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A 40-page manual that details the advanced induced spawning technology for Bighead carp developed at SEAFDEC/AQD through the years. This handbook emphasizes the adoption of efficient carp hatchery techniques for optimal production of good quality eggs and juveniles.
The book entitled “Broodstock Management and Fish Seed Production” provides information relating to commercially cultivable fresh water fishes, broodstock management, fish seed production technology, fish seed quality management including induced breeding with neat illustration. Increasing the aquaculture production can be achieved through the supply of quality fish seed. This book will be immensely helpful to farmers, hatchery managers, entrepreneurs and fisheries graduates pursuing research in the area of freshwater broodstock management and sustainable development of freshwater aquaculture in the country. Note: T& F does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
The increase in seed production is a key factor in increasing world fish production, since seed production has been used not only to supply fish culturists but to supply natural waters too. This study is a baseline comprehensive one, focusing on the management measures usually undertaken during the seed production operation, since the reliable supply of good quality of eggs and fry (often collectively known as seed) is considered a backbone for a successful aquaculture industry. However meaningful conclusions and practical solutions have been behind the emphasis to conduct this study under normal field conditions, despite the well known difficulties and adverse risks associated with such studies. The purpose of this study is to increase grass and silver carp seed production through evaluating different management measures that were used in egg and fry production, and ways of improving such measures with emphasis on water quality, pond fertilization, stocking densities and predator control.
This treatise gives an up-to-date comprehensive account of the seed production technology of major species of fin fish and shell fish utilized for commercial aquaculture. Though copious illustrations in the text provides an orientation towards the students reader, the book shall be a valuable reference material not only for students but also for teachers, scientists, extension workers and planners. This book is perhaps the first of its kind as no single text book deals with such wide ranging species and technologies on the subject-the break through that has revolutionised aquacultural practices in the world. Hence this text book shall be a must for all those concerned with aquaculture particularly with reproduction and seed production of fishes. Contents Chapter 1: Reproduction in Fishes; Introduction, Sexuality in fishes, Sexual dimorphism, Reproductive cycle, Reproductive strategies, Fecundity and spawning, Courtship and mating, Style of reproduction, Hormonal/neurohormonal control of reproduction, Endocrine and neuroendocrine system in crustaceans, Eggs and larvae in fishes, Chapter 2: Seed Production of Major Carps; Introduction, Indian Major Carps, Reproductive biology of Indian major carps, Embryonic development, hatching and larval development, Seed collection from natural spawning grounds, Bundh breeding, Artificial propagation technique, Brood husbandry, Hypophysation technique, Assessment of egg quantity and fertilization rate, Incubation of eggs, Larval care and nursery rearing, Chinese Major Carps, Introduction, Reproductive biology, Artificial propagation, Breeding of Common Carp, Introduction, Reproductive biology, Seminatural breeding, Stripping technique and artificial fertilization, Breeding in ecohatchery, Advances in Carp Breeding, Introduction, (A) Multiple breeding of Indian major carps, (B) Cryopreservation of carp milt, (C) Synthetic compounds in induced breeding, Design and Construction of Model Carp Hatchery, Introduction, Site selection, Estimation of brood fish requirement, Calculation of area required for brood fish rearing tank, Calculation of dimensions of incubation pool, Calculation of area required for nursery tank, Estimation of water requirement, Packing and marketing unit, Construction and operation: some important hints; Chapter 3: Seed Production Technology of Freshwater Cat Fishes; Channel cat fish (Ictalurus punctatus) Introduction, Reproductive biology, Brood stock raising and brood fish care, Egg collection, fertilization, incubation, larval care, Magur (Clarias batrachus), Introduction, Reproductive biology; Hatchery technology, Larval rearing, Advanced fry rearing, Stining cat fish (Heteropneustes fossilis), Introduction, Reproductive biology; Brood stock maintenance, Induced breeding, Fry rearing; Chapter 4: Tilapia; Introduction, Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia), O. mossambicus (Java tilapia), O. aureus, O. spilurus niger, O. urolepis hornorum, O. macrochir, Sarotherodon galileus, S. melanotheron, T. rendalli, T. zilli, Environmental factors affecting reproduction, Production of fry for stocking, Seed production system in tilapia, Larval care, Production of all male/monosex seed, Introduction to polyploidy; Chapter 5: Seed Production of Brackish Water/Marine Fish; Grey Mullets (Mugil cephalus), Introduction Reproductive biology, Artificial propagation, Larval rearing, Milk Fish (Chanos chanos), Introduction, Reproductive biology, Brood stock maintenance, Brood fish conditioning, Spawning, Incubation of eggs and hatching, Larval development and larval care, Sea Bass (Lates calcarifer), Introduction, Reproductive biology, Brood stock maintenance, Spawning, fertilization, incubation and hatching, Larval rearing, Grouper (Epinephelus sp.), Introduction, Reproductive biology, Natural spawning in captivity, Induced spawning, Incubation hatching and larval rearing; Chapter 6: Seed Production Technology of Cold Water Fishes; Trouts, Introduction, Reproductive biology, Brood husbandry, Egg taking and milk collection, Artificial fertilization, Incubation of fertilized eggs, Rearing unit for raising fingerlings, Mahseer, Introduction, Reproductive biology, Hatchery technology, Larval care, Chapter 7: Breeding and Seed Production of Ornamental Fishes; Introduction, Oviparous ornamental fishes laying eggs unattended, Oviparous ornamental fishes-eggs guarded by parents but the developing eggs are not in direct contact with the body of the parent, Oviparous ornamental fishes that carry their eggs (egg carriers) Live bearers, Chapter 8: Breeding and Seed Production of Shell Fishes; Tiger Prawn, Introduction, Reproductive biology, Hatchery technology, Brood stock maintenance, Spawning unit, Hatching and harvesting of nauplii, Larval rearing, Larval diseases and their management, Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii), Introduction, Reproductive biology, Maintenance of brood stock, Incubation and hatching, Larval rearing, Mud Crab, Introduction, Reproductive biology, Larval development, Brood stock raising, Incubation and hatching, Larval care, Chapter 9: Breeding and Seed Production of Shell Fishes Other than Crustacenas (Molluscans and Holothurians); Introduction, Pearl Oyster, Introduction, Reproductive biology and life cycle, Brood stock development, Induced spawning, Larval rearing, Mussels, Introduction, Reproductive biology, Larval development, Spat collection from natural spawning ground, Brood stock rearing, Induced spawning, Larval rearing, Clams, Introduction, Reproductive biology, Induced spawning, Larval rearing, Sea Cucumber, Introduction, Reproductive and life cycle, Brood stock maintenance, Spawning and hatching, Larval rearing, Chapter 10: Genetic Upgradation of Fish Seed; Introduction, Hybridization in fishes, Cytogenetical studies, Chromosome/genome manipulations, Sex determinations and manipulation, genetransfer and transgenesis, Selected breeding, Chromosome number, Chapter 11: Culture of Live Feed Organisms for Larviculture; Introduction, Culture of Microalgae, Introduction, Isolation of pure algal strains from water, Preparation of culture media, Growth pattern of algae, Maintenance of stock culture, Flask culture, Mass culture, Harvest and feeding, Infrastructure and sterilization for algal culture, Culture of Rotifers, Introduction, Biology of rotifers, Culture system of rotifers, Culture of Daphnia, Biology, Culture technique, Culture of Artemia, Biology of artemia, Hatching of cysts, Decapsulation of cysts, Bioencapsulation of artemia or artemia enrichment, Chapter 12: Cryopreservation of Fish Gametes; Introduction, Milt composition and sperm quality of teleosts, Principles of cryopreservation, Cryopreservation protocol, Advantages of cryopreservation, Cryopreservation of invertebrate larvae.
Aquaculture for both finfish and shellfish is expanding rapidly throughout the world. It is regarded as having the potential to provide a valuable source of protein in less developed countries and to be integrated into the farming systems and livelihoods of the rural poor. This book addresses key issues in aquaculture and rural development, with case studies drawn from several countries in South and South-East Asia. Papers included cover topics ranging from production and technical issues (such as pond culture and rice field fisheries) to social aspects and research and development methodology. The book has been developed from a meeting of the Asian Fisheries Society. It is aimed at all concerned with aquaculture and rural development.
There are over 1300 species of cyprinids in Asia, and these are utilized by people for food (capture fisheries and aquaculture) and as ornamental species. This publication focuses on cyprinid species that are bred in hatcheries and used in aquaculture and restocking activities. Introduced and threatened species of cyprinids in Asia are also discussed. We are well aware that we have not covered many other cyprinid species that are utilized by people in Asia in various ways: wild species in capture fisheries, self-recruiting species in aquaculture ponds and other water bodies, and aquarist species.
This publication is presented in two parts.
The revised third edition is a comprehensive and better illustrated book covering the major aspects of freshwater aquaculture within Asiatic region with particular focus on the Indian context. In the present revised edition, an attempt has been made not only to update the information but also three additional chapters such as Biotechnology in Aquaculture, Fisheries Extension Education and Ornamental Fish Production and Management are incorporated for the graduate and postgraduate students in the subject concerned. Hope this book would facilitate the teaching of the subject in Colleges and Universities as per their syllabi.