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⦁ (1) Strategic opinion On the first aspect of strategic opinion, I feel that the space education tutor can teach new space knowledge to let every space traveler to learn any new space and earth knowledge during he/she is catching on the spacecraft in personal contact learning experience environment which can raise space tourism consumption desire. The reason is because the space tourism leisure traveler can raise extra space and earth learning knowledge when they can catch the spacecraft to fly and contact the space environment to learn and feel what the differences are between space and earth by himself or herself. Hence, it is very attractive to the space traveler student target group and I believe that their parents will encourage their sons or daughters to participate the time of space trip and they are more preferable to help them to buy the time space trip ticket, due to their sons and daughters can learn any space knowledge when they are studying. Moreover, every space traveler will feel surprise to learn any new space and earth knowledge from the space tutor
This informative volume on the shifting requirements of the hospitality service industry aims to incorporate smart information technology into tourism services. A resource written specifically for tourism service industry professionals, it provides a focused approach to introducing Industry 4.0-related technologies. It explains how artificial intelligence can support a company’s strategy to revolutionize the business by using smart technology most effectively. The chapters explore artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, big data, blockchain, and automation and robotics in the hospitality industry.
When (AI) big data gather past every country traveler number who chose to go to which countries to travel in order to judge where destinations will be the country travelers' travelling choice destinations in the future.The factors influence where is the traveler choice, include personal safety, scenic beauty, cultural interest, climate changing, transportation tools, friendliness of local people, price of trip, trip package service in hotels and restaurants, quality and variety of food and shopping facilities and services etc. needs. So, whose factors will influence where is the individual travel's choice. It seems every traveler whose choice of travel process, will include past behavior. e.g. travelling experience, travelling habit, then to choose the best seasoned travelling action to satisfy whose travel needs. This process is the individual traveler's psychological choice process, who must need time to gather information to compare concerning of different travel packages, destination scene, climate change, transportation tools available to the destination, air ticket price etc. these factors, then to judge where is the best right destination to travel in the right time. Hence, (AI) big data can gather past different countries' climate changing data, transportation tool changing data, destination scene environment changing etc. different data to give opinions to travelling businesses whether any country's these above factors will influence about how many traveler number will be increase or decrease in the future.2.3Why can expectation, motivation and attitude factor influence travelling behavior?
The concept of artificial intelligence (AI) tourism is still relatively new, but it is quickly gaining popularity as more and more people become interested in learning about and experiencing the latest advances in AI technology. As such, it is no surprise that the first book on tourism by artificial intelligence has sparked a lot of excitement and interest. This groundbreaking book offers a unique perspective on travel, as it is written entirely by an AI. Using advanced natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, the AI has compiled a comprehensive guide to some of the most exciting and innovative destinations for AI enthusiasts. From visiting AI research labs and interacting with cutting-edge robots, to learning about the latest AI-powered products and services, the book covers it all. One of the key benefits of this book is the way it presents information. Rather than simply listing facts and figures, the AI has used its advanced language skills to craft engaging and informative descriptions of each destination. This makes the book a great resource for anyone interested in learning more about AI tourism, as it provides a detailed and engaging look at some of the most exciting destinations in the field. In addition to providing information on AI-related destinations, the book also includes practical advice on planning an AI-focused trip. From finding the best deals on flights and accommodation, to navigating unfamiliar cities and technologies, the AI has thought of everything to make the planning process as smooth and stress-free as possible. Overall, the first book on tourism by artificial intelligence is a revolutionary resource for anyone interested in exploring the exciting world of AI. Whether you are an AI enthusiast looking to learn more about the latest technologies, or simply someone who is curious about the future of travel, this book is sure to provide a wealth of information and inspiration.
Using a combination of theoretical discussion and real-world case studies, this book focuses on current and future use of RAISA technologies in the tourism economy, including examples from the hotel, restaurant, travel agency, museum, and events industries.
Whether AI can predict climate change to influence travelling behaviours.The flexibility of human travelling behavior is at least the result of one such mechanism, our ability to travel mentally in time and entertain potential future. Understanding of the impacts is holidays, particularly those involving travel. Using focus groups research to explores tourists' awareness of the impacts of travel own climate change, examines the extent to which climate change features in holiday travel decisions and identifies some of the barriers to the adoption of less carbon intensive tourism practices. The findings suggest many tourists don't consider climate change when planning their holidays. The failure of tourists to engage with the climate change to impact of holidays, combined with significant barriers to behavioral change, presents a considerable challenge in the tourism industry.Tourism is a highly energy intensive industry and has only recently attracted attention as an important contributions to climate change through greenhouse gas emissions. It has been estimated that tourism contributes 5% of global carbon dioxide emissions. There have been a number of potential changes proposed for reducing the impact of air travel on climate change. These include technological changes, market based changes and behavioral changes. However, the role that climate change plays in the holiday and travel decisions of global tourists. How the global tourists of the impacts travel has on climate change to establish the extent to which climate change, considerations features in holiday travel decision making processes and to investigate the major barriers to global tourists adopting less carbon intensive travel practices. Whether tourists will aware the impacts that their holidays and travel have on climate changes.When, it comes to understand indvidual traveler's behavioral change, wide range of conceptual theories have been developed, utilizing various social, psychological, subjective and objective variables in order to model travel consumption behavior. These theories of travel behavioral change operate at a number of different levels, including the individual level, the interpersonal level and community level. Whether pro-environmental behavior can be used to predict travel consumption behavior in a climate change. However, the question of what determines pro-environmental behavior in such a complex one that it can not be visualized through one single framework or diagram.Despite the potentially high risk scenario for the tourism industry and the global environment, the tourism and climate change ought have close relationship. Whether what are the important factors and variables which can limit tourism? e.g. money, time, family problem, extreme hot or cold weather change, air ticket price, journey attraction etc. variable factors. Mention of holidays and travel were deliberately avoided in the recruitment process, so as not to create a connection factor to influence traveler's individual mind. However, the dismissal of alternative transportation modes can be conceived as either a structural barrier, in the sense that flying is perhaps the only realistic option to reach long-haul holiday destination, or a perceived behavioral control barriers in that an individual perceives flying as the only option open to whom. The transportation tool factor will be depend to extent on the distance to the destination. This can also be interpreted in a social perspective as an intention with the resources available where much international tourism is structured around flying. To
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in service and tourism marketing has revolutionized the industry by personalizing customer experiences and optimizing operational efficiency. AI-driven tools analyze vast amounts of data to understand customer preferences, enabling businesses to offer tailored recommendations and promotions. AI-powered marketing campaigns can adapt in real-time, ensuring messages resonate with the right audience. AI Innovations in Service and Tourism Marketing discusses cutting-edge innovations in the use of AI technologies in service and tourism marketing. It explains how to harness these technologies to enhance customer experience and drive engagement. Covering topics such as automation, chatbots, and operational efficiency, this book is an excellent resource for managers, marketing professionals, business leaders, researchers, academicians, educators, and postgraduate students.
How can ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT online tourism sale channel influence traveling consumption of behavior?Nowadays, internet is popular, it seems that booking air ticket behavior of using internet is predicted to influence overall tourism air tickets payment method. Tourism industry has grown in the previous several decades. Despite its global impact, questions related to better understanding of tourists and whose habits. Using online travel air ticket booking benefits include booking electronic air tickets can be made from entering any electronic travel agents websites in the short time and electronic travel ticket payers do not need leave home, who can pay visa card to pre booking any electronic travel ticket from online channel conveniently.3.5How can analyze activity based travel demand ? Nowadays, human are concerning the traffic congestion and air quality deterioration, the supply oriented focus of transportation planning has expanded to include how to manage travel demand within the available transportation supply. Consequently, there has been an increasing interest in travel demand management strategies, such as congestion pricing that attempts to change aggregate travel demand. The prediction aggregate level, long term travel demand to understanding disaggregate level ( i.e. individual levels ) behavioral responses to short term demand policies, such as ride sharing incentives, congestion pricing and employer based demand management schemes, alternate work schedules, telecommuting limitation of travel agent traditionally work nature shall influence oriented trip based travel modelling passenger travel demand indirectly.Finally, online travel purchase will be popular to influence the number of travel behavioral consumption nowadays. Any travel package products can be sold from websites to attract travelers to choose to pre-book air ticket for any trips conveniently. In the past ten years, the internet has become the predominant carrier of all types of information and transactions. Regarding travel decisions, internet has also become an important sales channels for the travel industry, because it is associated with comparably lower distribution and sales costs, but also because it adapts to high supply and demand dynamics in this industry. Consequently, the travel and tourism industry tries to increase the internet sale specific share of sales volumes. So, internet sale channel has changed travel consumption behavioral pattern and characteristics and travel experience. For example, Switzerland has one of the highest population-to-computer ratio in Europe. It is also one of the most highly internet penetrated countries in terms of use of the WWW on a day-to-day basis, with more than 75 percent of the population older than 14 years using the WWW daily ( ICT, 2005).The reason of booking online tourism may include: convenience, fast transaction, finding traveling package choice easily, more airline seats available. So, online booking tourism will influence the traditional tourism agents visiting of sales and air tickets and travelling package numbers to be decreased. Finally, the online booking tourism market shares will be expanded to more than traditional tourism agents visits sale market in the future one day. So, the travel agents who still use the traditional tourism visiting sale channel which ought raise whose features to compare to differ to online tourism sale channel if these traditional tourism agents want to keep competitive ability in tourism industry for long term.What is actively based patterns of urban population of travel behavioral prediction method?
Nowadays, many airline firms or travelling agents hope to apply different methods to predict travelling consumer behaviors in order to know what will be future next month, even next year travelling market destination choice and travelling package design preferable choice activities and travelling consumers travelling packages or travelling destination taste changes to help them to choose to implement what kinds of travelling marketing strategies or what are travelling packages or airline ticket prices more reasonable or more accurate range price level to attract travelers choose to the airline or travel agent to buy paper or e- ticket or help them to arrange travel package more attractive. Hence, if the travel agent or airline can apply the most suitable travelling consumer behavioral prediction method to predict how and the reasons why future travelling consumers' choice will be changed to influence their frequent travelling destination or travelling package choice. It will have more beneficial intangible advantages to compare the non-predictive travelling consumer behavioral variable changes travel agents or airlines, e.g. what will be the hot travel entertainment destinations and tangible advantages, what are the most suitable airline and hotel reasonable price range level to attract many travelers to choose to find the airline or travel agent to help them to buy air ticket or they ought know how to design their arrange travel package which will be accepted more popular for next or next year travelling customer's hot needs .Otherwise, if they applied the inaccurate traveler consumer behavioral prediction market research methods, e.g. survey, telephone questionnaire to predict how their consumers' behavioral changes. It will waste their time and money to attempt to make wrong travelling hot destinations and travelling package design to make unattractive travelling marketing strategy to cause travelling customer number to be reduced. In my this book first part, I concentrate on explain why artificial intelligence (AI) big data gathering tool will be one kind of good traveler consumer behavioral prediction tool to be chose to apply to predict traveler consumer consumption behavior concerns when and why and how their travelling behavior will change. I shall indicate some cases examples to give reasonable evidences to analyze whether (AI) big data gathering tool will be one kind suitable tool to be applied to predict when and how and why travelling consumer behavioral changes. If (AI) big data can be one kind tool to attempt to be applied to predict when and how and why travelling consumer behavioral changes. Will it make more accurate to compare other kinds of methods to predict travelling consumer behaviors, e.g. survey, telephone questionnaire? Does it have weaknesses to be applied to predict travelling consumer behaviors, instead of strengths? Can it be applied to predict travelling consumer behaviors depending on any situations or only some situations? Finally, I believe that any readers can find answers to answer above these questions in this book.In the second part, I shall explain whether it is possible to predict travel behavioural consumption from traditional tourism market research psychology view . In this part, I shall indicate what factors can influence travel behavioural consumption, such as climate changing, renting travel car tools choice, the country's risk and safety. Then I shall indicate what psychological factors can influence travel behavioural consumption, such as: push and pull psychological factor, expectation and motivation and attitude factor.