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"The North American Hot-Dry & Mixed-Dry Climate edition of the Builder's Guide now provides the building industry with the latest and best practical information on how to apply building science principles to structures as systems with revised sections on: Foundations, Walls, Roofs and an expanded discussion of Vapor Barriers, Additional Appendixes PLUS a newly added Glossary of Terms." --Publisher's website.
In the climate-controlled buildings of today, moisture problemsaffect not only the useable life expectancy of the structure, butthe comfort and health of the occupants. This reference is thefirst to apply up-to-date moisture control and treatment techniquesin a problem/solution format. Opening with an introductoryexplanation of the nature and causes of mold, mildew, andcondensation, the book gives specific advice on heated, cooled, andcombination environments, plus a short course in the dynamics ofmoisture movement within buildings. Other invaluable coverageincludes: * clear, detailed recommended practices for all United Statesclimates * practices for cooling as well as heating climates (often, heatingclimate solutions are applied in cooling climates, where problemsand solutions are completely different) * an overall, systematic view of moisture problems--including howmechanical systems and occupant lifestyles can create and alsoresolve moisture problems * actual case studies of buildings with moisture problems thatillustrate the principles and practices presented in the book This detailed, no-nonsense exploration of moisture cause andeffect--as well as its protection and remediation--will expandreaders' knowledge on this crucial subject. Moisture ControlHandbook will be welcomed by building contractors, architects,mechanical engineers, building science researchers, buildingproduct manufacturers, homeowners, and small commercial buildingowners.
"The Builder's Guide provides the building industry with the latest and best practical information on how to apply building science principles to structures as systems in mixed-humid climate regions."--Publisher's website.
"The Builder's Guide provides the building industry with the latest and best practical information on how to apply building science principles to structures as systems in hot-humid climate regions." --Publisher's website.
Performance-Based Building Design This third book in a series of three dealing with building physics and its application, looks to the impact a performance requirements linked approach has on building design and construction. It starts with a resumption of what’s expected from buildings, followed by discussing a range of materials needed to guarantee a correct heat, air, moisture response. Then, looked is to preparing the building site, the excavations needed, the foundations, the below-grade parts and spaces, the structural systems commonly used, the floors, different types of outer walls, different types of roof assemblies, inside walls, the glazing, windows, outer doors, glass façades, bal-conies, all kind of shafts, chimneys, stairs, timber-frame construction, wall, floor and ceiling finishes. Each time again, not only the heat, air, moisture related metrics but also structural integrity, durability, fire safety, acoustics, maintenance, sustainability and buildability are dis- cussed. The whole ends with looking to the risks deficiencies may cause. For this new edition, all chapters have been critically reviewed, actualized and gifted with additional figures where needed, so incorporating the experiences gained from 38 years of teaching to architectural and building engineering students, from 36 years of research, and from 53 years of practice, curing damage cases due to failing performance.
high Performance Enclosures : Design Guide for Institutional, Commercial and Industrial Buildings in Cold Climates provides guidance for architects and building enclosure engineers working to meet the growing need for buildings that have significantly lower operational energy consumption. John Straube addresses a range of practical questions about low energy building enclosures that save energy while simultaneously improving durability, comfort, and rain control: How much of an impact can the enclosure, massing, and orientation have? How much glazing is appropriate and what options are available? How much does thermal bridging matter and how can it be minimized at difficult structural details? How does one detail thick layers of continuous insulation outside of steel stud walls? Can layers of insulating sheathing reduce the risk of moisture damage?--COVER.
So wenig wie die Bauphysik standen Energieeffizienz und Gebäudeperformance vor der Energiekrise der 1970er Jahre bei der Planung von Gebäuden auf der Tagesordnung. Mit der wachsenden Notwendigkeit der Energieeinsparung stieg aber das Interesse an der ganzheitlichen Gebäudeplanung. Das zweibändige Werk stellt die ganzheitliche Gebäudebetrachtung und seine "Performance", getragen von der Anwendung bauphysikalischer Zusammenhänge, in der Planung und Ausführung dar. Der Begriff "Gebäudeperformance" meint hier alle Gebäude bezogenen physikalischen Eigenschaften, die im Entwurfsprozess planbar und während des Bauprozesses und im Betrieb kontrollierbar sind. Der Begriff "planbar" erfordert Berechnungsmodelle und -verfahren für die Bemessung und Auslegung, während "kontrollierbar" den Einsatz von Messtechnik und Vergleichsanalysen erfordert. Dieser erste von zwei Bänden stellt die ganzheitliche Gebäudebetrachtung, getragen von der Anwendung bauphysikalischer Zusammenhänge, in der Planung und Ausführung dar. Einem Überblick über die wesentlichen Materialien für Wärmedämmung, Abdichtung, Luftdichtigkeit und Feuchteschutz sowie Erläuterungen über Fugen folgt eine ausführliche Darstellung der Hochbaukonstruktionen, beginnend bei der Baugrube. Anschließend werden Gründungen, erdberührte und aufsteigende Bauteile, übliche Lastabtragungs- und Deckensysteme bis hin zu massiven Außenwänden mit außenseitiger oder Innendämmung und zweischaligen Wänden behandelt. Dabei folgen die meisten Kapitel der Systematik: Überblick, allgemeine Anforderungen, Planung, Ausführung. Das Werk bietet sowohl für Studenten der Architektur und des Bauingenieurwesens umfassendes Rüstzeug für die Bewältigung von Hochbaukonstruktionen, als auch den in der Praxis tätigen Bauingenieuren ein Nachschlagewerk zur Auffrischung des Wissens. Das Buch setzt gründliche Kenntnisse der Bauphysik sowie Grundkenntnisse in Tragwerksplanung, Baustoffkunde und Baukonstruktionen voraus.
This manual presents the best techniques for energy and resource efficient residential construction in the colder climates of North America. Lstiburek (a forensic engineer who heads Building Science Corp. in Massachusetts) presents information on the practicalities of choosing the right insulation, heating systems, keeping heat in, air and moisture barriers, exterior wood priming, avoiding cold corners and plates, sealing air barriers, considering drainage planes behind siding, avoiding insulation gaps, and flashing window openings. Contains many diagrams. Spiral wire binding.
Just like building physics, performance based building design was hardly an issue before the energy crises of the 1970ies. With the need to upgrade energy efficiency, the interest in overall building performance grew. The term "performance" encompasses all building-related physical properties and qualities that are predictable during the design stage and controllable during and after construction. The term "predictable" demands calculation tools and physical models that allow evaluating a design, whereas "controllable" presumes the existence of measuring methods available on site. The basis for a system of performance arrays are the functional demands, the needs for accessibility, safety, well-being, durability, energy efficiency and sustainability and the requirements imposed by the usage of a building. In continuation of Vol. 1 this second volume discusses light-weight construction with wooden and metal elements, roofing systems, facades, and ends with finishes and the overall risk analysis. Most chapters build on a same scheme: overview, overall performance evaluation, design and construction. The work is absolutely recommended to undergraduates and graduates in architectural and building engineering, though also building engineers, who want to refresh their knowledge, may benefit. The level of discussion assumes the reader has a sound knowledge of building physics, along with a background in structural engineering, building materials and building construction. Where and when needed, input and literature from over the world was used, reason why each chapter ends listing references and literature.