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If the average tenure in a job varies from two to five years, then most people will have between 9 and 21 jobs during their career, between the ages of 21 and 65. Therefore, the chances of meeting a few bastards along the way are fairly high, who can make your life hell. This is a straight forward, but at times funny how-to book, written in a breezy style designed to engage the many people in distress. It’s about how to survive in a hostile environment and move towards a more fulfilling work life, when your boss takes a dislike to you or treats you badly and threatens your job. Learn about the nature of bosses in business. Learn about your own ego, the helpful use of language, and some practical techniques to help you remain calm. Use the unique Serengeti Model to decode which species of animal your Boss is. Then find out how you can deal with him/her in the best way, to help keep you safe from harm.
If the average tenure in a job varies from two to five years, then most people will have between 9 and 21 jobs during their career, between the ages of 21 and 65. Therefore, the chances of meeting a few bastards along the way are fairly high, who can make your life hell. This is a straight forward, but at times funny how-to book, written in a breezy style designed to engage the many people in distress. It s about how to survive in a hostile environment and move towards a more fulfilling work life, when your boss takes a dislike to you or treats you badly and threatens your job. Learn about the nature of bosses in business. Learn about your own ego, the helpful use of language, and some practical techniques to help you remain calm. Use the unique Serengeti Model to decode which species of animal your Boss is. Then find out how you can deal with him/her in the best way, to help keep you safe from harm.
If the average tenure in a job varies from two to five years, then most people will have between nine and 21 jobs during their career, between the ages of 21 and 65. Therefore, the chances of meeting a few bastards along the way, who can make your life hell, are fairly high. This is a straight forward, but at times funny how-to book, written in a breezy style designed to engage the many people in distress.It's about how to survive in a hostile environment and move towards a more fulfilling work life, when your boss takes a dislike to you or treats you badly and threatens your job.Learn about the nature of bosses in business. Learn about your own ego, the helpful use of language, and some practical techniques to help you remain calm. Use the unique Serengeti Model to decode which species of animal your Boss is. Then find out how you can deal with him/her in the best way, to help keep you safe from harm.
It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. Never has this been truer. Networking has become one of the key skills for virtually anyone who wants to get on in their jobs and careers. In fact, in just about any situation, knowing the right person will get you ahead. This book provides the essential rules and secrets to successful networking. It addresses the how, why and who of networking to enable virtually anyone to grasp the key skills and do some serious networking. Far from being a God-given talent, networking is a technique that can be learnt, honed and applied to great effect. Careers consultant Rob Yeung offers savvy and practical advice on networking that will make a genuine difference to your career.
Why is it that effective action is so often difficult to take? How do you make it work when you do take it? Human nature tends to make action difficult – or make it more likely to be delayed or be done half-heartedly (with subsequent negative impact on results). There are so many unpleasant issues to be faced, such as firing people or dealing with poor or unacceptable behaviour and performance; tackling sensitive issues such as bullying and discrimination; and handling awkward or embarrassing situations like networking or prospecting. Too often, managers and others find themselves in the ‘discomfort zone’ with no chance of avoiding involvement and every wish to steer clear of the unpleasantness. This book faces these difficulties head-on and offers a wealth of excellent advice about reducing the discomfort, taking the right action and increasing the result. The key is to recognise the problem of inaction or avoidance, and to put yourself in the discomfort zone on a regular basis.
Why should anyone eat bananas? Because they are good for you! Experts agree that, as a quick source of carbohydrate fuel, bananas are better for you than any other fruit. They are great for an energy boost. This book is packed with timeless, inspirational, energy-boosting tips and advice for today’s entrepreneur seeking growth in their business and personal life. Simon Tupman provides 101 ideas to help you connect with existing customers, win new customers, connect with your employees and colleagues, and create a better personal life. Each idea can easily be implemented in any company, large or small. Together, they form a set of “best practice” that will lead to sustained success in business and a more satisfying life in general.
I worked for over forty years in the USA as a Physicist, Electrical Engineer, Nuclear Power Engineer, Computer Expert, President and General Manager, Independent Management Consultant, College Professor and US Army Rifleman. My work took me all over the US, Canada, Europe and Mexico. I met many wonderful people and had some very nice bosses. But not many nice bosses. My bosses were mostly nasty, scheming, rude, interested only in themselves, not even in their companies. They were mostly Bastards. I wrote this book for you, dear reader. Don't let history repeat itself with you. If you are now working for a living, or are planning to work in the future, I want you to know what you are getting into. I want you to learn from my experience - so that you can recognize a bastard when you see one - and to tell him or her to go to Hell. Unfortunately, the bad guys are all over, except where they are supposed to be - in jail or in Hell. The world has not changed much in the last sixty years since I was a young engineer fresh out of the Army and College. What happened to me can still happen to you. You, too, will meet people who are your bosses. They are supposed to lead you, guide you, teach you and motivate you to do well for society, for yourself, your company and your fellow workers. Instead, like I have been, you will be cheated, lied to, misled, taken advantage of, manipulated, unappreciated and underpaid. You will be screwed. Don't worry. You will survive. Remember: you have the right to the Pursuit of Happiness. You have the right to tell your boss to "Go to Hell," and to go on to greener pastures. Just learn to recognize the Bastards. Read this book. It will help you.
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The bestselling author of "Confessions of a Sociopath Social Climber" tells readers everything they need to know about their boss' sign to help them survive at the office.
Covers basic sheet-metal fabrication and welding engineering principles and applications. This title includes chapters on non-technical but essential subjects such as health and safety, personal development and communication of technical information. It contains illustrations that demonstrate the practical application of the procedures described.