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Begins with the bosonic construction of four level -1/2 irreducible representations of the symplectic affine Kac-Moody Lie algebra Cl. The direct sum of two of these is given the structure of a vertex operator algebra (VOA), and the direct sum of the other two is given the structure of a twisted VOA-module. The dissertation includes the bosonic analog of the fermionic construction of a vertex operator superalgebra from the four level 1 irreducible modules of type Dl. No index. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
The theory of vertex operator algebras is a remarkably rich new mathematical field which captures the algebraic content of conformal field theory in physics. Ideas leading up to this theory appeared in physics as part of statistical mechanics and string theory. In mathematics, the axiomatic definitions crystallized in the work of Borcherds and in Vertex Operator Algebras and the Monster, by Frenkel, Lepowsky, and Meurman. The structure of monodromies of intertwining operators for modules of vertex operator algebras yield braid group representations and leads to natural generalizations of vertex operator algebras, such as superalgebras and para-algebras. Many examples of vertex operator algebras and their generalizations are related to constructions in classical representation theory and shed new light on the classical theory. This book accomplishes several goals. The authors provide an explicit spinor construction, using only Clifford algebras, of a vertex operator superalgebra structure on the direct sum of the basic and vector modules for the affine Kac-Moody algebra Dn(1). They also review and extend Chevalley's spinor construction of the 24-dimensional commutative nonassociative algebraic structure and triality on the direct sum of the three 8-dimensional D4-modules. Vertex operator para-algebras, introduced and developed independently in this book and by Dong and Lepowsky, are related to one-dimensional representations of the braid group. The authors also provide a unified approach to the Chevalley, Greiss, and E8 algebras and explain some of their similarities. A Third goal is to provide a purely spinor construction of the exceptional affine Lie algebra E8(1), a natural continuation of previous work on spinor and oscillator constructions of the classical affine Lie algebras. These constructions should easily extend to include the rest of the exceptional affine Lie algebras. The final objective is to develop an inductive technique of construction which could be applied to the Monster vertex operator algebra. Directed at mathematicians and physicists, this book should be accessible to graduate students with some background in finite-dimensional Lie algebras and their representations. Although some experience with affine Kac-Moody algebras would be useful, a summary of the relevant parts of that theory is included. This book shows how the concepts and techniques of Lie theory can be generalized to yield the algebraic structures associated with conformal field theory. The careful reader will also gain a detailed knowledge of how the spinor construction of classical triality lifts to the affine algebras and plays an important role in the spinor construction of vertex operator algebras, modules, and intertwining operators with nontrivial monodromies.
The main purpose of this paper is to prove the existence, and in some cases the uniqueness, of unitarily invariant measures on formal completions of groups associated to affine Kac-Moody algebras, and associated homogeneous spaces. The basic invariant measure is a natural generalization of Haar measure for a simply connected compact Lie group, and its projection to flag spaces is a generalization of the normalized invariant volume element. The other "invariant measures" are actually measures having values in line bundles over these spaces; these bundle-valued measures heuristically arise from coupling the basic invariant measure to Hermitian structures on associated line bundles, but in this infinite dimensional setting they are generally singular with respect to the basic invariant measure.
Because of its many applications to mathematics and mathematical physics, the representation theory of infinite-dimensional Lie and quantized enveloping algebras comprises an important area of current research. This volume includes articles from the proceedings of an international conference, ``Infinite-Dimensional Lie Theory and Conformal Field Theory'', held at the University of Virginia. Many of the contributors to the volume are prominent researchers in the field. Thisconference provided an opportunity for mathematicians and physicists to interact in an active research area of mutual interest. The talks focused on recent developments in the representation theory of affine, quantum affine, and extended affine Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras. They also highlightedapplications to conformal field theory, integrable and disordered systems. Some of the articles are expository and accessible to a broad readership of mathematicians and physicists interested in this area; others are research articles that are appropriate for more advanced readers.
* Introduces the fundamental theory of vertex operator algebras and its basic techniques and examples. * Begins with a detailed presentation of the theoretical foundations and proceeds to a range of applications. * Includes a number of new, original results and brings fresh perspective to important works of many other researchers in algebra, lie theory, representation theory, string theory, quantum field theory, and other areas of math and physics.
This volume gives two new methods for constructing $p$-elementary Hopf algebra orders over the valuation ring $R$ of a local field $K$ containing the $p$-adic rational numbers. One method constructs Hopf orders using isogenies of commutative degree 2 polynomial formal groups of dimension $n$, and is built on a systematic study of such formal group laws. The other method uses an exponential generalization of a 1992 construction of Greither. Both constructions yield Raynaud orders as iterated extensions of rank $p$ Hopf algebras; the exponential method obtains all Raynaud orders whose invariants satisfy a certain $p$-adic condition.
This book is intended for graduate students and research mathematicians interested in associative rings and algebras.
This is the proceedings of a Joint Summer Research Conference held at Mount Holyoke College in Jun 1994. As perhaps the first conference proceedings devoted exclusively to the subject known as "Moonshine", this work contains something for many mathematicians and physicists. Many of the results featured are not available elsewhere.
Homogeneous integral table algebras of degree three with a faithful real element. The algebras of the title are classified to exact isomorphism; that is, the sets of structure constants which arise from the given basis are completely determined. Other results describe all possible extensions (pre-images), with a faithful element which is not necessarily real, of certain simple homogeneous integral table algebras of degree three. On antisymmetric homogeneous integral table algebras of degree three. This paper determines the homogeneous integral table algebras of degree three in which the given basis has a faithful element and has no nontrivial elements that are either real (symmetric) or linear, and where an additional hypothesis is satisfied. It is shown that all such bases must occur as the set of orbit sums in the complex group algebra of a finite abelian group under the action of a fixed-point-free automorphism oforder three. Homogeneous integral table algebras of degree three with no nontrivial linear elements. The algebras of the title which also have a faithful element are determined to exact isomorphism. All of the simple homogeneous integral table algebras of degree three are displayed, and the commutative association schemes in which all the nondiagonal relations have valency three and where some relation defines a connected graph on the underlying set are classified up to algebraic isomorphism.
This book is intended for graduate students and research mathematicians working in functional analysis.