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It was in a context of unprecedented economic growth that educational planning developed in the 1960s. At the time, educational planners were entrusted with orchestrating the tremendous expansion of schooling, with the aim of both universalizing education and providing national economies with the qualified manpower needed. Such rigid mandatory planning is not suited to today's world, but other forms of planning such as policy analysis, policy dialog, labor market analysis, and strategic management are still valid. The following is a complete list of reprinted essays collected for this book.
Education and Social Change in Latin America is a valuable addition to the area studies literature in Comparative Education. Torres knits contributions from recognized North and South American experts to produce a comprehensive tapestry of analyses of both formal and non-formal education in Latin America. The book constitutes an excellent example of the application of a broad social science perspective to the study of education, viewed as a constituent sub-system. The foci of non-formal education (Part I), political socialisation (Part II), and the impact of social change upon education in Brazil (Part III) facilitates a broad range of comparisons. A balance between the often-contradictory perspectives-economic, anthropological, sociological and political-provides the reader with a comprehensive “snapshot” of trends and developments in Latin American education during the crucial 1980s. This inter-disciplinary examination of aspects of Latin American education has a broad range of applications, ranging from introductory courses to senior seminars to a valuable research tool. What would otherwise be an exceptional book is rendered even more valuable by Torres’ conversation with Paulo Freire. While Torres is recognized as one of the foremost authorities on Freire, this chapter explores Freire as a human being, an educator, and introduces some of the contradictions faced by a world renowned adult educator who assumed the mantle of an administrator in the formal education system in his native Brazil between 1989 and 1991.
The Routledge Handbook of Philosophies and Theories of Early Childhood Education and Care brings together leading writers in the field to provide a much-needed, authoritative guide to the major philosophies and theories which have shaped approaches to Early Childhood Education and Care. Providing a detailed overview of key concepts, debates and practical challenges, the handbook combines theoretical acumen with specific examples to show how philosophies and theories have evolved over the centuries and their impact on policy and society. It examines the ways in which societies define and make sense of childhood and the factors that influence the development of philosophies about young children and their learning. The collection offers an insight into the key theorists and considers how the economics and politics of their time and personal ideology influenced their ideas about childhood. It looks at curricula and provision which have proved inspirational and how these have impacted on policy and practice in different parts of the world. The handbook also explores alternative and perhaps less familiar philosophies and ideas about babies and young children, their place in society and the ways in which it might be appropriate to educate them Bringing together specially commissioned pieces by a range of international authors, this handbook will enable academics, research students, practitioners and policy-makers to reflect on their own understandings and approaches, as well as the assumptions made in their own and other societies.
Published in 1998. In recent years research, as well as the results of practical programmes, has led to a clearer understanding of the relationship between child work and education. It is increasingly evident that child work is not entirely the result of economic need or exploitation. Frequently is the failure of educational system to offer adequate, stimulating and affordable schooling that encourages children to drop out in favour of work that appears to offer advantages more relevant to their everyday lives. Parents too may undervalue the role and purpose of a school that provides inadequate preparation for the future and often see a job, including home-based work, as a positive alternative to crime, delinquency or begging. Consequently, while a distinction needs to be made between ‘formative child work’ and ‘harmful child work’, in certain situations and cultures the phenomenon is not always seen as negative. Yet, although gratifying in the short term and sometimes even providing the means for a younger child to attend school as well as a way of learning discipline and responsibility, often these jobs provide no useful experience and do not lead to an improvement in the personal development of life chances of a child. The situation is therefore complex and requires a more realistic evolution of the relationship between archaic pedagogy, dropout rates and child work. These five case studies from Latin America all reveal the effects of inappropriate school curricular. Desertion of the educational system for the labour market leads to inadequate training and perpetuates the poverty trap. As part of the commitment to combating work which is detrimental to the child, major educational reform is needed. Improvements in coverage, quality and affordability should lead to greater acceptance pf schooling at all levels of society and provide a greater incentive for parents and children alike to participate more fully in the system. Moreover, in cases of severe economic hardship and forced or harmful labour, practical assistance with subsides and scholarships should be considered to remove children from such work.
This book reviews of the development, implementation and practice of the disciplines of school effectiveness and school improvement. Seven main topics are addressed: History of the school effectiveness movement over the last 25 years; Changes in accountability and standards; Leadership in school effectiveness; Changes in teacher education; Impact of Diverse Populations; Education Funding and its Impact; and Best Practice Case Studies. The contributors are active in school effectiveness research worldwide.
This book summarises and discusses key findings from the learning sciences, shedding light on the cognitive and social processes that can be used to redesign classrooms to make them highly effective learning environments.
Un Santo Grial obsesiona a México: el Grial de la calidad educativa. Todos creemos conocerla, pero pocos la hemos visto. Todos decimos buscarla, cual heroicos cruzados, pero en el camino nos distrae una épica subalterna de equívocas prioridades y lealtades calculadas. No es extraño, entonces, corroborar periódicamente que la calidad educativa no mejora, a pesar de los denodados discursos en su favor. No extrañan, tampoco, el generoso cruce de acusaciones, ni el entusiasmo por recetas de apariencia simple. Frente a este panorama, este libro busca reconstruir la complejidad de los problemas de la calidad en la educación básica, particularmente en lo referente a los aprendizajes. Desde una perspectiva que enfatiza las persistentes desigualdades de la sociedad mexicana, el trabajo aborda y discute metódicamente aquellos factores que la investigación ha destacado como relevantes para los resultados educativos, y los analiza a la luz de pruebas de aprendizaje recientes. El resultado muestra un entramado de relaciones donde el peso del origen social de los alumnos es determinante y las escuelas, por sí solas, no logran hacer una diferencia determinante.
The teachers play a major role in implementing the policies and scheme formulated to achieve a breakthrough in the quantitative and qualitative improvement of education. It making the teachers, many innovative experiment are in practice along with traditional teacher education programmes. This book presents some such innovative teacher education programmes which are providing inspiring experiences in teacher education and training worldwide.