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One of the long-standing ...
- The first book of its kind to cover institutional issues in gender empowerment on all five continents - Can be used as a textbook in Development Economics, Sociology, Women's Studies and International Development at universities at the postgraduate
The book focuses on the past traditional roles of women and also identifies direction of change,rate of change and the causes of change in women's status.It hasalso been pointed out that these recent developments in the status of women may become the future sociology of changing sex roles in the developing countries and may recast marriage and family in new and different molds.
One of the long-standing priorities of the international community is to reduce gender disparity in developing countries. Yet, the overall picture is still gloomy: women continue to be excluded from access to resources and employment and are denied basic human rights. This Policy Brief explains why progress has been so minimal and what should be done about it. Recent Development Centre research (Morrisson and Jutting, 2004, 2005; Morrisson and Friedrich, 2004) has shown the institutional framework as key to understanding the economic role of women in developing countries, yet this framework has not received the attention it deserves. This Policy Brief summarises the lessons from this and other research to answer three questions. First, why are social institutions so important for gender equality? Second, what obstacles impede reforms of discriminatory social institutions, and why is progress so limited? Third, what policy lessons emerge for donors? Feminist studies emphasised the major role of institutions for gender inequality early and repeatedly (Elson, 1991; Marchand and Parpart, 1995; Parpart, 1993). They argued that patriarchal structures perpetuate gender inequality. To overcome it, women must challenge existing power relations and change or abolish patriarchal institutions. A landmark World Bank study on gender equality (2001) also puts priority on the need to reform institutions to establish equal rights and opportunities for women and men. Within the overall institutional setting, social institutions and cultural practices -- i.e. laws, norms, traditions and codes of conduct -- often are the main sources of persisting discrimination against women in developing countries. Examples include polygamy, unequal inheritance rights, obstacles to free movement and early, family-imposed marriages of teenagers. Where traditions still largely determine people's behaviour, standard policies to promote gender equality -- building more schools, giving micro-credit to women and so on -- are important but not sufficient. Building schools where custom or tradition forbids girls to leave the house alone after puberty will not make much difference. Giving micro-credit to women in rural villages where they are denied access to land, technology and information will not deliver the desired effects. Finding options to address unfavourable institutional frameworks presents a tremendous challenge. Quick fixes or blueprints of reforms will not work and could be counter-productive. Donor intervention in social institutions is particularly difficult, because they are highly sensitive and action could easily be viewed as "cultural imperialism". The Human Development Report 2004 addresses the definition of cultural liberty and how it relates to social institutions. "... [N]either cultural freedom nor respect for diversity should be confused with the defence of tradition. Cultural liberty is the ability of people to live and be what they choose, with adequate opportunity to consider other options" (UNDP, 2004, p. 4). Promoting change in social institutions is not a step against cultural liberty but allows women to make their own decisions. Promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women is not a western view imposed on developing countries. All 191 member states of the UN unanimously adopted it in the United Nations Development Declaration (Millennium Development Goal Three). (A bibliography is included. Contains 1 footnote, 3 figures and 1 box.).
Here is an insightful volume on the integration of women in the modernization process of developing countries, with research studies on women and development in Guatemala, Tanzania, Indonesia, and several other countries. Drawing from theory and practice, authorities examine how development in any kind of economy marginalizes women, illustrate the existence of a feminist awareness among impoverished rural women, demonstrate the importance of understanding the policy and program implementation institutions within which any transition toward more women-sensitive change is to occur, and suggest the kind of research that would be useful and credible to policymakers. Each of the controversial chapters reflects a new phase in women and development research, and each is a reminder that the fundamental issue--women’s subordination--remains key to theory and practice in development.
Donor agencies and policy makers tend to agree that increased access of women to education, health, credit, formal legal rights and employment opportunities, in conjunction with economic growth, will substantially improve the socio-economic role of women in developing countries. This paper challenges that view. It argues that these measures might not be sufficient if the institutional framework within a country constrains women from participating in economic activities. It finds that social institutions -- laws, norms, traditions and codes of conduct -- constitute the most important single factor determining women's freedom of choice in economic activities. They have not only a direct impact on the economic role of women but also an indirect one through women's access to resources like education and health care. The findings suggest that an institutional framework that disadvantages half of the adult population hinders development. To address gender inequalities effectively, policy makers and donors must think about and address institutional frameworks that discriminate against women, a task even more difficult than the tough exercises of increasing female enrolment rates or introducing sustainable micro-credit schemes. (A bibliography is included. Annexed information includes tables for data by country, region, religious affiliation, economic development and test of endogeneity. Contains 7 footnotes, 1 figure and 3 tables.).
Donor agencies and policy makers tend to agree that increased access of women to education, health, credit, formal legal rights and employment opportunities, in conjunction with economic growth, will substantially improve the socio-economic role of women in developing countries. This paper challenges that view. It argues that these measures might not be sufficient if the institutional framework within a country constrains women from participating in economic activities. It finds that social institutions - laws, norms, traditions and codes of conduct - constitute the most important single factor determining women's freedom of choice in economic activities. They have not only a direct impact on the economic role of women but also an indirect one through women's access to resources like education and health care. The findings suggest that an institutional framework that disadvantages half of the adult population hinders development. To address gender inequalities effectively, policy makers and donors must think about and address institutional frameworks that discriminate against women, a task even more difficult than the tough exercises of increasing female enrolment rates or introducing sustainable micro-credit schemes.
Technology, generally considered a positive force that enhances both social and economic development, only benefits a whole population when it permits the productive use of all human resources, female as well as male. Nevertheless, women continue to be a neglected component in planning for technological development. This book considers developmental target areas -- health, food, housing and fertility -- that concern women as family members and as heads of households and assesses the specific needs of women both in adapting to technological change and as agents of that change.