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We develop channel aware scheduling and resource allocation schemes with cross-layer optimization for several problems in multiuser wireless networks. We consider problems of distributed opportunistic scheduling, where multiple users contend to access the same set of channels. Instead of scheduling users to the earliest available idle channels, we also take the instantaneous channel quality into consideration and schedule the users only when the channel quality is sufficiently high. This can lead to significant gains in throughput compared to system where PHY and MAC layers are designed separately and the wireless fading channels are abstracted as time invariant, fixed rate channels for scheduling purposes. We first consider opportunistic spectrum access in a cognitive radio network, where a secondary user (SU) share the spectrum opportunistically with incumbent primary users (PUs). Similar to earlier works on distributed opportunistic scheduling (DOS), we maximize the throughput of SU by formulating the channel access problem as a maximum rate-of-return problem in the optimal stopping theory framework. We show that the optimal channel access strategy is a pure threshold policy, namely the SU decides to use or skip transmission opportunities by comparing the channel qualities to a fixed threshold. We further increase the spectrum utilization by interleaving SU's packets with periodic sensing to detect PU's return. We jointly optimize the rate threshold and the packet transmission time to maximize the average throughput of SU, while limiting interference to PU. Next, we develop channel-aware opportunistic spectrum access strategies in a more general cognitive radio network with multiple SUs. Here, we additionally take into account the collisions and complex interaction between SUs and sharing of resources between them. We derive strategies for both cooperative settings where SUs maximize their sum total of throughputs, as well as non-cooperative game theoretic settings, where each SU tries to maximize its own throughput. We show that the optimal schemes for both scenarios are pure threshold policies. In the non-cooperative case, we establish the existence of Nash equilibrium and develop best response strategies that can converge to equilibria, with SUs relying only on their local observations. We study the trade-off between maximal throughput in the cooperative setting and fairness in the non-cooperative setting, and schemes based on utility functions and pricing that mitigate this tradeoff. In addition to maximizing throughput and fair sharing of resources, it is important to consider network/scheduling delays for QoS performance of delay-sensitive applications. We study DOS under both network-wide and user-specific average delay constraints. We take a stochastic Lagrangian approach and characterize the corresponding optimal scheduling policies accordingly, and show that they have a pure threshold structure. Next, we consider the use of different types of channel quality information, i.e., channel state information (CSI) and channel distribution information (CDI) in the opportunistic scheduling design for MIMO ad hoc networks. CSI is highly dynamic in nature and provides time diversity in the wireless channel, but is difficult to track. CDI offers temporal stability, but is incapable of capturing the instantaneous channel conditions. We design a new class of cross-layer opportunistic channel access scheduling framework for MIMO networks where CDI is used in the network context to group the simultaneous transmission links for spatial channel access and CSI is used in the link context to decide when and which link group should transmit based on a pre designed threshold. We thereby reap the benefits of both the temporal stability of CDI and the time diversity of CSI. Finally, we consider a novel application of cross layer optimization for communication of progressive coded images over OFDM wireless fading channels. We first consider adaptive modulation based on the instantaneous channel state information. An algorithm is proposed to allocate power and constellation size at each subchannel by maximizing the throughput. We next consider both the variance and the average of the throughput when deciding the constellation size for adaptive modulation. Simulation results confirm that cross-layer optimization with adaptive modulation enhances system performance.
The current dominate layered networking architecture, in which each layer is designed and operated independently, results in inefficient and inflexible resource use in wireless networks due to the nature of the wireless medium, such as time-varying channel fading, mutual interference, and topology variations. In this thesis, we focus on resource allocation and scheduling in wireless orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) networks based on joint physical and medium access control (MAC) layer optimization. To achieve orders of magnitude gains in system performance, we use two major mechanisms in resource management: exploiting the time variance and frequency selectivity of wireless channels through adaptive modulation, coding, as well as packet scheduling and regulating resource allocation through network economics. With the help of utility functions that capture the satisfaction level of users for a given resource assignment, we establish a utility optimization framework for resource allocation in OFDM networks, in which the network utility at the level of applications is maximized subject to the current channel conditions and the modulation and coding techniques employed in the network. Although the nonlinear and combinatorial nature of the cross-layer optimization challenges algorithm development, we propose novel efficient dynamic subcarrier assignment (DSA) and adaptive power allocation (APA) algorithms that are proven to achieve the optimal or near-optimal performance with very low complexity. Based on a holistic design principle, we design max-delay-utility (MDU) scheduling, which senses both channel and queue information. The MDU scheduling can simultaneously improve the spectral efficiency and provide right incentives to ensure that all applications can receive their different required quality of service (QoS). To facilitate the cross-layer design, we also deeply investigate the mechanisms of channel-aware scheduling, such as efficiency, fairness, and stability. First, using extreme value theory, we analyze the impact of multiuser diversity on throughput and packet delay. Second, we reveal a generic relationship between a specific convex utility function and a type of fairness. Third, with rigorous proofs, we provide a method to design cross-layer scheduling algorithms that allow the queueing stability region at the network layer to approach the ergodic capacity region at the physical layer.
This book is about cognitive radio (CR), a revolution in radio technology and an enabling technology for dynamic spectrum access. Due to the unique characteristics of the wireless networks, it is essential to address the approach of multiple layers (e.g., physical, link, and network) to maximize the network performance. The formulation of this cross-layer problem is usually complicated and challenging, while wireless resource allocation is a vital way to handle the race condition of the limited wireless resources. However, given the intrinsic characteristics of cognitive radio networks (CRN), none of the existing analytical approach could be a direct fit. Therefore, innovative theoretical results, along with the corresponding mathematical techniques, are necessary. In this book, we aim to develop some novel algorithmic design and optimization techniques that provide optimal or near-optimal solutions. Although cross-layer design has been introduced to CRN for many years, there are rarely any books for researchers, engineers, and students, from the engineering perspective. From one hand, most of the existing books primarily focus on the mathematical and economic aspects, which are considerably different from the engineering. On the other hand, all of the books mainly aim to system optimization or control techniques, while the cross-layer algorithm design in the distributed environment is usually ignored. As the result, there is an urgent demand for a reference source, which can provide complete information on how to fully adopt cross-layer resource allocation to the CRN. In this regard, this book not only focuses on the description of the main aspects of cross-layer resource allocation over CRN, but also provides a review of the application solutions. In a nutshell, it provides a specific treatment of cross-layer design in CRN. The topics range from the basic concepts of cross-layer resource allocation, to the state-of-the-art analyses, modelings, and optimizations for CRN.
Wireless networks promise ubiquitous communication, and thus facilitate an array of applications that positively impact human life. At a fundamental level, these networks deal with compression and transmission of sources over channels. Thus, accomplishing this task efficiently is the primary challenge shared by these applications. In practice, sources include data and video while channels include interference and relay networks. Hence, effective source and channel aware resource allocation for these scenarios would result in a comprehensive solution applicable to real-world networks. This dissertation studies the problem of source and channel aware resource allocation in certain scenarios. A framework for network resource allocation that stems from rate-distortion theory is presented. Then, an optimal decomposition into an application-layer compression control, a transport-layer congestion control and a network-layer scheduling is obtained. After deducing insights into compression and congestion control, the scheduling problem is explored in two cross-layer scenarios. First, appropriate queue architecture for cooperative relay networks is presented, and throughput-optimality of network algorithms that do not assume channel-fading and input-queue distributions are established. Second, decentralized algorithms that perform rate allocation, which achieve the same overall throughput region as optimal centralized algorithms, are derived. In network optimization, an underlying throughput region is assumed. Hence, improving this throughput region is the next logical step. This dissertation addresses this problem in the context of three significant classes of interference networks. First, degraded networks that capture highly correlated channels are explored, and the exact sum capacity of these networks is established. Next, multiple antenna networks in the presence of channel uncertainty are considered. For these networks, robust optimization problems that result from linear precoding are investigated, and efficient iterative algorithms are derived. Last, multi-cell time-division-duplex systems are studied in the context of corrupted channel estimates, and an efficient linear precoding to manage interference is developed.
Information flow in a telecommunication network is accomplished through the interaction of mechanisms at various design layers with the end goal of supporting the information exchange needs of the applications. In wireless networks in particular, the different layers interact in a nontrivial manner in order to support information transfer. In this text we will present abstract models that capture the cross-layer interaction from the physical to transport layer in wireless network architectures including cellular, ad-hoc and sensor networks as well as hybrid wireless-wireline. The model allows for arbitrary network topologies as well as traffic forwarding modes, including datagrams and virtual circuits. Furthermore the time varying nature of a wireless network, due either to fading channels or to changing connectivity due to mobility, is adequately captured in our model to allow for state dependent network control policies. Quantitative performance measures that capture the quality of service requirements in these systems depending on the supported applications are discussed, including throughput maximization, energy consumption minimization, rate utility function maximization as well as general performance functionals. Cross-layer control algorithms with optimal or suboptimal performance with respect to the above measures are presented and analyzed. A detailed exposition of the related analysis and design techniques is provided.
This thesis considers the problem of cross layer scheduling and radio resource allocation of multiple users in the downlink of time-slotted and frequency-slotted cellular data networks. For these networks, opportunistic scheduling algorithms improve system performance by exploiting time variations of the radio channel. Within the broader framework of opportunistic scheduling, this thesis solves three distinct problems and proposes efficient and scalable solutions for them. First, we present novel optimal and approximate opportunistic scheduling algorithms that combine channel fluctuation and user mobility information in their decision rules. The algorithms propose the use of dynamic fairness constraints. These fairness constraints adapt according to the user mobility. The optimal algorithm is an off-line algorithm that precomputes constraint values according to a known mobility model. The approximate algorithm is an on-line algorithm that relies on the future prediction of the user mobility locations in time. We show that the use of mobility information increases channel capacity. We also provide analytical bounds on the performance of the approximate algorithm. Second, this thesis presents a new opportunistic scheduling solution that maximizes the aggregate user performance subject to certain minimum and maximum performance constraints. By constraining the performance experienced by individual users, who share a common radio downlink, to some upper bounds, it is possible to provide the system operator with a better control of radio resource allocations and service differentiation among different classes of users. The proposed solution offers better performance than existing solution under practical channel conditions. Finally, we present a dynamic subcarrier allocation solution for fractional frequency reuse in multicell orthogonal frequency division multiple access systems. We formulate the subcarrier allocation as an equivalent set partitioning problem and then p.
Resource allocation in a multi-user system is an important problem. With the availability of cheap and powerful processing capability, these resource allocation problems can now be solved using real-time optimization methods. While the solution is often specific to the resource allocation problem, real-time optimization methods use real-time data to determine the resource allocation in the next time step. In this dissertation, we consider multi-user resource allocation problems in two different but related application areas, namely, vehicular transportation networks and radio access networks of cellular networks which are solved using real-time optimization methods.The application of real-time optimization in the transportation network deals with the traffic signal control of a single intersection. Unlike traditional traffic signal control, we consider a system enhanced with Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) that enables wireless vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication. The key resource in the traffic signal control is the green time and the objective is to minimize vehicular delays at the intersection. Applying techniques from graph theory and processor scheduling, we model the problem as a real-time job scheduling problem on processors and propose an online scheduling algorithm. We prove performance bounds of the online algorithm under the assumption that jobs are of equal size. We then show how VANET can be used gather real-time traffic information to group vehicles into approximately equal sized platoons which can then be scheduled using the online algorithm. Using a detailed simulation analysis we show that the proposed algorithm reduces the delays experienced by vehicles as they pass through the intersection compared to well-known traffic signal control algorithms. The second application of real-time optimization deals with the resource allocation in the radio access network for unicast video in the uplink of a WCDMA based cellular network. The key resource is the transmit power power and the objective is to maximize the received video quality. We adopt the Content Aware Networking framework to do cross layer optimization of video applications in wireless networks. The objective is to maximize average video quality seen by the mobile users given channel interference constraints. The resource is transmit power and we model the problem as a Multiple Knapsack Problem and use a real-time knapsack optimization to solve the problem. We test the performance of the algorithm on a WCDMA emulator and our results show that the video quality seen is significantly improved.The third problem is optimization of unicast video and radio resource allocation in the LTE downlink. Our objective is to maximize the average video quality seen by mobile users in a single LTE cell while constrained by limited number of available physical resource blocks (PRBs). We again leverage the Content Aware Networking Framework and model the problem as a real-time constrained optimization problem and solve it using a real-time knapsack optimization. To test the performance of our solution we built a realistic model of the LTE downlink where, in order to obtain a good fit, we used real channel data obtained through drive tests. Our results show that, for a fixed number of PRBs, the average video quality experienced by users is improved significantly.The common underlying theme of the three problems addressed in this dissertation is the use of real-time optimization. In particular, the resource allocation optimizer uses real-time measurements of the system state that is enabled by the wireless technology. The optimizer makes a resource allocation decision for a finite period of time called the optimization horizon. This cycle is then repeated with the system state being measured and supplied to the optimizer. While, the length of the optimization horizon depends on the application, the optimization algorithms we describe and implement are fast both asymptotically and practically and allow for fine grain optimization horizons.
The last decade has seen an unprecedented growth in the demand for wireless services. These services are fueled by applications that often require not only high data rates, but also very low latency to function as desired. However, as wireless networks grow and support increasingly large numbers of users, these control algorithms must also incur only low complexity in order to be implemented in practice. Therefore, there is a pressing need to develop wireless control algorithms that can achieve both high throughput and low delay, but with low-complexity operations. While these three performance metrics, i.e., throughput, delay, and complexity, are widely acknowledged as being among the most important for modern wireless networks, existing approaches often have had to sacrifice a subset of them in order to optimize the others, leading to wireless resource allocation algorithms that either suffer poor performance or are difficult to implement. In contrast, the recent results presented in this book demonstrate that, by cleverly taking advantage of multiple physical or virtual channels, one can develop new low-complexity algorithms that attain both provably high throughput and provably low delay. The book covers both the intra-cell and network-wide settings. In each case, after the pitfalls of existing approaches are examined, new systematic methodologies are provided to develop algorithms that perform provably well in all three dimensions.
A comprehensive review to the theory, application and research of machine learning for future wireless communications In one single volume, Machine Learning for Future Wireless Communications provides a comprehensive and highly accessible treatment to the theory, applications and current research developments to the technology aspects related to machine learning for wireless communications and networks. The technology development of machine learning for wireless communications has grown explosively and is one of the biggest trends in related academic, research and industry communities. Deep neural networks-based machine learning technology is a promising tool to attack the big challenge in wireless communications and networks imposed by the increasing demands in terms of capacity, coverage, latency, efficiency flexibility, compatibility, quality of experience and silicon convergence. The author – a noted expert on the topic – covers a wide range of topics including system architecture and optimization, physical-layer and cross-layer processing, air interface and protocol design, beamforming and antenna configuration, network coding and slicing, cell acquisition and handover, scheduling and rate adaption, radio access control, smart proactive caching and adaptive resource allocations. Uniquely organized into three categories: Spectrum Intelligence, Transmission Intelligence and Network Intelligence, this important resource: Offers a comprehensive review of the theory, applications and current developments of machine learning for wireless communications and networks Covers a range of topics from architecture and optimization to adaptive resource allocations Reviews state-of-the-art machine learning based solutions for network coverage Includes an overview of the applications of machine learning algorithms in future wireless networks Explores flexible backhaul and front-haul, cross-layer optimization and coding, full-duplex radio, digital front-end (DFE) and radio-frequency (RF) processing Written for professional engineers, researchers, scientists, manufacturers, network operators, software developers and graduate students, Machine Learning for Future Wireless Communications presents in 21 chapters a comprehensive review of the topic authored by an expert in the field.