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Archaeological investigations by MOLA on land adjacent to Upthorpe Road, Stanton (2013-2014), revealed the remains of a prehistoric round barrow and a cemetery containing the remains of 67 inhumations with associated grave goods. This book provides detailed analysis of the archaeological features, skeletal assemblage and other artefacts.
Archaeological investigations by MOLA on land adjacent to Upthorpe Road, Stanton (2013-2014), revealed the remains of a prehistoric round barrow and a cemetery containing the remains of 67 inhumations with associated grave goods. This book provides detailed analysis of the archaeological features, skeletal assemblage and other artefacts.
A Bronze Age barrow, one of several in the Rhee valley, was encircled by two concentric rings of posts in the early to middle Iron Age, and a single crouched inhumation was buried nearby. A small group of roundhouses and granaries was built on the clays c.100m from the river, and nearly 200 possible grain storage pits were dug on chalk deposits next to the river. Some of the pits contained human burials and animal bone groups of the pit burial tradition common in central southern and south-eastern England Significant assemblages of Chinnor-Wandlebury pottery and animal bone, including examples of rarely-found wild species, were also found. The site was unoccupied in the late Iron Age and Roman periods but still farmed, as evidenced by animal pens, field ditches and sparse domestic debris probably spread by manuring. During the later 6th century AD, a small open farming settlement of six sunken-featured buildings was established, akin to many similar settlements investigated in South Cambridgeshire. A substantial ditch enclosed the settlement in the 8th or 9th century, and occupation had shifted to Harston village by the 10th century.
MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) was commissioned by RPS Group PLC, on behalf of Morris Homes, to undertake archaeological work on land at Upton Park south of Weedon Road, Northampton. Two adjacent palaeochannels crossed the western extent of the site and are likely to have dated to the Pleistocene period. The earliest evidence of human activity consisted of a background scatter of Neolithic flint. The first feature was an isolated barrow that was established in the early Bronze Age. A later unurned cremation was cut into the backfill of the recut ditch and radiocarbon dated to the end of the early Bronze Age or the beginning of the middle Bronze Age. At least one isolated early Bronze Age pit was found in another part of the site. Parts of two late Bronze Age/early Iron Age sinuous pit alignments were recorded over nearly 0.5km within the site with c257 pits revealed. An estimated 66% of these pits by volume were examined. This is the first time in the county since Wollaston Quarry in the 1990s that pit alignments were seen over such a distance within a single planning application. The archaeological excavation of these has resulted in them being by some distance the two most examined pit alignments in the county, if not the region. Both had most likely fallen out of use by the early Iron Age, but a middle Iron Age date should not be ruled out. In the northern and southern pit alignments there were 16 and seven areas respectively where there were different variables in the pits such as circular or rectangular plan form (and some pit areas had be recut by ditches), which may suggest they had been constructed and maintained by different gangs/communities over probably hundreds of years. Relatively little detailed work has been recorded on this enigmatic feature type. The extensive work and examination of the two pit alignments at Upton has allowed a typology of the variable areas of pits (and related ditches) to be postulated. A detailed discussion has compared these features in a local, regional and national context. Future recommendations for excavation of pit alignments have been recorded. A Roman trackway lay within the western part of the development area and it was part of the routeway network located around the nearby Duston Roman town. Medieval drainage ditches and field systems relating to part of the medieval settlement of Upton lay within the eastern part of the development area.
Barrow Clump, on the east side of the Avon valley, lies in the centre of the Salisbury Plain Military Training Area. It is the site of a large, partly extant Early Bronze Age burial mound which incorporates an earlier Beaker funerary monument, seals a Neolithic land surface, and was the focus of an Anglo-Saxon cemetery, most of the 70 graves dating to the 6th century AD.Excavations in 2003−4 were carried out largely in response to the damage being caused to this and other prehistoric monuments by badgers. The subsequent work in 2012−14 was made possible by the participation of Operation Nightingale (Exercise Beowulf), an innovative military initiative to involve injured service personnel in archaeology to aid their recovery.
The Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Shrubland Hall Quarry, Coddenham, was unknown until its discovery during investigation of an Iron Age site. The fifty Anglo-Saxon burials found were possibly the remains of a larger cemetery, extending an unknown distance to the west, the other graves being lost to earlier gravel extraction. While most of the fifty burials lacked grave-goods, or had modest accompaniments, several graves included elaborate grave-goods, some imported, and typical of the later 7th and early 8th century. Coins found in two burials give a general date to the cemetery, placing it in the later 7th and early 8th centuries. The grave-goods are mostly typical of the mid-7th to early 8th century, when a distinct range of object types was deposited. The excavation adds a cemetery to the known mortuary landscape at a time when accompanied burial was about to end. The graves illustrate the varied practices used in this period, including structures within graves and the use of barrows.
Stephen Pollington is well known for his many works popularising scholarship and archaeology on Anglo-Saxon England. Here he turns his attention to probably the most famous aspect of early Anglo-Saxon culture, the spectular burial mounds, of which Sutton Hoo is the best known example. Here Pollington presents a detailed gazetteer of all known barrow burials across England including the latest findings such as the chamber burial at Prittlewell. Information regarding excavation, contents, dating and skeletal remains is accompanied by photographs and plans of the finest sites. The opening half of the book uses this information to outline the evolution of the barrow burial, its Germanic context, the symbolism of the burials and the contents of the tombs, and their physical construction. Old English and Norse literary references to the mounds are contained in appendices.
This volume covers the full excavation, analysis and interpretation of two early Bronze Age round barrows at Guiting Power in the Cotswolds, a region where investigation and protection of such sites have been extremely poor, with many barrows unnecessarily lost to erosion, and with most existing excavation partial, and of low quality.
Examines what the Sutton Hoo ship-burial site reveals about early England, describes the site's treasures and mysteries, and recounts the events surrounding its discovery.
"This volume is the first in a series that will cover the extensive and significant archaeological deposits recorded at Flixton quarry on the south side of the Waveney Valley. Volume I is largely funded by an ALSF grant, and describes remains of prehistoric, Late Iron Age/Early Roman and Early Anglo-Saxon date. The prehistoric archaeology is dominated by three monumental structures. The earliest, dating to the Late Neolithic, is a post-hole circle 18m in diameter, with an entrance to the north-west and containing a rectangular post-hole structure. Various interpretations are explored including the possibility that astronomical alignments were invested in the monument. The site of the Late Neolithic structure was subsequently overlain by an Early Bronze Age unurned cremation and its surrounding ring-ditch. A second ring-ditch subsequently became the focus for burial in the Early Anglo-Saxon period (Flixton I), and its central mound was re-used as the site of a windmill in the later medieval or early post-medieval periods. An enigmatic palisaded enclosure, describing a near-perfect circle of 27m diameter, was dated by pottery to around the time of the Roman Conquest. Various possible uses of the post-hole circle have been explored, and it may have been associated with a rectangular post-hole structure of similar date that was recorded in a later phase of the quarry. The Anglo-Saxon period is represented at Flixton by two burial grounds (Flixton I and II) and a settlement; the cemeteries are described in this volume. Flixton I seems to have been a small plot associated with a prehistoric barrow: only one grave has been excavated, but metal-detected finds indicate some further burials. Flixton II was larger and at first contained within a rectangular plot close to another barrow. Fifty-one of an estimated 200 or more graves have been excavated there. Burial at Flixton II shifted southwards on to the barrow itself, where eleven more graves were identified. The date range of the excavated graves in Flixton II is c.500 AD to the middle of the 7th century and the plot at Flixton I is likely to have been contemporary with its earliest phase. The material evidence has been used as a base from which to discuss the social make-up of the community who buried their dead there. The role of this community in the southern marches of the former Iceni territory has also been explored. Later volumes will cover excavations elsewhere in the quarry, revealing Neolithic and Bronze Age funerary monuments, occupation evidence of prehistoric, Roman and Early Anglo-Saxon date, and a large assemblage of finds. More recent remains include those associated with Flixton Hall and its surrounding parklands, and evidence for First World War training activity."--Publisher's website.