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A strategy for growing toward Christlikeness must be based on the actual ways that people grow and develop into maturity in Christ. Through identifying and understanding how we grow spiritually, this course will help you become more intentional in Bible study, prayer, lifestyle choices, evangelism, and spiritual gifts. Gary C. Newton, 96 pages, paper, ISBN 1-910566-45-3 Table of Contents Introduction The Dynamics of Spiritual Growth Becoming a Disciple of Jesus Christ The Church's Role in Making Disciples Feasting on the Word Developing Intimacy With God Establishing and Reaching Others for Christ Fruitfulness and Reaching Others for Christ Discovering and Using Our Spiritual Gifts Teaching Others Leading Others Mentoring Others Being a Lifelong Learner
If you've wondered how to become spiritually mature, this book explains what's needed to move forward on the path from being spiritual babes to having spiritual maturity.
Grace and Peace Congratulations on your first step to developing a personal relationship with God.. Welcome to the Family of God. You have a new address now, it is: The Kingdom of God. The class was developed to aide you in your Christian walk. The class will further develop your personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, JESUS CHRIST. The purpose of this manual is to give you a concrete purpose of God’s word, basic information. This is a crawl before you walk guide. This guide's design is to nurture the born-again Christians in spiritual growth. You get instruction (teaching) not to store, but to use. Spiritual growth means spiritual maturity. When a person is born again, there is a parallel to a newborn baby. The child will only grow physically and mentally if they have proper nourishment or instruction. If they are not given proper nourishment or instruction, they may grow physically, but they will never be all that they can be. The same is true of the born-again Christian. When we are saved--we are delivered from hell. If you get proper nourishment or instructions, you will be delivered from hell on earth. We have a process to go through. Some people never change, we have to change, (2 Corinthians 5:17). If you are born again, God lives inside of you, not part of God, but all of God—just like a baby born with all of its parts. Our thinking does not comprehend all that we have, that is why we have to go through stages. So sit back, read. Learn and enjoy. Then apply!
Spiritual growth is the change and growth of the spiritual nature of our being. It involves spiritual transformation and growth to maturity and completion. Spiritual maturity has two key characteristics: discernment and self-control. Discernment is necessary for self-control. When we are spiritually mature, we will no longer be infants tossed about by deception. And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. (Ephesians 4:11-14). The mature person has their senses trained to discern both good and evil. Solid food is for the spiritually mature, the person who by constant use has trained their senses to discern good from evil. (Hebrews 5:14). So, spiritual growth involves the transformation to a new way of discerning and the maturation of that new way. A spiritually mature person has self-control. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a spiritually mature man, able also to bridle his whole body. (James 3:2) So, spiritual growth also involves the transformation to a new way to control ourselves and the maturation of that new way. A spiritually mature person has all of the spiritual attributes necessary for life and godliness. Spiritual growth involves the addition and maturation of those attributes. To grow spiritually we must do two things. We must sever our connection with the flow of corruption that sustains and strengthens our corrupt spiritual nature. We must form a continuous, eternal connection with the flow of incorruptibility that will form, sustain, and strengthen a new spiritual nature in us.
How many times have you made a decision or told someone something only to regret doing it as the words were coming out of your mouth? The apostle Paul was no different from us in this regard. He stated in scriptures that what he wanted to do he did not do and what he did not want to do he found himself doing in spite of himself. The apostle Paul discovered ways to address this seemingly insurmountable obstacle to his growth as a Christian, and so will you in this book. In Excellence of Soul I will share from the Bible what it says about the soul and how you can learn to control your emotions in every situation of life. This book is full of biblical truths and experiences from over twenty-five years of seeking answers to one of the most important areas of the Christian walk. Please join me in finding growth and healing.
Just like a growing child so progressively we develop in our faith. Are you: - a sitting Christian? -a creeping/crawling Christian? - a standing Christian? - a walking Christian? - a running Christian? or - a mature or maturing Christian? MATURITY is not in how old you have been in the faith but in when a problem comes how you handle it. Are you still a 40year-old or 50 years-old crying baby in the Lord? Spiritual maturity is illustrated in this book, "Growing unto Maturity" with insight into maturity versus maturation, nature versus nurture, spiritual growth, mental, psychological, pathalogical growths. Stunted, delayed, accelerated growths. Who is a natural man, carnal christian or a spiritual man? Are you a wheel-barrow Christian who only move when pushed and pulled? There are rewards, crowns and stars that will decorate and celebrate the Overcomers. You may enter Heaven but as what? A door keeper like in Psalm 84:10. Will there be any stars on you crown or will you be crownless. This book, "Growing unto Maturity (Spiritual Maturity)" is a must read for every Christian who want to experience God, his power, his glory, supernatural growth and fruitful living. The place of grace, God's word, trials, faith, Holy Spirit, evangelism, discipleship, other people's help in your daily growth. Get copies today for yourself, family, friends, church library, and neighbours. Your personal and spiritual growth is very important to attain divine success.
At the heart of our current moment lies a universal yearning, writes David Zahl, not to be happy or respected so much as enough--what religions call "righteous." To fill the void left by religion, we look to all sorts of everyday activities--from eating and parenting to dating and voting--for the identity, purpose, and meaning once provided on Sunday morning. In our striving, we are chasing a sense of enoughness. But it remains ever out of reach, and the effort and anxiety are burning us out. Seculosity takes a thoughtful yet entertaining tour of American "performancism" and its cousins, highlighting both their ingenuity and mercilessness, all while challenging the conventional narrative of religious decline. Zahl unmasks the competing pieties around which so much of our lives revolve, and he does so in a way that's at points playful, personal, and incisive. Ultimately he brings us to a fresh appreciation for the grace of God in all its countercultural wonder.
How does healing fit into God's will, especially when God doesn't heal? Our hearts, our bodies, and our world are desperate for healing. We all experience brokenness, and we rightfully look to Jesus for restoration. But many Christians have been taught the lie that God will heal us if our faith is strong enough, and that he is punishing us when bad things happen. Growing up in one of the world's leading faith-healing dynasties, Costi Hinn witnessed the tragedy of people chasing after healing more than the Healer. In this book he provides biblical clarity to some of the most challenging questions of the Christian faith. Does grace guarantee healing? How do we catch ourselves from slipping into the trap of seeking God for what he can do for us and not for who he really is? Beginning with the vivid memory of the night he discovered his son's cancer diagnosis—Costi unpacks the layered feelings and questions we have about God and his healing power, and he provides practical principles for growing closer to Jesus. With gentle clarity and biblical wisdom, he explains how to: Faithfully pray for healing while trusting in God's sovereignty. Navigate tough conversations about the topics of divine healing, love, and justice. Hold on to faith even in the most painful trials. More than chasing after the Jesus we want, this hopeful and encouraging book will guide you to discovering the Jesus we truly need—and the true power and hope that comes from a genuine relationship with him.