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Why We Suffer is the amazing story of what mainstream psychology has failed to teach the world. The author, Peter Michaelson, is a former journalist and science writer who has been in private practice as a psychotherapist for more than 25 years. This book reveals how we hide from our awareness--through resistance, denial, and psychological defenses--the existence of a hidden flaw in our psyche. This unconscious, mental-emotional processing dysfunction is a grave danger to each of us personally and to all of us collectively. Through our defense system, we cover up awareness of this inner dysfunction.This flaw in human nature produces irrationality, self-defeat, and negative emotions. It gets the best of us only when we fail to become conscious of it. When we expose it, we begin to remedy the problem. When this flaw no longer contaminates our inner life, we feel, just for starters, our goodness and our value more fully, and we're more respectful of the goodness and value of others.Most of us have problems or challenges we would like to resolve. Collectively, we also have challenging national and worldwide problems that need to be corrected. We may not be up to these challenges if we're not conscious enough of our inner dynamics. Handicapped by a lack of self-knowledge, how can we trust ourselves to avoid conflict and self-defeat? We will fail repeatedly to learn from history.A lot of good ideas are in circulation for making ourselves and the world a better place. But good ideas aren't enough in themselves. This hidden flaw can keep good ideas from being acted on because it compels us, at best, to be indecisive, confused, and prone to dissension. At worst, it produces self-defeat and self-destruction. This negative effect consistently trumps our good ideas and best intentions.This book reveals essential knowledge that humankind has been reluctant to accept. This knowledge involves our hidden, unconscious collusion in producing self-defeating emotions and behaviors. The key to taking charge of our life involves seeing more clearly than ever how our emotional nature is processed within us.
Critical addiction, a social disease we catch from others, is the underlying cause of all addictions and most social problems. Yet it sweeps our world unnoticedcreating an epidemic of immense proportion and leaving chaos in its wake. The roots of critical addiction are perpetuated through our Inner Critic, who finds fault with others and ourselves. Breaking Free from Critical Addiction clearly explains causes and symptoms of critical addiction. Using the Four Steps to Freedom, it then offers relief from your Inner Critics tyranny. This mental detox prepares you to create a life you enjoy. After all, you cant brew good coffee in a dirty pot! Thats the real secret. Kalie Marinos masterpiece paves the route to dissolve individual and global self-defeating ways with stories, physics, and age-old wisdom set to the tune of inner and external peace. Be prepared for your Inner Critic to be transformed into an Inner Coach with a new set of songs, all in the key of gratitude. Perhaps you are very familiar with your Inner Critic, but the two of you have never been properly introduced. Kalie aptly makes that introduction and then skillfully speaks to both of you throughout this book, inviting you to make peace with the mental roommate that pays no rent and was never really invited to stay in the first place. She invites you both to grab a seat and have a listen. It will change your world and the world of those around you. - Pamela Maliniak
Addiction to criticism is a social disease we catch from others and it is the underlying cause of all addictions and most special problems. Yet it sweeps our world unnoticed, creating an epidemic of immense proportions and leaving chaos in its wake. The roots of this critical addiction are perpetuated through our Inner Critic who finds fault with others and ourselves. Breaking Free from the Inner Critic clearly explains causes and symptoms of critical condition. Using the "Four Steps to Freedom" contained in this book, you will find relief from your Inner Critic's tyranny. This mental detox prepares you to create a life you enjoy. After all, you can't brew good coffee in a dirty pot! That's the real secret. Kalie Marino's masterpiece paves the route to dissolve individual and global self-defeating ways with stories, physics, and age-old wisdom set to the tune of inner and external peace. Be prepared for your Inner Critic to be transformed into an Inner Coach with a new set of songs, all in the key of gratitude. Perhaps you are familiar with your Inner Critic, but the two of you have never been properly introduced. Kalie aptly makes that introduction and then skillfully speaks to both of you throughout the book, inviting you to make peace with the mental roommate that pays no rent and was never really invited to stay in the first place. She invites you both to grab a seat and have a listen. It will change your world and the world around you.
This book is a beacon of hope for those who have grappled with relentless self-doubt and insecurity. It is a profound exploration of the human psyche, designed to empower individuals to break free from their inner critic's grip and to rekindle their connection with their authentic selves. It offers a profound, evidence-based roadmap to self-discovery and self-compassion, making it an indispensable companion on the quest for personal and emotional freedom. "Breaking Free From Your Inner Critic" is more than a self-hel
Learn how to stop listening to the critical voice inside your head and find lasting meaning and happiness with author Joanna Kleinman's four-step M.I.N.D. Method.
“Gives you the practical tools you need to own the room by owning yourself. Banish that inner devil’s advocate and become as powerful as you can be.” —Alan Cooper, software alchemist, cofounder of Cooper As the Founder and Chief Creativity Evangelist of “The Creative Dose,” Denise Jacobs teaches techniques to make the creative process more fluid, methods for making work environments more conducive to personal productivity, and practices for sparking innovation. Now, in her book, Banish Your Inner Critic, Denise shows you how to defeat those barriers that are holding you back and achieve success through a positive mental attitude. Banish Your Inner Critic shows you how to move beyond that mental block to your creative ideas, realize instant relief and lasting insight, and: · Identify and quiet the voice of self-doubt in your head · Master 3 powerful practices that will transform how you relate to yourself and your creativity forever · Overcome the fear of not knowing enough or not being original enough · Free yourself from comparisons, overwhelm, high self-criticism and self-sabotage · Transform your self-talk into a tool for success · Generate more creative ideas than ever before · Embrace your expertise and share your brilliance with the world Banish your Inner Critic to start doing your best work, achieving excellence, and contributing meaningfully to the world! “If you’re interested in diving deep into your own creative genius, this book will give you an abundance of ways to do that.” —Michelle Villalobos, “The Superstar Activator” & founder of The Women’s Success Summit “A book I believe will inspire a new generation to step out of the shadows and shine.” —Paul Boag, author of User Experience Revolution
Liberate yourself from the limitations and judgments imposed by your inner critic, and develop “soul qualities” to experience freedom and vitality Whether we call it the inner critic or the superego, most of us have a judge within who nags us and is constantly on our case. Byron Brown provides a comprehensive guide to understanding how the inner critic works as well as practical, positive suggestions for breaking free of it. Using straightforward language and everyday examples, you’ll explore: • Where the inner judge came from • How it operates • Why it trips us up • Why we believe we need it • How to develop awareness of it • How to disengage from it • The "soul qualities" we can develop to weaken its influence Each chapter begins with an episode of the story of Frank and Sue to illustrate the insidious nature of the inner critic inside all of us. A simple exercise is also included at the end of each chapter, designed to help readers move along the path of self-discovery.
For many years, Chris has seen people aspiring to make changes and grow but struggled at different phases of their career and life. He is just like you, a regular person that has faced similar struggles. Chris shares from experience what has worked successfully through hard work and dedication to help in your challenges. We all reach crossroads in our lives. Is it your time to make life changing decisions to become the person you always aspired too but felt was never within your reach or were not deserving? Most important, are you willing to commit full hearted to becoming your better self that leads to: • Feeling and looking better than you ever have in your life • More money while having fun pursuing your passion • Better personal relationships • More freedom The solution always evolves out of the problem or challenge. The issue is that many people operate their lives and business in the effect of the “root cause” of their problems. They manage the effect but do not address the “root cause.” This book shows people how to address their “root cause” then release it over time creating new and healthier habits that lead to prosperity in all areas. There are 7 steps to Mastering Your Inner Critic and are as follows: Step 1 – Resolve the Root Cause Step 2 – Embrace Change Step 3 – Stepping into your Fear Step 4 – Know your Why to Success Step 5 – Setting Goals to Live Life on your Terms Step 6 – Invest in You Step 7 – Being Accountable Each step brings you closer to what you have desired. By Step 7, you are on your way to master your inner critic that allows you to create the life and business you desire.
Many people are used to showing compassion to others. What many of us have trouble with is showing that same compassion to ourselves. Too often we say things to ourselves that we would never say to a friend. All this negative self-talk can have a devastating effect on our lives. Licensed marriage and family therapist Kim Fredrickson wants readers to stop beating themselves up. Grounding her advice in the Bible, she offers practical steps, specific exercises, and compassionate words to say in order to build a loving relationship with ourselves. Through inspiring stories of transformation, she helps us learn to show ourselves the kind of grace and understanding we offer to others--and to change our relationships, our outlook on life, and our view of ourselves in the process.