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One night in December 1941 a young Italian sat shivering on a buoy in Alexandria Harbour. Four hours later two British battleships blew up and settled on the muddy bottom. Luigi De La Penne had successfully completed one of the most fantastic surprise attacks of the war. This and many other extraordinary attacks showed great resourcefulness, courage and daring. The cost in lives and material was small, the stakes dazzlingly high. First published in 1957, this book from American novelist Burke Wilkinson tells of some of the most striking and brilliant surprise attacks made by sea during the war. The individual exploits carry their own compulsion as tales of great courage and daring always do, but more than that they show the valuable lessons to be learned and the future hazards we must face from these bold and venturesome tactics.
First published in 1953, this book is the second in author Burke Wilkinson’s trilogy, Adventures of Geoffrey Mildmay, and follows on from the 1948 bestseller Proceed at Will. In Last Clear Chance, the reader is introduced to Mongoose, who follows a thin, dark thread of treason and the game played for survival stakes by Geoffrey Mildmay, a British adventurer of doubtful loyalties who comes back into the life of Bill Stacy in 1951 through the front door of the Pentagon. Once again exposed to Mildmay’s flippant, faithless charm, Bill is also introduced to his friends, including Lady Sylvia Huntting, whose lost unhappiness attracts him; Cotton Craig, a power politician now in limbo; and the Gales, Craig’s neighbors, who alone have resisted his small-time empire. Stacy’s mistrust of Mildmay is confirmed by his association with Craig and Gale’s accidental death; their subversive activities become more overt when Stacy is beaten up and locked up, and a General kidnapped; and the ugly ambitions of a disappointed politician end aboard a Russian submarine after an unnerving run through dangerous waters.... Another gripping escape-entertainment read!
An upstart Jamaican rebellion, some key international interests in bauxite, an Englishman who follows trouble like a terrier, and an American engineer, Bill Stacy, who reluctantly runs him a close second...Interested in the cause of Gregorius, who has a massive Christopher-complex and wants to be King, Stacy is persuaded to sign on with him by Lady Felicia Bantry, whose endless diffidence and pure Irish fascination get him. Once having crossed the Atlantic to Jamaica, however, Felicia’s charms cool and her cruelty heightens, Gregorius’ uprising peters out, Bill’s own life is in jeopardy, as is that of his English friend, and the Americans and the British get the situation back under control.... A glamourous novel, which takes the reader on a journey from the dark cantles of Ireland to the sunnier beaches of Montego Bay!
One of the lasting legacies of World War 2 was the proliferation of what today are known as Special Forces. At the time many soldiers, often of high rank regarded these units as nothing short of ill-disciplined cowboys or worse! However desperate times called for desperate measures and there were those in high places who were prepared to take risks. As specially recruited units such as the LRDG, SAS and SBS earned their spurs and scored significant victories, at high cost both to the enemy and themselves, so faith in the concept grew