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Sovereign wealth funds are state-controlled pools of capital that hold financial and real assets, including shares of state enterprises, and manage them to grow the nation’s base of sovereign wealth. The dramatic rise of sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) in both number and size—this group is now larger than the size of global private equity and hedge funds, combined—and the fact that most are located in non-OECD countries, has raised concern about the direction of capitalism. Yet SWFs are not a homogenous group of actors. Why do some countries with large current account surpluses, notably China, create SWFs while others, such as Switzerland and Germany, do not? Why do other countries with no macroeconomic justification, such as Senegal and Turkey, create SWFs? And why do countries with similar macroeconomic features, such as Kuwait and Qatar or Singapore and Hong Kong, choose different types of SWFs? Capital Choices analyzes the creation of different SWFs from a comparative political economy perspective, arguing that different state-society structures at the sectoral level are the drivers for SWF variation. Juergen Braunstein focuses on the early formation period of SWFs, a critical but little understood area given the high levels of political sensitivity and lack of transparency that surround SWF creation. Braunstein’s novel analytical framework provides practical lessons for the business and finance organizations and policymakers of countries that have created, or are planning to create, SWFs.
Demystifies the process of sovereign wealth fund creation and examines the policy and economic issues surrounding them, updated for a post-Covid world
Due Diligence ist ein Prüfverfahren, mit dessen Hilfe Investoren die wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Situation des zu finanzierenden Unternehmens genau durchleuchten, um solide Investmententscheidungen zu treffen. "Venture Capital Due Diligence" ist ein praktischer Leitfaden zum Due Diligence Prozess. Er erläutert ausführlich das strenge Regelwerk dieses Prüfverfahrens und zeigt dem Leser, wie er diese Technik in der Praxis einsetzt, um damit Investmentchancen zu bewerten und die Rentabilität seiner Kapitalanlage (ROI - Return on Investment) einzuschätzen. Mit Tipps, Ratschlägen und Checklisten, die von den international erfolgreichsten Wagniskapitalgebern zusammengestellt wurden sowie einem Fragenkatalog, der die wichtigsten Kriterien des Due Diligence Prozesses beinhaltet. "Venture Capital Due Diligence" ist ein unentbehrlicher Ratgeber für alle Venture Capitalists, professionelle Investoren und Finanzgeber.
A comprehensive guide to making better capital structure and corporate financing decisions in today's dynamic business environment Given the dramatic changes that have recently occurred in the economy, the topic of capital structure and corporate financing decisions is critically important. The fact is that firms need to constantly revisit their portfolio of debt, equity, and hybrid securities to finance assets, operations, and future growth. Capital Structure and Corporate Financing Decisions provides an in-depth examination of critical capital structure topics, including discussions of basic capital structure components, key theories and practices, and practical application in an increasingly complex corporate world. Throughout, the book emphasizes how a sound capital structure simultaneously minimizes the firm's cost of capital and maximizes the value to shareholders. Offers a strategic focus that allows you to understand how financing decisions relates to a firm's overall corporate policy Consists of contributed chapters from both academics and experienced professionals, offering a variety of perspectives and a rich interplay of ideas Contains information from survey research describing actual financial practices of firms This valuable resource takes a practical approach to capital structure by discussing why various theories make sense and how firms use them to solve problems and create wealth. In the wake of the recent financial crisis, the insights found here are essential to excelling in today's volatile business environment.
In 1952, Harry Markowitz published "Portfolio Selection," a paper which revolutionized modern investment theory and practice. The paper proposed that, in selecting investments, the investor should consider both expected return and variability of return on the portfolio as a whole. Portfolios that minimized variance for a given expected return were demonstrated to be the most efficient. Markowitz formulated the full solution of the general mean-variance efficient set problem in 1956 and presented it in the appendix to his 1959 book, Portfolio Selection. Though certain special cases of the general model have become widely known, both in academia and among managers of large institutional portfolios, the characteristics of the general solution were not presented in finance books for students at any level. And although the results of the general solution are used in a few advanced portfolio optimization programs, the solution to the general problem should not be seen merely as a computing procedure. It is a body of propositions and formulas concerning the shapes and properties of mean-variance efficient sets with implications for financial theory and practice beyond those of widely known cases. The purpose of the present book, originally published in 1987, is to present a comprehensive and accessible account of the general mean-variance portfolio analysis, and to illustrate its usefulness in the practice of portfolio management and the theory of capital markets. The portfolio selection program in Part IV of the 1987 edition has been updated and contains exercises and solutions.
An expansive study of short-sighted investment behavior in American business and recommendations for reform. Co-sponsored by the Harvard Business School and The Council on Competitiveness, this volume contains important findings for everyone concerned with the ability of American firms to regain and build their health and competitiveness.
This compilation integrates various new contributions to the growing real options literature. Recent developments in the valuation of capital investment opportunities seen as real options (e.g. to defer, expand, abandon, or switch) have provided the tools and unlocked the possibilities to revolutionize the field of capital budgeting. The resulting insights, strategies, and techniques enable quantifying the thus far elusive elements of managerial operating flexibility and strategic interactions. These are vital to successfully capitalize on favorable future investment opportunities or limit losses from adverse market developments. This book presents various models and operating strategies, and a variety of applications ranging from acquisitions and divestitures, to natural resource development and pollution compliance. It is intended for both the academic and the professional market. The book's contributions are divided into five parts, covering sections on real options and alternative valuation paradigms for capital investment analysis; on the analysis of general exchange or switching options, and interdependencies among multiple such options; on strategic acquisitions, infrastructure, and foreign investment options; on mean reversion/ alternative formulations in natural resource investments, shipping, and start-up ventures; and on other applications in pollution compliance, land development, flexible manufacturing, and financial default options. Both academic and practitioner interest in these developments is unusually high. The book can serve as supplementary material for the academic market, e.g., in advanced finance courses in option pricing or capital budgeting, in doctoral seminars, and as a library resource. It may also be of interest to the professional market (e.g. corporate planners and finance executives in the oil, pharmaceutical, auto and a variety of other industries), academics from related areas (e.g. decision analysts or economists), as well as to international readers (academics, doctoral students, and professionals).
Capital Ideas traces the origins of modern Wall Street, from the pioneering work of early scholars and the development of new theories in risk, valuation, and investment returns, to the actual implementation of these theories in the real world of investment management. Bernstein brings to life a variety of brilliant academics who have contributed to modern investment theory over the years: Louis Bachelier, Harry Markowitz, William Sharpe, Fischer Black, Myron Scholes, Robert Merton, Franco Modigliani, and Merton Miller. Filled with in-depth insights and timeless advice, Capital Ideas reveals how the unique contributions of these talented individuals profoundly changed the practice of investment management as we know it today.