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In little less than a decade brain slices have gained prominence among neurobiologists as appropriate tools to study cellular electrophysiolog ical aspects of mammalian brain function. The purpose of this volume is to present in some detail several inquiries in the brain sciences that have benefited greatly by the use of brain slices. The book is directed primarily toward advanced students and researchers wishing to evaluate the impact these in vitro preparations of the mammalian brain are having on neurobiology. The term brain slice has come to refer to thin (100-700 j. Lm) sections of a brain region prepared from adult mammals and maintained for many hours in vitro, for either electrophysiological or biochemical stud ies. In addition to good accessibility, slices feature relatively intact syn aptic connections that allow a variety of experiments not feasible with standard in vivo or tissue culture preparations. Certain electrophysiol ogical studies once practical only with invertebrate models are becoming routine with mammalian brain slices. The ability to perform both bio chemical and electro physiological experiments on the same piece of CNS tissue provides additional bright prospects for future research. Although most of the electrophysiological studies have dealt with hippocampal slices, it should be evident from this book that slice methodology is not limited to the hippocampus. The Appendix, "Brain Slice Methods," is a multiauthored treatment of the technical aspects of brain slice work, collected into one document.
Brain Slices in Basic and Clinical Research describes advancements in the field of brain function and dysfunction through use of central nervous system slice preparations. Topics are authored by leading scientists and include the following: Mechanisms of synaptic plasticity as the basis of memory processes Chaos and synaptic variability Brain calcium currents Glutamate receptors Pathophysiology of excitotoxins Cerebral hypoxia-ischemia Neuronal injury Free radicals Optical methods of measuring brain metabolism Voltammetry in brain slices Calcium imaging Patch-clamp recording and application of macromolecules through patch-clamp pipettes in brain slices Intracellular double labeling of various neuronal populations Use of brain slices in teaching neurophysiological methods Most of the topics are published in book format for the first time, and some of the techniques are more fully detailed than in any other book.
The Brain Atlas: A Visual Guide to the Human Central Nervous System integrates modern neuroscience with clinical practice and is now significantly revised and updated for a Fourth Edition. The book's five sections cover: Background Information, The Brain and Its Blood Vessels, Brain Slices, Histological Sections, and Pathways. These are depicted in over 350 high quality intricate figures making it the best available visual guide to human neuroanatomy.
Serial sections - 2 mm thick - of the cerebral hemispheres and diencephalon in the coronal, sagittal, and horizontal planes. So as to point out the level of the sections more accurately, each is shown from different angles -- emphasising the surrounding hemisphere surfaces. This 3D approach has proven to be extremely useful when apprehending the difficult anatomy of the gyri and sulci of the brain. Certain complex cerebral structures such as the occipital lobe, the deep grey matter and the vascularization are studied here in greater detail. This second edition has been completely revised and updated, 44 serial sections have been added, while old MRI figures have been replaced by newer ones.
Connecting in vitro and in vivo studies of the mammalian brain.
Once the second edition was safely off to the printer, the 110 larger world of micro-CT and micro-MRI and the smaller world authors breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed, secure in the belief revealed by the scanning and transmission electron microscopes. that they would “never have to do that again. ” That lasted for 10 To round out the story we even have a chapter on what PowerPoint years. When we ?nally awoke, it seemed that a lot had happened. does to the results, and the annotated bibliography has been In particular, people were trying to use the Handbook as a text- updated and extended. book even though it lacked the practical chapters needed. There As with the previous editions, the editor enjoyed a tremendous had been tremendous progress in lasers and ?ber-optics and in our amount of good will and cooperation from the 124 authors understanding of the mechanisms underlying photobleaching and involved. Both I, and the light microscopy community in general, phototoxicity. It was time for a new book. I contacted “the usual owe them all a great debt of gratitude. On a more personal note, I suspects” and almost all agreed as long as the deadline was still a would like to thank Kathy Lyons and her associates at Springer for year away.