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A guide to combining two powerful management techniques totransform any business organization into a masterpiece of businessefficiency. Lester Dean Thurow, Dean of MIT's Sloan School ofManagement, recently stated that benchmarking combined with processengineering will be the most important management technique of the1990s. Now, in this groundbreaking book, Gregory Watson describeshow top corporations worldwide have already successfullyimplemented that powerful cutting-edge technique--which he calls"business systems engineering"--to promote continuous improvement.More importantly, he clearly demonstrates how you can do the samein your organization. * Introduces business systems engineering, a dynamic new approachto rethinking and redesigning business processes to achievedramatic improvements in quality, cost, service, speed, andmore * Offers clear guidelines for using business systems engineeringtechniques to make your organization more dynamic, productive, andable to adapt to change in today's global marketplace * Incorporates key aspects of TQM, business process improvement,policy deployment, industrial engineering, teamwork, problemsolving, and information technology into one holistic system * Includes business systems engineering success stories, includingthose at Compaq, United Services Automobile Association andMotorola, as well as a survey of the effect of systems changeacross the global automobile industry
The next generation of Business Process Management (BPM) methods and tools will support the development of a new generation of service-enabled applications that change and evolve over time. The trend is moving from relatively stable, organization-specific applications to dynamic ones supporting business processes. This book is an outcome of the International Workshop on Business System Management and Engineering (BSME 2010), held in Malaga, Spain, in June/July 2010, in conjunction with the TOOLS 2010 federated conferences and under the aegis of the EU Network of Excellence on Service Software and Systems (S-Cube). The goal of the workshop was to bring together experts in the fields of business process management, service-oriented architectures, and service security to discuss the current state of research and identify new issues, challenges, and research directions. The results of these discussions are reflected in this book.
"The first edition set a standard of excellence that has eluded all followers, and I have recommended it to my clients for years. The new edition is a gift to the field and should be required reading for all managers." - Adrian J. Bowles, Ph.D., Vice President Giga Information Group "One of the most readable introductions you will find. The new edition offers vital insights into the effective use of objects in business." - Chris Stone, President Object Management Group The first edition of "Object Technology: A Manager's Guide" is widely viewed as the classic introduction to this powerful computing concept. Object technology offers increased agility, significant time-to-market reduction, and the opportunity to exploit the potential of the World Wide Web by deploying globally distributed business systems. At a time when many of the world's largest companies are making the transition to object technology, David Taylor has updated his book to address the important issues facing the growth of object technology and to provide a glimpse into the future of this evolving paradigm. In updating this seminal work, David Taylor has retained the signature conciseness and, clarity of discussion that made the first edition a best-seller. "Object Technology: A Manager's Guide, Second Edition," covers the key terms, emerging concepts, and useful applications of objects. Managers, salespeople, engineers, software developers-anyone interested in understanding or implementing object technology-will find this a lucid introduction to the topic. Highlights of this new edition include: An explanation of how to use objects to create evolutionarysoftware that rapidly adapts to changing business conditions, eliminating the need for most new application development. An introduction to Java, and an explanation of how its useof message interfaces enables a new generation of portable, mix-and-match, Internet-enabled business objects. An update on the state of object databases and extended relationaldatabases, with guidelines for combining the two for optimal informationstorage. An introduction to the new generation of object engines andhow they combine storage and execution capabilities for maximumsoftware integration. 0201309947B09102001
The increasing penetration of IT in organizations calls for an integrative perspective on enterprises and their supporting information systems. MERODE offers an intuitive and practical approach to enterprise modelling and using these models as core for building enterprise information systems. From a business analyst perspective, benefits of the approach are its simplicity and the possibility to evaluate the consequences of modeling choices through fast prototyping, without requiring any technical experience. The focus on domain modelling ensures the development of a common language for talking about essential business concepts and of a shared understanding of business rules. On the construction side, experienced benefits of the approach are a clear separation between specification and implementation, more generic and future-proof systems, and an improved insight in the cost of changes. A first distinguishing feature is the method’s grounding in process algebra provides clear criteria and practical support for model quality. Second, the use of the concept of business events provides a deep integration between structural and behavioral aspects. The clear and intuitive semantics easily extend to application integration (COTS software and Web Services). Students and practitioners are the book’s main target audience, as both groups will benefit from its practical advice on how to create complete models which combine structural and behavioral views of a system-to-be and which can readily be transformed into code, and on how to evaluate the quality of those models. In addition, researchers in the area of conceptual or enterprise modelling will find a concise overview of the main findings related to the MERODE project. The work is complemented by a wealth of extra material on the author’s web page at KU Leuven, including a free CASE tool with code generator, a collection of cases with solutions, and a set of domain modelling patterns that have been developed on the basis of the method’s use in industry and government.
Engineers and scientists often need to sell an innovative idea for a new product to top management. Those who occupy product planning positions also need to be constantly scanning ideas for improving value. The engineer as product planner must learn to think like its major competitor using customer value as a guide. This book provides essential support for engineers and scientists who are required to make realistic business cases for new product concepts.
This book comprises select proceedings of the 43rd National Systems Conference on Innovative and Emerging Trends in Engineering Systems (NSC 2019) held at the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India. The contents cover latest research in the highly multidisciplinary field of systems engineering, and discusses its various aspects like systems design, dynamics, analysis, modeling and simulation. Some of the topics covered include computing systems, consciousness systems, electrical systems, energy systems, manufacturing systems, mechanical systems, literary systems, social systems, and quantum and nano systems. Given the scope of the contents, this book will be useful for researchers and professionals from diverse engineering and management background.
This translation brings a landmark systems engineering (SE) book to English-speaking audiences for the first time since its original publication in 1972. For decades the SE concept championed by this book has helped engineers solve a wide variety of issues by emphasizing a top-down approach. Moving from the general to the specific, this SE concept has situated itself as uniquely appealing to both highly trained experts and anybody managing a complex project. Until now, this SE concept has only been available to German speakers. By shedding the overtly technical approach adopted by many other SE methods, this book can be used as a problem-solving guide in a great variety of disciplines, engineering and otherwise. By segmenting the book into separate parts that build upon each other, the SE concept’s accessibility is reinforced. The basic principles of SE, problem solving, and systems design are helpfully introduced in the first three parts. Once the fundamentals are presented, specific case studies are covered in the fourth part to display potential applications. Then part five offers further suggestions on how to effectively practice SE principles; for example, it not only points out frequent stumbling blocks, but also the specific points at which they may appear. In the final part, a wealth of different methods and tools, such as optimization techniques, are given to help maximize the potential use of this SE concept. Engineers and engineering students from all disciplines will find this book extremely helpful in solving complex problems. Because of its practicable lessons in problem-solving, any professional facing a complex project will also find much to learn from this volume.