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Regarded by many as a dead or simply dull subject, Change and Challenge in Human Structure — Sixty Years On shatters this prejudice with a series of studies that go beyond dissection and measurement and covers novel approaches to anatomical form. Award-winning anatomist Charles Oxnard takes us on an exhilarating ride: beginning with rudimentary dissections and the fascinating observation of 'missing muscles', we are led on naturally to statistical analysis of bone measurements and how they may give information about bone function. Engineering methods and pattern recognition are introduced next, as a means of studying the external shape and internal structure of bones, respectively, and their relation to mechanical function. The application of landmark analysis to anatomy, also known as geometric morphometrics, is given a full chapter treatment. Finally, Oxnard uses modelling techniques to skilfully lay out an argument for the uniqueness of human brains and new possibilities in human evolutionary theories, both past and future. This book offers nothing less than a paradigm shift in our understanding of one of the oldest fields of science, and leads us into new views of the functional, developmental, behavioural, genetic and evolutionary implications of anatomical studies.
Regarded by many as a dead or simply dull subject, Change and Challenge in Human Structure -- Sixty Years On shatters this prejudice with a series of studies that go beyond anatomical dissection and measurement, covering modern computational, physical, engineering, mathematical and modelling approaches to anatomical form. Award-winning anatomist Charles Oxnard takes us on an exhilarating ride, beginning with rudimentary cadaver dissections and the observation of anatomical variations, to modelling of structure and function, interluded by statistical analysis and the morphometric study of form, and expanding to show fascinating connections of anatomy to lifestyle, forensics, and evolution. This book offers nothing less than a paradigm shift in our understanding of one of the oldest fields of science, and leads us into new views of the functional, developmental, behavioural, genetic and evolutionary implications of anatomical studies.
Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.
Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is the premier public resource on scientific and technological developments that impact global security. Founded by Manhattan Project Scientists, the Bulletin's iconic "Doomsday Clock" stimulates solutions for a safer world.
Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.
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Science, engineering, and technology permeate nearly every facet of modern life and hold the key to solving many of humanity's most pressing current and future challenges. The United States' position in the global economy is declining, in part because U.S. workers lack fundamental knowledge in these fields. To address the critical issues of U.S. competitiveness and to better prepare the workforce, A Framework for K-12 Science Education proposes a new approach to K-12 science education that will capture students' interest and provide them with the necessary foundational knowledge in the field. A Framework for K-12 Science Education outlines a broad set of expectations for students in science and engineering in grades K-12. These expectations will inform the development of new standards for K-12 science education and, subsequently, revisions to curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional development for educators. This book identifies three dimensions that convey the core ideas and practices around which science and engineering education in these grades should be built. These three dimensions are: crosscutting concepts that unify the study of science through their common application across science and engineering; scientific and engineering practices; and disciplinary core ideas in the physical sciences, life sciences, and earth and space sciences and for engineering, technology, and the applications of science. The overarching goal is for all high school graduates to have sufficient knowledge of science and engineering to engage in public discussions on science-related issues, be careful consumers of scientific and technical information, and enter the careers of their choice. A Framework for K-12 Science Education is the first step in a process that can inform state-level decisions and achieve a research-grounded basis for improving science instruction and learning across the country. The book will guide standards developers, teachers, curriculum designers, assessment developers, state and district science administrators, and educators who teach science in informal environments.
M. C. Roco and W.S. Bainbridge In the early decades of the 21st century, concentrated efforts can unify science based on the unity of nature, thereby advancing the combination of nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and new technologies based in cognitive science. With proper attention to ethical issues and societal needs, converging in human abilities, societal technologies could achieve a tremendous improvement outcomes, the nation's productivity, and the quality of life. This is a broad, cross cutting, emerging and timely opportunity of interest to individuals, society and humanity in the long term. The phrase "convergent technologies" refers to the synergistic combination of four major "NBIC" (nano-bio-info-cogno) provinces of science and technology, each of which is currently progressing at a rapid rate: (a) nanoscience and nanotechnology; (b) biotechnology and biomedicine, including genetic engineering; (c) information technology, including advanced computing and communications; (d) cognitive science, including cognitive neuroscience. Timely and Broad Opportunity. Convergence of diverse technologies is based on material unity at the nanoscale and on technology integration from that scale.
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