reduction of PCE was occurring there and in the bottom layer.
The purpose of this study is to compare different approaches to modeling the reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes in the anaerobic region of an upward flow constructed wetland by microbial consortia. A controlled simulation experiment that compares three different approaches to modeling the degradation of chlorinated ethenes in wetland environments is conducted and investigates how each of the modeling approaches affect simulation results. Concepts like microbial growth in the form of a biofilm and spatially varying contaminant concentrations bring the validity of the CSTR assumption into question. These concepts are incorporated into the different modeling approaches to evaluate the CSTR assumption. Model simulations show that spatially varying contaminant concentrations have a significant effect on contaminant effluent concentrations. Additionally, the significance of the incorporation of a biofilm concept depends on the time characteristics of both diffusive mass transport and reaction kinetics.
Here is pioneering new information-the result of 20 years of research by the world's leader to help develop a genuine understanding of the behavior of the all-pervasive dense chlorinated solvents in the vadose and unsaturated zones. Now you can know the basic chemical processes for dense solvent spills, how spill volumes translate into magnitudes of contamination zones, how to remediate existing spills, and how to predict spill behavior. This new book is chemical, physical, quantitative, and qualitative-made especially valuable by 48 full-color illustrations and descriptions. This is an exacting work that should prove invaluable for years to come.
Natural attenuation was first demonstrated at sites with hydrocarbon contamination, but recent studies at sites contaminated by chlorinated compounds have shown that this approach often has merit for these more challenging contamination problems. This volume covers natural attenuation in media ranging from deep aquifers to shallow soils, and for contaminants ranging from fuels to solvents to herbicides, and offers the reader a comprehensive overview of case studies that represent the state of the art in natural attenuation approaches to site remediation.