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Over a period of time, many, many questions concerning the Bible come into our office. We take each one of them seriously. In developing this book, as it regards questions and answers, we have done our best to answer those questions most often asked. We have gone into some detail, which hopefully will provide the answers desired, and all according to the Word of God. Of course, our selections most definitely have not covered all that we would like to address. Perhaps in the near future a second volume will be necessary. Prayerfully, the answers given will open up the Word of God as it regards the subject matter at hand. Here are samples of some of the questions: • Who is Satan and where do demon spirits come from? • What is Blaspheming the Holy Spirit? • What is the difference between The Great White Throne Judgment and The Judgment Seat of Christ? • What should be the Christian’s position in respect to alcohol? • Are homosexuals born that way?
The Word of God alone gives us the account of the most astounding happenings for the future that Planet Earth will ever see. They are soon to come to pass. They are: • The Rapture of the Church. • The Rise of the Antichrist. • The Great Tribulation. • The Battle of Armageddon. • The Second Coming of the Lord. • The 1,000 Year Kingdom Age. • The Perfect Age to come, which will last forever. This book, we believe, will help you to understand these great events to come as possibly you’ve not experienced previously. The material therein is a must for every Believer.
• Due to the paucity of teaching on the Cross of Christ in the last several decades, there are, of necessity, many questions regarding this all important subject. • How were people Saved before the Cross? • When did the Doctrine of the Cross originate? • Why is it that the church knows almost nothing about the Cross of Christ respecting Sanctification? • Is the answer to every Spiritual problem found in the Cross? • And there are many more questions.
This book, “Brother Swaggart, Here Is My Question About The Holy Spirit”, contains extremely important information regarding the Holy Spirit that, to my knowledge, cannot be found other than through this Ministry. The Holy Spirit has a particular “Way” that He Works in the hearts and lives of Believers. Unfortunately, most in the modern church world have little or no understanding of that particular “Way.” I personally believe this book will also shed some light on the Baptism with the Holy Spirit, as well as Gifts of the Spirit, and the initial, physical evidence of the Baptism. But, out of all of this, one of the most important things is, the “Way” the Holy Spirit Works is information that every single Believer must have. In fact, unless this “Way” is understood, the Believer cannot live as a successful Christian; consequently, this Book is a must.
Jesus said: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the Mouth of God” (Mat. 4:4). The Word of God is, pure and simple, the single most important thing on the face of the Earth. As someone has rightly said: • Much Bible, much Freedom! • A little Bible, a little Freedom! • No Bible, no Freedom! In his book, “Brother Swaggart, How Do I Understand the Bible?”, Brother Swaggart has tried his best to address every major Doctrine given to us in the Word of God. This is material that is necessary for every Believer to know and understand. Hopefully, we have addressed these great subjects in the Word of God in such a way to make it simple and easy to comprehend. The following are some of the subjects addressed: • The Doctrine Of The Bible • The Doctrine Of Grace • The Doctrine Of “Justification By Faith” • The Doctrine Of Our Lord Jesus Christ • The Doctrine Of Satan • The Doctrine Of Sin • The Doctrine Of The Baptism With The Holy Spirit
The Expositor's Study Bible (KJV) is different than any other study Bible ever produced. With abbreviated commentary notes placed directly in the scripture, it makes Bible study easier than ever before. With over 1 million copies in print today, The Expositor's Study Bible has become one of the most loved Bible study tools of our time.
When God speaks, His word always comes to pass, and according to the Bible, the next great event to take place is the rapture—also known as the resurrection—something the modern church knows little to nothing about. When will this great catching away take place? When the trump of God sounds, who exactly will be transformed, in the twinkling of an eye, to meet the Lord Jesus Christ in the air? And once the rapture takes place, what happens next? These and many other questions are answered in this riveting book by Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart who walks his readers through the Scriptures to explain this glorious event that will bring inexplicable joy to some while striking fear in the hearts of those left behind.
Jimmy Swaggart was one of the most famous televangelists of the 1980s. He has made a comeback and is now preaching dangerous false doctrines to millions of people, teachings that are warping the minds of those beguiled by his false doctrines. There is something terrible happening to those who get involved with Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, as many people attest. One person writes, "My mother has left her church, turned her back on her family and friends and watches the Swaggarts 24/7. She has excommunicated me because I won't follow the Swaggarts." Another person commented, "What Pastor Mark wrote completely describes a friend of mine that I was not able to un-program. Swaggartism destroyed her marriage and then she turned on me for trying to help her." And yet another says, "My husband was a sweet Christian man, then after getting into Jimmy Swaggart's Message of the Cross, he has become hard to get along with. He never laughs, smiles or acts happy! Is there any way I can make him see the truth about Jimmy Swaggart before it's too late? Has my husband been brain washed?" This book tells the history of Jimmy Swaggart from boyhood to today and delineates his false teachings and exposes them to the light of scripture. If you know someone who is being seduced by the siren song of the Swaggarts, this book is the antidote.
“Engaging . . . [a] biography of three men bound by blood, music, and a lifelong struggle to strike a balance between the sacred and secular.”—Publishers Weekly Three cousins, inseparably bonded through music. Each became a star; their story would become a legend. J. D. Davis’s enthralling new biography of famous cousins Jerry Lee Lewis, Jimmy Swaggart, and Mickey Gilley, born within a twelve-month span in small-town Louisiana during the Great Depression, draws from exhaustive research and personal connections with friends and family. Davis recreates the irresistible and life-changing power of music that surrounded the cousins as boys and shaped their engagingly distinct paths to fame. With three personal journeys set alongside important landmarks in pop-culture history, Davis presents a unique tale of American music centered on the trials, tribulations, and achievements of three men who remain truly Unconquered. A ForeWord Reviews Book of the Year Award Honorable Mention for Biography “This is a good read, and not just for the hard-core fan. It will appeal to anyone interested in the dynamics of rock ’n’ roll, country music, and evangelical Christianity and what happens when the aesthetics and lifestyles of those three worlds collide. Highly recommended.”—Library Journal “God, the devil, and everything in between. This book is a great representation of the duality plane on which we exist.'”—Leon Russell, legendary musician, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member “Unconquered clearly depicts the fascinating story of three great musical artists who were cousins in real life but icons in the world of music. Each man conquered life’s roadblocks to achieve his ultimate goals.”—Tom Schedler, former Louisiana Secretary of State