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Brazil Mineral, Mining Sector Investment and Business Guide Volume 1 Strategic Information, Metals and Minerals Production
To understand what we know and be aware of what is to be known is a necessary approach to treating CAD/CAM issues. The challenge for all of us interested in CAD/CAM and engineering data handling is to under stand what we know and what we need to know about today's and tomorrow's technology, to track the explosive development of our field and its broadening range of applications, to sort through the details which compete for our attention, and to perceive underlying trends. A key development in the past year was the rapid and widespread acceptance by all user segments of personal computer-based CAD/CAM workstations, coupled with widespread use of software packages, both those developed for PC-based workstations and others converted from main frame and mini systems for use on PC-based or 32-bit workstations. If this trend continues for a few more years, as much as 900/0 of all design work may be accomplished on advanced versions of PC-based workstations. Many software systems vendors unknown until recently to the PC-based CAD/CAM community have now come to dominate the market-companies such as Autodesk, Chessell-Robocom, Future Net, T&W Systems, P-CAD, Cascade, 4-D Graphics, CADAM, Wang & Hornbuckle, and more than 20 other companies who sell PC-based CAD/CAM software.
To understand what we know and be aware of what is to be known has become the central focus in the treatment of CAD/CAM issues. It has been some time since we began treating issues arriving from engineering data handling in a low key fashion because of its housekeeping chores and data maintenance aspects representing nonglamorous issues related to automation. Since the advent of CAD/CAM,large numbers of data bases have been generated through standalone CAD systems. And the rate of this automated means of generating data is rapidly increasing; this is possibly the key factor in changing our way of looking at engineering data related problems. As one deeply involved with engineering data handling and CAD/CAM applications, I know that to succeed, we must do our homework: tracking the trends, keeping abreast of new technologies, new applications, new companies and products that are exploding on the scene every day. In today's fast-paced information handling era, just keeping up is a full-time job. That is why ATI has initiated these publications, in order to bring to the users some of the information regarding their experiences in the important fields of CAD/CAM and engineering data handling. This volume contains some of the paper, including revisions, which were presented at the Fifth Automation Technology Conference held in Monterey, California. A series of publications has been initiated through cooperation between ATI and the Kluwer Academic Publishers. The first volume was Advances in Engineering Data Handling-Case Studies.
This book examines the contributions, both intentional and unintentional, of Nigerian Pentecostal churches and NGOs to development, studying their development practices broadly in relation to the intersecting spheres of politics, economics, health, education, human rights, and peacebuilding. In sub-Saharan Africa, Pentecostalism is fast becoming the dominant expression of Christianity, but while the growth and civic engagement of these churches has been well documented, their role in development has received less attention. The Nigerian Pentecostal landscape is one of the most vibrant in Africa. Churches are increasingly assuming more prominent roles as they seek to address the social and moral ills of contemporary society, often in fierce competition with Islam for dominance in Nigerian public space. Some scholars suggest that the combination of an enchanted worldview, an emphasis on miracles and prosperity teaching, and a preoccupation with evangelism discourages effective political engagement and militates against development. However, Nigerian Pentecostalism and Development argues that there is an emerging movement within contemporary Nigerian Pentecostalism which is becoming increasingly active in development practices. This book goes on to explore the increasingly transnational approach that churches take, often seeking to build multicultural congregations around the globe, for instance in Britain and the United States. Nigerian Pentecostalism and Development: Spirit, Power, and Transformation will be of considerable interest to scholars and students concerned with the intersection between religion and development, and to development practitioners and policy-makers working in the region.
This volume and volume II HECTOR - Basic Projects present the results of HECTOR, the four-year cooperation from 1984-1988 between the University of Karlsruhe and IBM Germany. The HECTOR Project has two major aspects: the first is to explore new ways in university education. The associated projects are presented in this volume. It includes a survey of the objectives of the cooperation project, its organization and the experience of the project management. Experience in student education using data processing equipment and particularly personnel computers is presented, e.g. distribution of software, introduction of standards and coordination of the activities in the different institutes. The second aspect of HECTOR, i.e. research work, results and experiences of the installation of the prototype of a heterogeneous computer network in a university, is presented in volume II.
The term e-Learning is a neologism for CSCL systems that came about during the emergence of website e-learning modules. From an e-learning perspective, conventional e-learning systems were then based on instructional packets, which were delivered to students using assignments. Assignments were evaluated by the instructor. In contrast, the new e-learning places increased emphasis on social learning and use of social software such as blogs, wikis, podcasts and virtual worlds such as Second Life. This phenomenon has also been referred to as Long Tail Learning . E-learning by contrast to e-learning systems not based on CSCL, assumes that knowledge (as meaning and understanding) is socially constructed. Learning takes place through conversations about content and grounded interaction about problems and actions. Advocates of social learning claim that one of the best ways to learn something is to teach it to others. However, it should be noted that many early online courses, such as those developed by Murray Turoff and Starr Roxanne Hiltz in the 1970s and 80s at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, courses at the University of Guelph in Canada, the British Open University, and the online distance courses at the University of British Columbia (where Web CT, now incorporated into Blackboard Inc. was first developed), have always made heavy use of online discussion between students. Also, from the start, practitioners such as Harasim in 1995, have put heavy emphasis on the use of learning networks for knowledge construction, long before the term e-learning, let alone CSCL, was even considered. There is also an increased use of virtual classrooms (online presentations delivered live) as an online learning platform and classroom for a diverse set of education providers such as Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and Sachem, MN, School District. In addition to virtual classroom environments, social networks have become an important part of e-learning. Social networks have been used to foster online learning communities around subjects as diverse as test preparation and language education. Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) is a term used to describe using handheld computers or cell phones to assist in language learning. Some feel, however, that schools have not caught up with the social networking trends. Few traditional educators promote social networking unless they are communicating with their own colleagues. DLR Associates consulting group first became interested in e-learning modules at the annual Distance Learning Conference held at the University of Maine. I decided to offer e-learning services, since we were already evolved with computer-assisted education techniques. DLR Associates had been involved with CAE since computers were first used in engineering education. It was our hope a trend could be started towards blended learning services, where computer-based activities were integrated with practical or classroom-based situations. Dan Ryan Professor Emeritus Clemson University