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For almost thirty years, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (BPEA) has provided academic and business economists, government officials, and members of the financial and business communities with timely research of current economic issues. Contents include: Articles GEORGE A. AKERLOF, ANDREW K. ROSE, JANET L. YELLEN, and HELGA HESSENIUS East Germany in from the Cold: The Economic Aftermath of Currency Union ROBERT J. BARRO and XAVIER SALA-I-MARTIN Convergence across States and Regions BARRY BOSWORTH, GARY BURTLESS, and JOHN SABELHAUS The Decline in Saving: Some Microeconomic Evidence ALLEN B. FRANKEL and JOHN D. MONTGOMERY Financial Structure: An International Perspective Report ROBERT Z. LAWRENCE Efficient or Exclusionist? The Import Behavior of Japanese Corporate Groups
For almost thirty years, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (BPEA) has provided academic and business economists, government officials, and members of the financial and business communities with timely research of current economic issues. Contents include: Articles GEORGE A. AKERLOF, ANDREW K. ROSE, JANET L. YELLEN, and HELGA HESSENIUS East Germany in from the Cold: The Economic Aftermath of Currency Union ROBERT J. BARRO and XAVIER SALA-I-MARTIN Convergence across States and Regions BARRY BOSWORTH, GARY BURTLESS, and JOHN SABELHAUS The Decline in Saving: Some Microeconomic Evidence ALLEN B. FRANKEL and JOHN D. MONTGOMERY Financial Structure: An International Perspective Report ROBERT Z. LAWRENCE Efficient or Exclusionist? The Import Behavior of Japanese Corporate Groups
Published twice a year, these papers offer in-depth research on economic development for economists, government officials and members of the financial and business communities. The papers provide a useful source of information for those seeking objective analysis of major macroeconomic issues.
Published twice a year, BPEA offers authoritative, in-depth research on economic development for economists, government officials, and members of the financial and business communities. For nearly thirty years, BPEA has been an indispensable source for scholars and policymakers seeking objective analysis of major macroeconomic issues. " Social Security Reform and National Saving in an Era of Budget Surpluses" by Douglas W. Elmendorf and Jeffrey B. Liebman " E-Capital: The Link between the Stock Market and the Labor Market in the 1990s" by Robert E. Hall " Real Estate and the Macroeconomy" by Karl E. Case " The Economic Consequences of Disappearing Government Debt" by Vincent Reinhart and Brian Sack " Financial Market Implications of the Federal Debt Paydown" by Michael J. Fleming " Tax Smoothing Implications of the Federal Debt Paydown" by George J. Hall and Stefan Krieger
The Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, long one of Brookings's signature publications, has new leadership. The three incoming editors have all made outstanding contributions to economic research, economic policymaking, and the communication of economic ideas to a broad audience. They will ensure that BPEA continues to be a central meeting place for leading scholars analyzing important economic problems. The new editorial team will retain BPEA's focus on empirical research of current issues in macroeconomics and economic policy, emphasizing real-world events and institutions. The journal will uphold its tradition of excellence in areas such as fiscal and monetary policy, labor markets, wages and prices, the distribution of income and wealth, international capital flows, and international trade and development.
An important feature of globalization is the increasing cross-national integration of labor markets. Yet there is little consensus on the implications of that integration, or on the costs and benefits for the many very different groups involved. While there is agreement-at least among most economists-that there are likely to be aggregate welfare gains from increased integration, it is clear that there are losers as well as winners in both developed and developing countries.
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (BPEA) provides academic and business economists, government officials, and members of the financial and business communities with timely research on current economic issues. Contents: The European Central Bank’s Monetary Policy during Its First 20 Years, Philipp Hartmann and Frank Smets Accounting for Macro-Finance Trends: Market Power, Intangibles, and Risk Premia, Emmanuel Farhi and François Gourio The Real Effects of Disrupted Credit: Evidence from the Global Financial Crisis, Ben S. Bernanke The Cyclical Sensitivity in Estimates of Potential Output, Olivier Coibion, Yuriy Gorodnichenko, and Mauricio Ulate Should the Federal Reserve Regularly Evaluate Its Monetary Policy Framework?, Jeff Fuhrer, Giovanni P. Olivei, Eric S. Rosengren, and Geoffrey M.B. Tootell Monetary Policy at the Effective Lower Bound: Less Potent? More International? More Sticky?, Kristin Forbes The Efficacy of Large-Scale Asset Purchases When the Short-Term Interest Rate Is at Its Effective Lower Bound, James D. Hamilton The Federal Reserve Is Not Very Constrained by the Lower Bound on Nominal Interest Rates, Eric T. Swanson Comments on Monetary Policy at the Effective Lower Bound, Janet Yellen
For almost thirty years, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (BPEA) has provided academic and business economists, government officials, and members of the financial and business communities with timely research of current economic issues. Contents include: Articles " The East Asian Financial Crisis: Diagnosis, Remedies, Prospects" by Steven Radelet and Jeffrey D. Sachs " Self-Control and Saving for Retirement" by David I. Laibson, Andrea Repetto, and Jeremy Tobacman " The Political Economy of Fiscal Adjustments" by Alberto Alesina, Roberto Perotti, and Jos Tavares Reports " The Wealth Dynamics of American Families, 1984-94" by Erik Hurst, Ming Ching Luoh, and Frank P. Stafford " Hours Reductions as Work-Sharing" by Jennifer Hunt
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (BPEA) provides academic and business economists, government officials, and members of the financial and business communities with timely research on current economic issues.