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Presents the final twelve lectures of a course that examines some of the most important issues facing economic policymakers in the United States, determined by a survey of economists commissioned for this course.
A radically revised new edition of this highly readable, popular guide aimed at everyone from students to statesmen who want to make sense of the modern economy and grasp how economic theory works in practice.It starts with the basics: what economics is about; the sources of economic growth such as people and investment; the role of central banks and fiscal policy in setting the macroeconomic framework; and the economics of everything - microeconomics. From the underlying theory it moves to the specifics of the world economy: the developed world and the rise of emerging economies, the issues of global imbalances and the runaway world of finance; the recent 'great' recession - why it happened, how it was dealt with, its effects, legacy and the way ahead. The closing part puts the usefulness and the failings of economics under the spotlight, and looks at the innovative approaches being developed to make what has been called the 'dismal science' fit for the modern world.
The book focuses on a systemic study of the challenges of the modern economy and related problems and areas of sustainable development of countries, regions, and businesses, with particular attention paid to the new prospects offered by the spread of digital technology. The book’s contribution to the literature is that it reveals the specifics and digital perspectives of supporting the SDGs in the economy at every level of the economy: country, regional, and corporate, considering sectoral specificities—this is reflected in six parts of the book. Part 1 identifies contemporary challenges of the modern economy as barriers to sustainable development. Part 2 reflects the future direction of sustainable development of the countries. Part 3 considers the problems and prospects for sustainable development of regions. Part 4 focuses on the problems and prospects for the sustainable development of enterprises and industries. Part 5 sheds light on the economic and legal foundations and cooperative mechanisms of sustainable development. Part 6 offers recommendations for enhancing the use of digital technologies offered by Industry 4.0 to support the SDGs. Scientists whose research interests include sustainable economic development are the primary target audience for this book. For the primary target audience, the book forms a systemic view of the global challenges of sustainable development and offers a set of scientific and methodological recommendations to provide an effective response to these challenges at every level of the economy. An additional audience for the book is practicing experts, who will find international best practices and applied recommendations to support sustainable economic development and implementation of the SDGs in the practice of state (national regulation and public administration of the region) and corporate (in various industries) management.
The world of economics is changing. Years of turmoil in the global economy mean that nothing will ever be quite the same again. This is the starting point and theme of this radically revised Economist books classic, now available for the first time in America. Richard Davies, economics editor of The Economist, takes us on a journey through the paper's own analysis of the state of the world's economies, how we reached this point and what to expect in the next decade. He explores: what's gone wrong since 2008, why it's happened and how we can stop it happening again; the shifting focus of economics from banking to labor economics; the future hopes and challenges for the world economy. Along the way, we encounter the global economy laid bare, from banks, panics, and crashes to innovative new policies to improve how markets function; from discussions around jobs, pay, and inequality to the promise of innovation and productivity; from the implications of emerging markets and the globalization of trade through to the sharing economy and the economics of Google and eBay. The result is a fascinating review of the global economy and the changing role of economics in the new world order.
Governments and central banks across the developed world have tried every policy tool imaginable, yet our economies remain sluggish or worse. How did we get here, and how can we compete and prosper once more? Daniel Alpert argues that a global labor glut, excess productive capacity, and a rising ocean of cheap capital have kept the Western economies mired in underemployment and anemic growth. We failed to anticipate the impact of the torrent of labor and capital unleashed by formerly socialist economies. Many policymakers miss the connection between global oversupply and the lack of domestic investment and growth. But Alpert shows how they are intertwined and offers a bold, fresh approach to fixing our economic woes. Twitter: @DanielAlpert
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This book stems from the principle that each individual on our planet is of the highest value, arguing that each person should be recognized according to what dignity and what values they bear. It shows that the phenomenon of values is not what people want, but what people should want, highlighting that Europe and America have advanced most on this path. As such, the book pays special attention to European and Euro-Atlantic values. It describes how the value system, which society uses as a guide, has dictated the usual norms of behavior of a large number of people. These values are not equally acceptable to all, and some even violate them, but society has developed formal (laws) and informal (customs) institutions to uphold them. The issues discussed in this book, about the modern economy and values, will be interesting for all people who think about the fate of their country and humanity, regardless of their nationality, religious confession, race, profession, age, or worldview.