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This book explores the discourse pragmatics of reportive evidentiality in Macedonian, Japanese and English through an empirical study of evidential strategies in narrative retelling. The patterns of evidential use (and non-use) found in these languages are attributed to contextual, cultural and grammatical factors that motivate the adoption of an 'epistemological stance' - a concept that owes much to recent trends in Cognitive Linguistics. The patterns of evidential strategies found in the three languages provide a fine illustration of the balancing act between speakers' expressions of their own subjectivity, their motivations to tell a coherent and exciting story, and their motivations to be faithful retellers of someone elses' story. These pressures are further complicated by the grammatical and pragmatic conventions that are particular to each language. Evidentiality and Epistemological Stance: narrative retelling will appeal to those interested in evidentiality, grammar and pragmatics, cross-linguistics discourse analysis, linguistic subjectivity and narrative.
Ideas defer to no border—least of all the idea of belonging. So where does one belong, and what does belonging even mean, when a border inscribes one’s identity? This dilemma, so critical to the ethnic Mexican community, is at the heart of Homeland, an intellectual, cultural, and literary history of belonging in ethnic Mexican thought through the twentieth century. Belonging, as Aaron E. Sánchez’s sees it, is an interwoven collection of ideas that defines human connectedness and that shapes the contours of human responsibilities and our obligations to one another. In Homeland, Sánchez traces these ideas of belonging to their global, national, and local origins, and shows how they have transformed over time. For pragmatic, ideological, and political reasons, ethnic Mexicans have adapted, adopted, and abandoned ideas about belonging as shifting conceptions of citizenship disrupted old and new ways of thinking about roots and shared identity around the global. From the Mexican Revolution to the Chicano Movement, in Texas and across the nation, journalists, poets, lawyers, labor activists, and people from all walks of life have reworked or rejected citizenship as a concept that explained the responsibilities of people to the state and to one another. A wealth of sources—poems, plays, protests, editorials, and manifestos—demonstrate how ethnic Mexicans responded to changes in the legitimate means of belonging in the twentieth century. With competing ideas from both sides of the border they expressed how they viewed their position in the region, the nation, and the world—in ways that sometimes united and often divided the community. A transnational history that reveals how ideas move across borders and between communities, Homeland offers welcome insight into the defining and changing concept of belonging in relation to citizenship. In the process, the book marks another step in a promising new direction for Mexican American intellectual history.
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Beseeched by his dying mother to locate his father, Pedro Paramo, whom they fled from years ago, Juan Preciado sets out for Comala. Comala is a town alive with whispers and shadows--a place seemingly populated only by memory and hallucinations. 49 photos.
Canto hondo / Deep Song honors the Andalusian deep lyric, or canto hondo, poetry of famed Spanish writer Federico García Lorca through rich and expressive poems. Francisco X. Alarcón deftly places Spanish and English side-by-side in this bilingual collection that is a modern meditation on love, self, loss, and universal truths. In this new collection, Alarcón creates poetry with roots in Gypsy songs clapped out in the distinctively short rhythms of flamenco music. Each page lifts the heart and stirs the soul by delving deep into the struggle for self and sexual identity. Canto hondo / Deep Song includes 106 poems divided into four sections that articulate struggle, otherness, and the meaning of the poetic landscape. Like Lorca, Alarcón seeks out the fault lines where the lyric and the political bleed productively and proactively into one another. An important voice in Chicano and GLBT poetry, Alarcón writes with a complex, emotionally powerful style that is accessible to students and all lovers of poetry and poetic traditions.
Cumandá, también titulado Un drama entre salvajes, es una novela del ecuatoriano Juan León Mera. Juan León Mera, como auténtico hijo de su país y de su tierra, revela en toda su obra una clara predilección por los temas nativos. Cumandá es un anticipo de la novela indigenista que vendrá pocos años más tarde, pues refleja ya en este libro la protesta social indígena y su venganza contra su opresor. Tres hilos temáticos conforman esta novela de Juan León Mera: el amor, el indio y la selva. El subtítulo lo advierte y la narración se perfila entre pasiones, huidas, persecuciones y sacrificios. Cumandá es una novela fundadora de la narrativa ecuatoriana, y es también heredera ejemplar de la tradición romántica latinoamericana. A su manera, le da continuidad y la reorganiza. Así el amor imposible de una india y un blanco se engarza con la figura del buen salvaje. Juntos abren el universo sublime y misterioso de la selva. No falta la intriga, tampoco asombro. En Cumandá están los ecos de esas mujeres imaginadas en María de Jorge Isaacs, en Cecilia Valdés de Cirilo Villaverde o en Amalia de José Marmol. En los cuerpos de esos personajes literarios se pergeñaban proyectos biopolíticos y programas civilizatorios. También encontramos un diálogo con los textos de los exploradores, a la vez admirados y aterrados, frente a la naturaleza americana. Se dialoga además con las crónicas del Nuevo Mundo y las Tradiciones. Esas ingeniosas reconstrucciones del pasado que Ricardo Palmallevó a su cúspide. No son menos interesantes los modos en que Juan León Mera impugna las teorías sobre la inferioridad del indio. Aquí se cuestiona a Buffon, Montesquieu, Robertson, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento o José Ingenieros. A la vez pone en jaque todas aquellas concepciones de origen roussoniano, que enarbolaban al indio como un otro deseado. Se cuestiona la idea del idea del indio como estandarte que asegura el sueño colonial de América como un lugar ideal, virgen e impoluto. Queda por decidir si Cumandá se ubica a caballo entre una corriente indianista que insiste en una imagen exótica, decorativa y folclórica del indio, y otra corriente indigenista que lo pone en el centro del escenario, le da voz y se hace eco de su complejo universo cultural. En todo caso, esta novela reúne muchas de las preguntas que acompañan y aún acompañan el devenir de Ecuador y de América Latina.