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God never intends His calling for our lives to be a mystery to solve or a list of things to do. It's an open invitation to know Him intimately. The deeper we know God and dwell in His Word, the more naturally we discern His will. The secret is that there is no secret. This book will not teach you how to look for 'signs'. discover your gifts or hear a 'voice'. Nor will it tell you which career, ministry or marriage partner to choose. Rather, this book will take you on a journey through 24 Bible stories and examine how God calls His people and how people respond (or fail to respond). Drawing from four decades of experience in counselling and walking alongside seminary students in Hong Kong, Dr Philip Yeung uses Scripture powerfully and practically to address common misconceptions, questions and struggles expressed by Christians about discerning God's calling.
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. - 1 John 4:1 Have you tested the Jesus Calling devotional? Is it a Christian book or is it false teaching? The book "RUN! It's Jesus Calling" puts Jesus Calling to the Biblical test. It clears away all questions -- providing an in-depth and thoroughly Biblical look at this hugely popular devotional, comparing both the approach that has been taken in writing it, as well as its content, with the truth of scripture. Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so. - Acts 17:11 Learn the truth about the Jesus Calling devotional. With over 15 million copies sold worldwide, the Jesus Calling devotional book is one of the all-time best selling Christian devotional books. It is also a unique devotional. In each devotion Jesus speaks directly to you, giving you directions and commands instructing you about how to live your life. Is what Jesus says in this devotion Biblical? In RUN! It's Jesus Calling" you'll learn why these "words of Jesus" are not scriptural. "RUN! It's Jesus Calling" takes a comprehensive look at the Jesus of Jesus Calling. Is this the real Jesus of the Bible? Are the messages Biblical? Or does Jesus Calling present a false Jesus and a false gospel? "RUN! It's Jesus Calling" demonstrates this is not the real Jesus and it will reveal the places in Jesus Calling where a false gospel is presented. But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil. (In other words, be discerning.) - 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 "RUN! It's Jesus Calling" also looks at the unique approach taken in writing this devotional book. For example, it is written in the first person with Jesus speaking. Is this sinful or is it acceptable? How does putting the words of this devotional on the lips of Jesus reflect on the character of God? Taking a positive approach of discovering the real Jesus, "RUN! It's Jesus Calling" covers topics such as: The Presence of God God's Peace Trusting God Spiritual Leadings Is Scripture Sufficient? Does God's Word Change? Finding Real Peace How To Be Blessed Characteristics of False Teaching What's The Big Deal About The Cross? Using the standards set out in the Bible, "RUN! It's Jesus Calling" takes a step-by-step approach to examining the Jesus Calling devotional and comparing it with scripture. But, there is more... this book is so packed with Biblical truth that it is a wonderful tool for those who just want to learn more about Jesus and the Bible. In addition, Christians who wish to become more discerning concerning false teaching will find "RUN! It's Jesus Calling" to be a valuable resource. Through scriptural examples, it explains how to detect false teaching, and brings to light the subtleties that can hide false teaching or draw your attention in other directions, so that you are not aware of the false teaching. Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. - 2 Timothy 2:15 Jesus Calling - IT'S NOT JESUS CALLING
He who said "I AM THE LIGHT" embraced the utmost darkness of humanity; He who claimed "I AM THE TRUTH" stood accused; He who announced "I AM THE LIVING WATER" became thirsty; He who proclaimed "I AM THE RESURRECTION" entered death; He who promised "I WILL PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU" was buried in a tomb; And he calls us to leave everything behind and follow him? Dr. Philip Yeung leads us in a moving and radical journey of Jesus during the Holy Week, from the darkest hour at the hands of the betrayer to the brightest dawn at the empty tomb, and examines how unexpected details highlighted by the Gospel authors open our eyes to the unimaginable depth and length of God's love for us.
Hyper-spiritual approaches to finding God's will don't work. It's time to try something new: Give up. Pastor and author Kevin DeYoung counsels Christians to settle down, make choices, and do the hard work of seeing those choices through. Too often, he writes, God's people tinker around with churches, jobs, and relationships, worrying that they haven't found God's perfect will for their lives. Or-even worse-they do absolutely nothing, stuck in a frustrated state of paralyzed indecision, waiting...waiting...waiting for clear, direct, unmistakable direction. But God doesn't need to tell us what to do at each fork in the road. He's already revealed his plan for our lives: to love him with our whole hearts, to obey His Word, and after that, to do what we like. No need for hocus-pocus. No reason to be directionally challenged. Just do something.
The subject of women in the church is both important and controversial—John MacArthur is not afraid of either. In this revised work, MacArthur examines what the Bible teaches in I Timothy 2:9-15. He discusses topics ranging from the attitude and appearance of women to their role in and contribution to the church. God’s High Calling for Women can be used alongside or apart from the audio series available from Grace to You in either a personal or group study. Unique features: -Corresponds with the audio message series available from Grace to You -Features revised content and study questions -For personal or group study use
According to David Barrett of the World Christian Encyclopedia, there are more than 10,000 distinct religions in the world. Maybe, surprisingly to some, Barrett says there are 34,000 separate Christian groups. Hmmm. That's a lot of faith. That's a lot of religion; most of which finds its basis in human reason and invention. However, there's a faith that's called THE FAITH. It finds its basis and creation in the Lord, and is clearly delineated in His Word, the Bible. He, the Lord not man, set the parameters, the boundaries, and the substance of the faith. Unfortunately, those who claim to be followers of the Lord have tended to wander from the kind of faith the Lord has called His people to follow and reproduce. The author doesn't presume to have special revelation. He doesn't pretend to have access to secrets that are unique to him. He simply places THE FAITH into its historical context while making application to the believer of today. It's time to take a fresh look at the faith and calling the Lord intended. This book is just the beginning, but the author hopes it will be a profitable beginning for all who read it. DONALD DAVIES has been married to his high school sweetheart, Carolyn, for 43 years. Over the years they've been blessed with eight children of their own and numerous foster children. After graduating from college (University of Akron) and Seminary (Asbury Theological Seminary), Donald has served as pastor in a number of churches, retiring from the Arlington Memorial Baptist Church after 25 years of service there and a total of 40 years in the pulpit ministry.
How do you know God has called you into the ministry? How can you really tell in which area of the ministry he wants you to serve? For many, these can be frustrating and confusing questions. In Answering and Understanding the CALL of God for Your Life, author Chinyere Nwakwue provides guidance in responding to Gods call for your life and your lifes ministry. Blending her personal experiences with a plethora of scriptural examples, Nwakwue walks you through the process and shows how this calling is a privilege God has given you. In her study, she considers the factors involved in Gods calling; the reasons that some people struggle with the call of God; the Bible characters who struggled with answering Gods call; the reasons that God called you; the enemies of Christian life who will try to interrupt Gods call; and ways to overcome the enemies. Nwakwue communicates that your response to the call of God has significant effects in your life as you run your Christian race. Christ Jesus has called and commanded every individual to preach the gospel to all creatures. Are you ready?