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When Zoom worship emerged in Britain during the COVID lockdown of 2020, Christians quickly turned to an art form, a form of theater, to deliver their worship. It was a quest for immanence, the very thing the Reformation dealt with by the elevation of transcendence. What an intriguing thought: Could John Calvin with his dictum regarding piety have practiced Zoom worship? Served as he was with the principle that the finite cannot contain the infinite, we must admit it looks very unlikely! At least in this Calvin saw eye-to-eye with Erasmus, but what of Luther? He may have been a comfortable Zoom worshiper, with his views that "Religious artworks are neither here nor there" and "We may have them or not as we please." Little did the church realize that it would be a step back into the past, because "what you permit you promote." The desire to use images was much more sinister than in Medieval times, as these were now images of ourselves! Regardless of the age, the image reigns supreme. What had caused the demise? Was it bereavement? It could not be bereavement of God; rather, it was the loss of the social, the bereavement of "one another." The need for "one-anothering" had forced the hand of Christians to turn to a practice completely untested. Zoom worship was born--the genie is out, and will never go back in. But in the face of the now-acceptable force of contemporary narcissism, who cares?
Recent neurological studies have shown that there are regions of the brain that seem predisposed to create beliefs. Are we hardwired to believe? And if so, why do beliefs sometimes inspire major contributions to society, while on other occasions they precipitate horrendous acts of destruction?In this provocative and stimulating study of the connection between belief and behavior, Dr. Robert Buckman begins by reviewing the history of religious belief, showing the many shared themes among religions of diverse cultures. He then explains little-publicized data from neuroscience on the limbic system and the right-hand temporal lobe of the brain, which when stimulated consistently produces deep-seated spiritual feelings. Recent experiments reveal that this portion of the brain may underlie the development of many common religious beliefs, and perhaps the more aggressive and destructive behaviors associated with some of them. Buckman also summarizes evidence regarding pheromones and their effect on the limbic system, as a possible mechanism for certain types of crowd behavior, whether in a religious or secular context.Finally, considering the long historical relationship between religion and ethics, Buckman asks whether we can develop better, nontheistic belief systems that avoid the destructive aspects of traditional religious beliefs. He then describes ways in which we can become aware of, and perhaps, correct our ôlimbic urgesö when they threaten to lead to destructive behavior. This ambitious work, covering important areas of social anthropology, comparative religion, neurology, and psychology, provides many insights into the mechanisms of belief.Robert Buckman, M.D. (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) is a cancer specialist, professor in the department of medicine at the University of Toronto, the current president of the Humanist Association of Canada, and the author (with Karl Sabbagh) of Magic or Medicine?
Reading Scripture from the perspective of Black church tradition can help us connect with a rich faith history and address the urgent issues of our times. Demonstrating an ongoing conversation between the collective Black experience and the Bible, New Testament scholar Esau McCaulley shares a personal and scholarly testament to the power and hope of Black biblical interpretation.
This book is a collection of letters from a religious Jew in Israel to a Christian friend in Barcelona on life as an Orthodox Jew. Equal parts lighthearted and insightful, it's a thorough and entertaining introduction to the basic concepts of Judaism.
Sometimes we ask What is God’s will for my life? when we should really be asking Who should I be? The Bible has an answer: Be like the very image of God. By exploring ten characteristics of who God is—holy, loving, just, good, merciful, gracious, faithful, patient, truthful, and wise—this book helps us understand who God intends for us to be. Through Christ, the perfect reflection of the image of God, we will discover how God’s own attributes impact how we live, leading to freedom and purpose as we follow his will and are conformed to his image.
When Zoom worship emerged in Britain during the COVID lockdown of 2020, Christians quickly turned to an art form, a form of theater, to deliver their worship. It was a quest for immanence, the very thing the Reformation dealt with by the elevation of transcendence. What an intriguing thought: Could John Calvin with his dictum regarding piety have practiced Zoom worship? Served as he was with the principle that the finite cannot contain the infinite, we must admit it looks very unlikely! At least in this Calvin saw eye-to-eye with Erasmus, but what of Luther? He may have been a comfortable Zoom worshiper, with his views that “Religious artworks are neither here nor there” and “We may have them or not as we please.” Little did the church realize that it would be a step back into the past, because “what you permit you promote.” The desire to use images was much more sinister than in Medieval times, as these were now images of ourselves! Regardless of the age, the image reigns supreme. What had caused the demise? Was it bereavement? It could not be bereavement of God; rather, it was the loss of the social, the bereavement of “one another.” The need for “one-anothering” had forced the hand of Christians to turn to a practice completely untested. Zoom worship was born—the genie is out, and will never go back in. But in the face of the now-acceptable force of contemporary narcissism, who cares?
Do you want to see your life improve after becoming a Christian? Zoom in on God is a testimony and game-plan for seeing God's goodness in your life. Becoming a Christian isn't just all belief: if you believe, you will act! This short booklet will help you to: Make a lasting change in your relationship with God and the people around you. Get the joy and contentedness the Bible promises. Do a spiritual detox in order to zoom in on God and good. Replace worldly routines and influences with godly ones. After putting these suggestions into practice, you'll experience the world around you with a different perspective. If you're looking for a jumpstart on your mental and spiritual health, this booklet will give you the step by step actions to tackle spiritual confusion. If you think you already have it all together, having become a Christian and being baptized, but you don't yet have unspeakable joy, you're missing something this book series has to offer. If you're ready to spark or re-ignite your fire for God, this series offers food for thought on topics we need to hear God's perspective on.
More than ever, people the world over are making a conscious attempt to find meaning in their lives. The excessive materialism of the late 20th century has proven an inadequate substitute for God. As we have acquired more things, we have developed an ever-growing emptiness. Even the popular media today are telling us there is a great hunger for the inner peace that comes from prayerful communion with a higher power. Can We Talk to God? offers readers a framework for prayer that is compatible with traditional religion, yet moves beyond it in the recognition of a divine presence within each person. This book sets forth the teaching of Ernest Holmes, called Science of Mind, which is a synthesis of the greatest ideas of religion, science and philosophy. Originally published in 1934 as The Ebell Lectures on Spiritual Science, it is as fresh and profound today as it was then, offering readers answers to such important questions as: What is the nature of God? What is our relationship to God? How do we communicate with God? What is the secret of spiritual power? Where is humanity headed? How can a prayer be used to help ourselves and others? Many readers wonder, Can I talk to God? This beautiful book answers with a resounding YES!, and shows readers the way. The method of prayer it teaches will open the door to healthier, happier living.
Welcome to Corporate Life. The NEW Employee Manual is not your Dad’s or Mom’s employee manual. It’s the new playbook for corporate survival, fitting today’s realities and the challenges facing employees who join or work in large, seemingly successful companies. Those companies already issued very specific and detailed employee manuals covering everything under the sun except how to compete well in our brave new world. The NEW Employee Manual will help you navigate the Corporate (with a capital C) labyrinth. Where Corporate’s manual shapes you into a dutiful cog for the good of the machine, ours helps you enhance your career for the good of, well, you ... and your company. The NEW Employee Manual should make you feel skeptical: skeptical of empty slogans, obsolete rituals, obsessive pursuits, and bigwigs’ playbooks that no longer work. That alone should be worth this book’s price. Skepticism, you see, is a good thing, because it is only the skeptic, only the free-thinker, only the maverick, who asks new questions and finds useful answers. So, are you a maverick or a cog?