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This book is about faith restored. Lost faith after a twenty year struggle and found once again. It has a section on how to pray well including the Rosary and Novena(s). You will find information on all the disciples and the main Arch Angels. There is a small write-up about Saints. It was a personal journey of five (5) years of journal keeping. The Holy Spirit has assisted my writing this book. I Thank God and Jesus from the bottom of my heart to make the printing of this book possible. I wrote two personal stories and have divided a prayer section. This is a feel good book with references to love, marriage and paying it forward. A personal journey written from a sin filled flawed person. I have many faults and two mental disorders Bi-Polar II (manic depression) and Hypomania. Also have a disorder called ADDHD - Attention Deficit Disorder Hypersensitive. The cover is my personal Art of a woman dreaming thus the title chosen Celestial Voices. There are definitions of words like redemption, salvation, praising, worshiping etc. What do these words really mean in the context of studying the Bible. Many books are listed in the back for your reference. I also included characteristics of God and a Prayer to St. Joseph. This is a feel good book with many living lessons.
The angels are always with us as we face the daily joys and sorrows of our human existence. They are speaking messages of comfort and guidance to us that we have forgotten how to hear in the rush and confusion of our everyday lives. "Celestial Voices" is a collection of those messages expressed in poetry, with the intent to awaken our sense of wonder and joy in our true identity, a call to hear the divine music in our lives. As the angels reach down to us, and we reach upward to them, we touch in the space between.
For a woman of the 12th century, Hildegard of Bingen's achievements were so exceptional that posterity has found it hard to take her measure. Hildegard authority Barbara Newman brings together major scholars to present an accurate portrait of the Benedictine nun and her many contributions to 12th-century religious, cultural, and intellectual life. 18 illustrations.
Alongside William Gibson and Neal Stephenson, Bruce Sterling stands at the forefront of a select group of writers whose pitch-perfect grasp of the cultural and scientific zeitgeist endows their works of speculative near-future fiction with uncanny verisimilitude. To read a novel by Sterling is to receive a dispatch from a time traveler. Now, with The Caryatids, Sterling has written a stunning testament of faith in the power of human intellect, creativity, and spirit to overcome any obstacle–even the obstacles we carry inside ourselves. The world of 2060 is divided into three spheres of influence, each fighting with the others over the resources of fallen nations and an environment degraded almost to the point of no return. There is the Dispensation, centered in Los Angeles, where entertainment and capitalism have fused with the highest of high-tech. There is the Acquis, a Green-centered collective that uses invasive neurological technology to create a networked utopia. And there is China, the sole surviving nation-state, a dinosaur that has prospered only by pitilessly pruning its own population. Products of this monstrous world, the daughters of a monstrous mother, and–according to some–monsters themselves, are the Caryatids: the four surviving female clones of a mad Balkan genius and wanted war criminal now ensconced, safely beyond extradition, on an orbiting space station. Radmila is a Dispensation star determined to forget her past by building a glittering, impregnable future. Vera is an Acquis functionary dedicated to reclaiming their home, the Croatian island of Mljet, from catastrophic pollution. Sonja is a medical specialist in China renowned for selflessly risking herself to help others. And Biserka is a one-woman terrorist network. The four “sisters” are united only by their hatred for their “mother”–and for one another. When evidence surfaces of a coming environmental cataclysm, the Dispensation sends its greatest statesman–or salesman–John Montgomery Montalban, husband of Radmila, and lover of Vera and Sonja, to gather the Caryatids together in an audacious plan to save the world.