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In the thick of New York: Bruce Gilden raw and unseen After recently moving house, Bruce Gilden discovered hundreds of contact prints and negatives in his personal archives, from work undertaken in New York, his native city, between 1978 and 1984. From these thousands of images, most of which are new even to their author, Gilden has selected around a hundred. Extending from the desire to revisit the work of his youth, this historic archive constitutes an inestimable treasure. An extraordinary New York is portayed here, revealing an unknown facet of Gilden's oeuvre. With all the energy of a young man in his thirties, and with no flash (before Gilden became famous for its almost systematic use), Gilden launched an assault on New York in a visibly tense atmosphere. In this extraordinary gallery of portraits, the compositions--mostly horizontal--simmer with energy, bursting with the most diverse characters, as though Gilden intended to include within the frame everything that caught his eye. In this book, we see the guiding tropes of the work that was to make Gilden famous: sustained movement and tension, unrivalled spirit, and an instinctive and irreverent affection for his subjects, perfectly in cahoots with his city. Bruce Gilden (1946) is a street photographer from Brooklyn, New York. Over the years he has produced long and detailed photographic projects in New York, Haiti, France, Ireland, India, Russia, Japan, England and America. Gilden has published 18 monographs, among them Facing New York (1992), Bleus (1994), Haiti (1996, European Publishers Award for Photography); After the Off (1999), Go (2000), Coney Island (2002), A Beautiful Catastrophe (2004), Foreclosures (2013) and A Complete Examination of Middlesex (2014).
An exceptional and gritty portrait of Japan and its people by the renowned Magnum street photographer Bruce Gilden.
Winner of the 1996 European Publishers Award, this stunning work is by native New York photographer Bruce Gilden who has been based in Paris for five years. Widely represented in numerous collections including MOMA, New York, the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, and Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, Gilden has been the recipient of three National Endowment of the Arts awards. His previous books are 'Facing New York' and 'Bleus'.
Bruce Gilden has always had a fascination with what he calls characters . So, for Bruce, New York, with its famous idiosyncratic citizenry and the unique energy of its streets, proved to be a giant creative playground. Originally published in 1992 and long out of print, FACING NEW YORK has become a recognised photobook classic. For this new edition Bruce has replaced two images, of which he says that he just can t understand why they didn t make his original selection.
New York City, the unique metropolis that Le Corbusier has called a beautiful catastrophe,' is a natural home to Bruce Gilden. Since 1981, Gilden has been roaming the streets of the city, capturing its characters and eccentricities with hsi confrontational, highly energetic style and exuberant vision. In this new opus, A Beautiful Catastrophe, Magnum photographer Bruce Gilden celebrates a trademark style with abandon, firmly ensconsing him in the pantheon of New York City photographic poets.'
A rivetting and dynamic portrait of rural Irish life from Magnum photographer Bruce Gilden.
A la suite d'un déménagement, Bruce Gilden découvre dans ses archives personnelles des centaines de pellicules et de négatifs d'un travail réalisé à New York, sa ville natale, entre 1978 et 1984. Parmi ces milliers d'images inédites qu'il n'avait pour la plupart jamais vu lui-même, Gilden en a sélectionné une centaine. Emanant du désir de revisiter son oeuvre de jeunesse, cette archive historique, qui refait surface quarante ans plus tard telle la Valise Mexicaine, constitue un trésor inestimable. Il s'y dessine le portrait d'un New York hors du temps et dévoile par ailleurs un pan inconnu du travail de Gilden. Dans le plein élan de la trentaine, il s'était alors lancé sans flash (avant de devenir célèbre pour son usage quasi systématique) à l'assaut des New Yorkais, dans une ambiance visiblement tendue qui ne l'empêchait pas de bondir à un rythme frénétique sur ce que cette scène, à la fois familière et exotique, avait à lui offrir. Dans cette extraordinaire galerie de portraits, les compositions, la plupart horizontales, bouillonnent d'énergie et débordent de personnages les plus divers, comme si Gilden entendait inclure dans le cadre tout ce qui attirait son oeil. Dans Lost & Found, on perçoit déjà le fil conducteur du travail qui rendra Bruce Gilden célèbre : un mouvement et une tension continus, une fougue sans pareil, une affection instinctive et irrévérencieuse pour ses sujets - en parfaite connivence avec sa ville.
A new entry in Photofile, an accessible and affordable photography series
"Features photography assignments, ideas, stories, and anecdotes from many of the world's most talented photographers and photography professionals"--Cover.
A defining characteristic of Bruce Gilden's photography is his creative attraction to what he calls 'characters', and he has been tracking them down all through his career. Growing up in Brooklyn with what he describes as a 'tough guy' of a father, Bruce Gilden developed a love of the streets, often calling them his 'second home'. The unique energy of the streets mesmerised Bruce, an energy that can momentarily expose something inside people that generally stays hidden.