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Cambia tu vida / Change your life, tries to awake the readers to questions changes and modifications to improve their lives, striving for a genuine commitment on behalf of the reader. It guides us in the physical and spiritual world. In your readings, you will appreciate the encounter between feelings and thoughts, facing your own struggles to achieve your truth or identity, while we pass through the path of changes to adapt to the life that we live. You can enjoy reading this auto-help book in English or Spanish. Cambia tu vida / Change your Life, es un libro que intenta despertar en los lectores interrogantes, cambios y modificaciones, de compromiso genuino por querer mejorar como seres pensantes. Nos enmarca en el ámbito mundo físico y mundo espiritual. En su lectura, disfrutarán del encuentro con sentimientos y pensamientos con los que nos hemos enfrentado en nuestra propia lucha por alcanzar nuestra verdad o identidad, mientras atravesamos el camino de cambios para adaptarnos a lo que nos ha tocado vivir.
We all are runners in life. We must have goals to achieve, whether they are business, job, carrier, finding the right person to start a family with, or reaching an economic and social level, among other goals. In order to get them, we must make the first step. To figure out how to overcome difficulties that may appear on our path, we only must proceed with the certainty that we will achieve what we proposed and believe that well get it and that any obstacle or mental cluster will be overcome with our faith. The race of life is to know how to run it and to be focused on the goal. It will teach you how to deal with the trials when tiredness and pain surround you. You may change your steps or pace but never your vision toward your goals or dreams. You may take a pause to refresh yourself, to catch up your breath, or to deeply remove habits that may be burdens or obstacles that hold you from advancing. Todos somos corredores en la vida. Todos tenemos metas que alcanzar, pueden ser un negocio, un trabajo, una carrera universitaria, encontrar la pareja correcta para formar un hogar, al cansar un nivel econmico y social, entre otras metas. De manera que para llegar a obtenerlas tenemos que dar el primer paso. Saber vencer las dificultades que se encuentran a nuestro pas, tenemos que avanzar solo con la certeza de que lograremos lo que nos proponemos y creer que llegaremos; entonces cualquier obstculo o barrera mental se sobre pasa con nuestra fe. La a carrera de la vida hay que saber cmo correrla, es permanecer enfocado en la meta, eso te enseara como tratar las dificultades en el trayecto cuando el cansancio y el dolor te agobie. Puedes cambiar el paso o el ritmo pero nunca tu visin a tus metas o sueos. Puedes hacer una pausa para refrescarte, respirar profundamente, despojarte de hbitos arraigados que te sean carga u obstculos que no te dejen avanzar.
Your Life A motivational and inspirational revolution that will show you how to release the power within you.
Put your faith into practice on a daily basis and grasp the practical truths of God's Word with this in-depth commentary on James from Internationally renowned Bible teacher. James has so much to say about living a powerful and effective life in Christ. The book addresses a variety of topics important to growing your faith and teaches that you not only need to read the Word of God and know what it says, but you also need to act on it. In this comprehensive biblical commentary, Joyce Meyer offers you practical insights for studying the book of James, with room for personal reflections that will help you grasp the truths in God's Word. You'll discover how to identify life-changing wisdom and get a better understanding of God's plan and purpose for your life. Part of her first-ever biblical commentary series, Joyce's book on James will stir your faith in God and inspire you to live it out in practical ways because of your love for Him and desire to glorify Him in your life.
Adopt a lifestyle of thanksgiving with the help of this inspiring book and discover that no matter how messy life gets, God will make it good. Each moment that you’re given is a precious gift from God. You can choose to have a thankful attitude and live each moment full of joy, simply because God is good. In The Power of Thank You, renowned Bible teacher and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer encourages us to take a look at ourselves and the importance of being thankful. Living life with a heart of gratitude for who God is and what He has done lifts your burdens and allows you to see everything in a different light. Regularly giving thanks to God not only helps you fully realize how He’s working in your life, it gives you a new perspective—your mind is renewed, your attitude is improved, and you're filled with joy. Things will certainly happen to you that don’t seem fair, and it’s much easier to make excuses and feel sorry for yourself. Keep saying, “I trust You, God, and I believe You will work it all out for my good.” If you find The Power of Thank You in every situation, truly believing that God is working everything out for your good, you will end up with the victory every single time.
Walk the path of holiness, stir your faith in God, and break free from the bonds of a sinful nature with Joyce Meyer's Galatians commentary, featuring inspiring questions and space for your reflections. Paul's letter to the church at Galatia speaks largely to how important it was to Paul that the people embrace unity in Christ, no matter their differences. Galatians teaches that we're only justified by faith in Christ only and encourages us to pursue a life of holiness, not in our own strength, but in the knowledge of God's empowering grace in our lives. In this comprehensive study tool, Joyce Meyer offers an in-depth look at Galatians and emphasizes that we are not only saved by faith, we must learn to live by faith as well.
#1 New York Timesbestselling author Joyce Meyer shows readers how to become free from the burden of stress so that they can achieve God's best for their lives. As technology increases your accessibility, it becomes harder to mute the background noise of your life and receive God's guidance. Joyce Meyer calls this Overload, when the demands of your busy life become all-consuming and overwhelming. But to experience the joyful life God has planned, you must make time to focus on His Word. Then you'll receive His healing calmness and gain the strength to take on life's challenges, from physical ailments to problems in relationships. Through the practical advice and Scriptural wisdom in this book, you'll learn how to unplug and free yourself from burdens that weigh you down. You'll gain simple, effective tips for better rest and stress management and discover the fulfilling life you were meant to lead.
You have fear. And if you don't face your fear, it can paralyze you and hold you back from enjoying life to the fullest. Joyce Meyer, #1 New York Times bestselling author, wants to show you that to break out of fear, you must face it head-on. The good news is God wants to give you the strength you need to beat fear and live courageously. That's why He tells you repeatedly throughout the Bible to "fear not" because He is with you. In Living Courageously, Joyce explains how you can overcome the debilitating power of fear by learning to confront and conquer any and every fear you have. Blending practical insights, her personal experiences, and inspiring Scripture, this book will teach you how to conquer any fear, reach your greatest potential, and start living life to the fullest. Whether you fear being inadequate, being rejected, or losing control, you can learn how to triumph over any obstacle-even when you feel fearful. You can face anything and just "do it afraid!"
Discover how to trust God in every part of your life – spiritually, relationally, emotionally, and financially – with New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer. In each chapter, Joyce describes how God wants to build a relationship with you and helps you break down the barriers of self-reliance. This book will give you the tools and encouragement you need to "trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." No matter your past pain, current situation, or future worries, learning to trust God daily will bring you the joy-filled life Jesus promised. Others may have let you down, but God never will!