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What is keeping people strong in isolated and under-populated locales, and how much of that is cultural? In 2008 the Cultural Asset Mapping for Regional Australia (CAMRA) project was born with the very simple question: 'how can we best map regional culture in contemporary Australia so that we can assess that culture's value?' In the five years that followed, what transpired was an unpredicatable journey into unlikely places and too-often neglected communities across regional Australia, from western Sydney to the central desert, from east coast surfboard-shapers to Torres Straight hip-hop musicians. Their experiences, stories and insights confronted existing assumptions, and challenged many of the cherished precepts of cultural policy and creative industries research. By-roads and Hidden Treasures brings together the project's researchers, cultural critics and arts and creative industry figures to discuss culture and its connection to community, particularly in isolated circumstances. The book contains thought-provoking discussions on regional Australia's colonial and cultural heritage, and details innovative new methods for measuring cultural assets, as well as reflecting on fostering collaborations with peak cultural bodies in order to inform imminent policy and planning decisions for regional Australia.
I want to get posted on farm building construction, Bob, he remarked, one day when the building was nearly completed. "You see, I'm going to preach the gospel of modern buildings among our farmers and loan them money for their improvements, and I want to see how the thing is done. I want them to get rid of the continual cost of up- keep, to say nothing of the loss of time spent in repairing old buildings, time they could use to earn good American dollars. How soon are you going to start the hen house you were talking about?"
The Author will take you on an incredible journey through life's circumstances and decisions. We will go from one side of the spectrum to the other. Though not knowing what your looking for, but gaining knowledge, power, and control, of life's journey along the way. At the end of this journey the Hidden treasures are found and the explorer discovers that the journey was truly priceless.
Treasure-searching has been, through the ages, an extremely exciting and adventurous pursuit; it is highly demanding exercise calling for tremendous amount of courage and perseverance. Instances are many where those in pursuit of lost or hidden treasures spent long years, sometimes a span of as many as thirty years. In this book, you will read about some of the world's great treasures which are lost and found.
Finally available, a high quality book of the original classic edition of Hidden Treasures. This is a new and freshly published edition of this culturally important work by Harry A. Lewis, which is now, at last, again available to you. Enjoy this classic work today. These selected paragraphs distill the contents and give you a quick look inside Hidden Treasures: This was the first firm that ever drove cattle from the West, and Drew, ever watchful for opportunities to add to his already increasing income, bought a tavern which became, as Drew knew it would under good management, the centre of the cattle business in the city on market days. ...If you see a man with a high hat, gaudily dressed, smoking and seemingly inviting your attention at some horse trot, where he is making a great display of wealth in the way of bets, you can set it down as pretty certain that that man is a clerk working for $10 or $15 per week, or at best, a mere curb-stone broker who will never rise to anything higher. ...A man who would resign his membership in the[27] Union League Club, because it sold wine to its members; who disposed of valuable investments in three different railroads, when a majority of the stockholders voted to run Sunday trains; who, while carrying on a large mercantile business, and managing an extensive stock and real estate business, yet found time to preside at the Chamber of Commerce and serve on numerous committees, and held a directorship in various banking institutions, is surely to be admired. ...What will those people, who would do this or that if they only had time, say to all this work done by one man who then found time to serve on the board of management of religious organizations innumerable? ...This first scheme illustrates his line of procedure in most of those seemingly mysterious movements which have marked his uniform success; namely, to find some road which was almost worthless and, if he thought good management would bring it up, secretly buy the controlling interest in the line, and when it reached a fair figure, sell.