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Stephen Edmondson articulates a coherent Christology from Calvin's commentaries and his Institutes. He argues that, through the medium of Scripture's history, Calvin, the biblical humanist, renders a Christology that seeks to capture both the breadth of God's multifaceted grace enacted in history, and the hearts of God's people formed by history. What emerges is a picture of Christ as the Mediator of God's covenant through his threefold office of priest, king and prophet. This is the first significant volume to explore Calvin's Christology in several decades.
The Oxford Handbook of Christology brings together 40 authoritative essays considering the theological study of the nature and role of Jesus Christ. This collection offers dynamic perspectives within the study of Christology and provides rigorous discussion of inter-confessional theology, which would not have been possible even 60 years ago. The first of the seven parts considers Jesus Christ in the Bible. Rather than focusing solely on the New Testament, this section begins with discussion of the modes of God's self-communication to us and suggests that Christ's most original incarnation is in the language of the Hebrew Bible. The second section considers Patristics Christology. These essays explore the formation of the doctrines of the person of Christ and the atonement between the First Council of Nicaea in 325 and the eve of the Second Council of Nicaea. The next section looks at Mediaeval theology and tackles the development of the understanding of who Christ was and of his atoning work. The section on 'Reformation and Christology' traces the path of the Reformation from Luther to Bultmann. The fifth section tackles the new developments in thinking about Christ which have emerged in the modern and the postmodern eras, and the sixth section explains how beliefs about Jesus have affected music, poetry, and the arts. The final part concludes by locating Christology within systematic theology, asking how it relates to Christian belief as a whole. This comprehensive volume provides an invaluable resource and reference for scholars, students, and general readers interested in the study of Christology.
The revival of interest in the Protestant Reformation in the mid-twentieth century was marked by several studies of John Calvin. J.F. Jansen, however, noted that these had shed new light on almost every aspect of his thought except that which lies at the heart of his theology – the doctrine of Christ’s work. In Calvin’s Doctrine of the Work of Christ, Jansen corrects this omission, providing a fresh study of Calvin’s work in this area with special reference to his exegetical writings. Besides critiquing Calvin’s development of the doctrine, he also examines the traditional theological formula of the three offices of Christ as prophet, priest and king. Reacting against the return to this formula by contemporary theologians such as Emil Brunner, he shows that an alternative conception of Christ’s work is possible.
In Christ and the Decree, one of the foremost scholars of Calvinism today expounds the doctrines of Christ and predestination as they were developed by Calvin, Bullinger, Musculus, Vermigli, Beza, Ursinus, Zanchi, Polanus, and Perkins. Muller analyzes the relationship of these two doctrines to each other and to the soteriological structure of the system. Back by demand, this seminal work on the relationship between Calvin and the Calvinists is once again available with a new contextualizing preface by the author. It offers a succinct introduction to the early development of Calvinism/Reformation thought.
A unique resource for the study of John Calvin's theology, its reception, and insights for today.
The range and sweep of John Calvinís theology have rarely been more comprehensively presented than in this book. This analysis illuminates Calvinís ideas and helps to set them into the framework of their time.
Calvin betrachtet Rechtfertigung und Heiligung als Güter des dreieinigen Gottes, die dem Menschen durch das Heilswerk Christi über den Heiligen Geist zuteil werden, so die These dieser Studie. Die Lehre von der doppelten Gnade steht dabei in dem größeren Zusammenhang der Rede von Gott als dem Schöpfer und Erlöser. Diesen beleuchtet Cornelis P. Venema und verortet die Lehre von Rechtfertigung und Heiligung in Calvins Theologie. Darüber hinaus werden strittige Fragen der Calvinforschung erörtert, z.B. Calvins Verständnis von Gesetz und Evangelium und die Rolle guter Werke.
The essays offered here present many of the leading aspects of Calvin's thought. They seek to draw together Calvin's thinking on various topics to present a wide picture of his teachings. Selections include McNeill on Calvin, Battles on divine accomadation, McKim on scripture, Wallace on preaching, Walker on the church and more. This is an essential collection of essays for the student of Calvin's thought.