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By examining the origin and growth dynamics of two generations of high-tech startups in China's information technology sectors, this study presents empirical research on how Chinese technology startup companies, despite their lack of many of the basic elements that are usually necessary for a successful enterprise, survived and thrived in a competitive environment. The first-generation firms appeared in the mid- and late 1980s, competing in computer-related areas such as Chinese-language processing software and hardware products, personal computers, and financial software products. The second-generation startups, namely Internet-related companies, emerged in the mid-1990s. The thesis presents case studies, which form the primary evidence for analysis, on major domestic players Legend, Founder, Great Wall, Sohu, Sina, and Netease. A framework was built based on a theoretical distinction between external resources and organizational capabilities. Case studies show that external resources are important, but richer resources do not always guarantee a startup's success if they fail to help build organizational capabilities. External resources might even become a hurdle in sustaining a competitive edge. The case studies indicate that organizational capabilities that were built during a startup's development, rather than just richer or "better" external resources alone, make significant contributions to success. Another observation is that in many cases resource constraints trigger startups to search for needed capabilities. Together with external resources and strategic alliances, trial-and-error learning is an effective vehicle to carry out capability-building processes. The unintentional nature of capability building is also discussed
The rise of China's tech companies and intense competition from the sector is just beginning. This will present an ongoing management and strategy challenge for companies for many years to come. Tech Titans of China is the go-to-guide for companies (and those interested in competition from China) seeking to understand China's grand tech ambitions, who the players are and what their strategy is. Fannin, an expert on China, is an internationally-recognized journalist, author and speaker. She hosts 12 live events annually for business leaders, venture capitalists, start-up founders, and others impacted by or interested in cashing in on the Chinese tech industry. In this illuminating book, she provides readers with the ammunition they need to prepare and compete. Featuring detailed profiles of the Chinese tech companies making waves, the tech sectors that matter most in China's grab for super power status, and predictions for China's tech dominance in just 10 years.
Innovation has shaped society since civilization began. Imperial China was the most innovative society on earth, but it failed to join the 19th century industrial revolution. In the 20th century, the Communist Party of China addressed that failure. Today China boasts an internationally compliant, rapidly developing IP system. State planning continues to be critical as the case of the largest, single, technology acquisition and infrastructure project in world history, high speed rail, demonstrates. But most of the innovation in China comes from the private sector: government incubators are among the government stimuli of private initiative, both local and global. And as the case on Cisco shows, foreign MNCs management of innovation in China is attractive but must involve co-ordination with government policy.This book presents cases where managers determine policy in China's increasingly innovative society. Readers take the roles of decision-makers to make strategy decisions. The cases in this volume showcase China's traditional three teachings, socialist market institutions, and modern management using studies on current Chinese companies and their leaders, among them big names such as Haier and Huawei. Each case stands alone as teaching material for instructors. Taken together, the book presents evolving models of innovation. Their subtle differences from western constructs critically impact the development of our global society.
China is in the midst of transitioning from a manufacturing-based economy to one driven by innovation and knowledge. This up-to-date analysis evaluates China's state-led approach to science and technology, and its successes and failures. In recent decades, China has seen huge investments in high-tech science parks, a surge in home-grown top-ranked global companies, and a significant increase in scientific publications and patents. Helped by state policies and a flexible business culture, the country has been able to leapfrog its way to a more globally competitive position. However, the authors argue that this approach might not yield the same level of progress going forward if China does not address serious institutional, organizational, and cultural obstacles. While not impossible, this task may well prove to be more difficult for the Chinese Communist Party than the challenges that China has faced in the past.
Explains the rapid rise of China's innovation system and provides a roadmap for the prospects of China's AI development.
Who holds the power in financial markets? For many, the answer would probably be the large investment banks, big asset managers, and hedge funds that are often in the media's spotlight. But more and more a new group of sovereign investors, which includes some of the world's largest sovereign wealth funds, government pension funds, central bank reserve funds, state-owned enterprises, and other sovereign capital-enabled entities, have emerged to become the most influential capital markets players and investment firms, with $30 trillion in assets under management (“super asset owners”). Their ample resources, preference for lower profile, passive investing, their long-time horizon and adherence to sustainability as well as their need to diversify globally and by sector have helped to transform the investment world and, in particular, private markets for digital companies. They have helped create and sustain an environment that has fostered the rise of the likes of Uber, Alibaba, Spotify and other transformative players in the digital economy, while providing their founders and business models the benefit of long-term capital. Despite this increasingly important impact, sovereign investors remain mostly unknown, often maintaining a low profile in global markets. For the same reason, they’re also among the most widely misunderstood, as many view investments made by sovereign investors as purely driven by political aims. The general perception is that most sovereign investors lack transparency and have questionable governance controls, causing an investee nation to fear exposure to risks of unfair competition, data security, corruption, and non-financially or non-economically motivated investments. The current global tensions around the AI race and tech competition – and now the corona virus pandemic – have exacerbated such misperceptions, spawning controversies around sovereign investors and capital markets, governments, new technologies, cross-border investments, and related laws and regulations. As such, sovereign capital and the global digital economy are undergoing an unprecedented, contentious moment. In short, the emergence of sovereign funds symbolizes a major shift of the world’s economic power. For the first time, investment funds from developing countries are playing with OECD financial giants as equals. Furthermore, their investments into high tech enable them to participate at the cutting-edge of the fourth industrial revolution, challenging traditional innovation powerhouses like the US and Germany. For all stakeholders, from tech unicorns, VC funds, asset managers, financial firms, to policymakers, law firms, academics, and the general public, this is the must-have book to get to know these new venture capitalists and “super asset owners”.
Cases on Born Globals brings together a wealth of case studies covering a range of industries and countries on emerging firms known as ‘Born Globals’ that seek to enter international markets immediately upon creation. Bringing together 11 key cases, Erik Rasmussen highlights how these firms have been increasing in number over the last 20 years. He further explores the speed of their growth, the challenges experienced and likely future prognoses. The book also discusses whether early internationalisation could be advantageous to entrepreneurial firms by linking up to other more prominent firms and thereby creating a greater reach for the newly-created firms.
Humanizing Businesses for a Better World of Work provides a strategic perspective on how organizations can transform their structures and practices to accommodate a more humanized, people-first workplace in the face of the fundamental transitions happening in the post-pandemic world.