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Aquest llibre presenta una reflexió acadèmica i professional al Campus de la Diagonal amb un ampli ventall d’idees urbanístiques que permeten establir un nou escenari universitari i millorar la relació amb la ciutat..Durant els anys seixanta i setanta del segle passat es varen realitzar diversos projectes d’edificis i recintes universitaris de gran interès (de Carlo, Candilis, Sert). També es varen publicar notables estudis sobre la relació entre la ciutat i la universitat..Feia, però, força anys que aquestes qüestions no semblaven ocupar l’agenda d’arquitectes, urbanistes i responsables universitaris. Per això sembla tan oportú l’esforç de recollir en aquestes poc més de dues-centes planes tot un seguit de riques reflexions i de projectes, tant aquells que responen a encàrrecs concrets de la UB i de la UPC, com aquells que han realitzat un conjunt d’estudiants per recosir i fer ciutat d’una munió d’edificis, sovint de caràcter abstret i poc permeable, tallats per una avinguda de grans dimensions i disposats sense cap visió de conjunt.
The environment of a university – what we term a campus – has long been the setting for some of history’s most exciting experiments in the design of the built environment. Christopher Wren at Cambridge, Thomas Jefferson at Virginia, Le Corbusier at Harvard, Louis Kahn at Yale and Norman Foster in Berlin: the calibre of practitioners that have worked for universities is astounding. This book comprehensively documents the worldwide evolution of university design from the Middle Ages to the present day, uncovering the key developments which have shaken the world of campus planning. A series of detailed and highly illustrated case-studies profile universally acclaimed campuses that, through their planning, architecture and landscaping, have succeeded in making positive contributions to the field. Drawing on these examples, the book turns to the strategies behind campus planning in today’s climate. Exploring the importance of themes such as landscape, architecture, place-making and sustainability within university development, the book consolidates the lessons learnt from the rich tradition of campus development to provide a ‘good practice guide’ for anyone concerned with planning environments for higher education
In v.1-8 the final number consists of the Commencement annual.
The Encyclopedia of the Neuroscience explores all areas of the discipline in its focused entries on a wide variety of topics in neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry and other related areas of neuroscience. Each article is written by an expert in that specific domain and peer reviewed by the advisory board before acceptance into the encyclopedia. Each article contains a glossary, introduction, a reference section, and cross-references to other related encyclopedia articles. Written at a level suitable for university undergraduates, the breadth and depth of coverage will appeal beyond undergraduates to professionals and academics in related fields.