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" TRB's second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R06A-RR-1: Nondestructive Testing to Identify Concrete Bridge Deck Deterioration identifies nondestructive testing technologies for detecting and characterizing common forms of deterioration in concrete bridge decks.The report also documents the validation of promising technologies, and grades and ranks the technologies based on results of the validations.The main product of this project will be an electronic repository for practitioners, known as the NDToolbox, which will provide information regarding recommended technologies for the detection of a particular deterioration. " -- publisher's description.
Over 140 experts, 14 countries, and 89 chapters are represented in the second edition of the Bridge Engineering Handbook. This extensive collection highlights bridge engineering specimens from around the world, contains detailed information on bridge engineering, and thoroughly explains the concepts and practical applications surrounding the subject. Published in five books: Fundamentals, Superstructure Design, Substructure Design, Seismic Design, and Construction and Maintenance, this new edition provides numerous worked-out examples that give readers step-by-step design procedures, includes contributions by leading experts from around the world in their respective areas of bridge engineering, contains 26 completely new chapters, and updates most other chapters. It offers design concepts, specifications, and practice, as well as the various types of bridges. The text includes over 2,500 tables, charts, illustrations, and photos. The book covers new, innovative and traditional methods and practices; explores rehabilitation, retrofit, and maintenance; and examines seismic design and building materials. The fifth book, Construction and Maintenance contains 19 chapters, and covers the practical issues of bridge structures. What’s New in the Second Edition: Includes nine new chapters: Steel Bridge Fabrication, Cable-Supported Bridge Construction, Accelerated Bridge Construction, Bridge Management Using Pontis and Improved Concepts, Bridge Maintenance, Bridge Health Monitoring, Nondestructive Evaluation Methods for Bridge Elements, Life-Cycle Performance Analysis and Optimization, and Bridge Construction Methods Rewrites the Bridge Construction Inspection chapter and retitles it as: Bridge Construction Supervision and Inspection Expands and rewrites the Maintenance Inspection and Rating chapter into three chapters: Bridge Inspection, Steel Bridge Evaluation and Rating, and Concrete Bridge Evaluation and Rating; and the Strengthening and Rehabilitation chapter into two chapters: Rehabilitation and Strengthening of Highway Bridge Superstructures, and Rehabilitation and Strengthening of Orthotropic Steel Bridge Decks This text is an ideal reference for practicing bridge engineers and consultants (design, construction, maintenance), and can also be used as a reference for students in bridge engineering courses.
- Bridge type, behaviour and appearance David Bennett, David Bennett Associates · History of bridge development · Bridge form · Behaviour - Loads and load distribution Mike Ryall, University of Surrey · Brief history of loading specifications · Current code specification · Load distribution concepts · Influence lines - Analysis Professor R Narayanan, Consulting Engineer · Simple beam analysis · Distribution co-efficients · Grillage method · Finite elements · Box girder analysis: steel and concrete · Dynamics - Design of reinforced concrete bridges Dr Paul Jackson, Gifford and Partners · Right slab · Skew slab · Beam and slab · Box - Design of prestressed concrete bridges Nigel Hewson, Hyder Consulting · Pretensioned beams · Beam and slab · Pseduo slab · Post tensioned concrete beams · Box girders - Design of steel bridges Gerry Parke and John Harding, University of Surrey · Plate girders · Box girders · Orthotropic plates · Trusses - Design of composite bridges David Collings, Robert Benaim and Associates · Steel beam and concrete · Steel box and concrete · Timber and concrete - Design of arch bridges Professor Clive Melbourne, University of Salford · Analysis · Masonry · Concrete · Steel · Timber - Seismic analysis of design Professor Elnashai, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine · Modes of failure in previous earthquakes · Conceptual design issues · Brief review of seismic design codes - Cable stayed bridges - Daniel Farquhar, Mott Macdonald · Analysis · Design · Construction - Suspension bridges Vardaman Jones and John Howells, High Point Rendel · Analysis · Design · Construction - Moving bridges Charles Birnstiel, Consulting engineer · History · Types · Special problems - Substructures Peter Lindsell, Peter Lindsell and Associates · Abutments · Piers - Other structural elements Robert Broome et al, WS Atkins · Parapets · Bearings · Expansion joints - Protection Mike Mulheren, University of Surrey · Drainage · Waterproofing · Protective coating/systems for concrete · Painting system for steel · Weathering steel · Scour protection · Impact protection - Management systems and strategies Perrie Vassie, Transport Research Laboratory · Inspection · Assessment · Testing · Rate of deterioration · Optimal maintenance programme · Prioritisation · Whole life costing · Risk analysis - Inspection, monitoring, and assessment Charles Abdunur, Laboratoire Central Des Ponts et Chaussées · Main causes of deterioration · Investigation methods · Structural evaluation tests · Stages of structural assessment · Preparing for recalculation - Repair and Strengthening John Darby, Consulting Engineer · Repair of concrete structures · Metal structures · Masonry structures · Replacement of structures
The objective of this research program was to examine the efficacy of using alternative materials in a bridge deck from both technical and economic perspectives. For the technical evaluation (Volume 1), a three phase experimental investigation was conducted considering a wide range of corrosion-resistant reinforcing materials. These materials included stainless steels, microcomposite steel, and coated steels considering a variety of metallic and nonmetallic coatings. The first phase evaluated the bond between corrosion-resistant reinforcement and concrete using lap splice tests. The second phase evaluated the cracking behavior of slabs reinforced with corrosion-resistant reinforcement. Finally, the third phase evaluated corrosion resistance under uncracked and cracked conditions using macrocell test specimens. Transverse steel was also tied to the longitudinal steel to simulate actual bridge deck conditions. Recommendations are provided on development and splice lengths for both conventional black and corrosion-resistant reinforcing steel, control of cracks widths, as well as the selection, design, and construction of corrosion-resistant reinforcement. For the economic evaluation (Volume 2), a decision support methodology and associated spreadsheet tool for robust analysis of the cost-effectiveness of alternative material types for bridge deck reinforcement was developed. The two evaluation criteria are agency and user costs, and the input data that influence this criteria include the deck service life, material process, discount rate, detour length, and bridge size. The methodology incorporates analytical techniques that include life cycle analyses to evaluate the long-term cost and benefits of each material over the bridge life; Monte Carlo simulation to account for the probabilistic nature of the input variables; stochastic dominance to ascertain the probability distribution of the outcome that a specific reinforcement material is superior to others; and analytical hierarchical process to establish appropriate weights for the agency and user costs. Methodology is demonstrated using a case study involving three reinforcement material alternatives: traditional (epoxy-coated) steel, zinc-clad steel, and stainless steel. Through this study, it is demonstrated that the use of corrosion-resistant reinforcing materials can significantly increase bridge deck life, reduce agency and user costs associated with bridge deck rehabilitation and maintenance, and thus lower the financial needs for long-term preservation of bridges.