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As a published author, experienced editor, and literary agent, L. Edward Hazelbaker has been helping Christian writers develop their books, hone their skills, and improve their writing for many years. And this book is the expression of his desire to help more writers than he can assist one on one. Now many more writers can benefit from his experience. This book is designed to encourage, equip, and educate Christian writers. If you’re joining or already a member of God’s army of great-commission writers, it’s time to enter Boot Camp for Christian Writers, where you’ll be inspired and challenged to be all you can be when answering God’s call to write.
Boot Camp for Christian Writers Carolyn Tomlin Writing-To-Publish: The Basic Foundations 2 The Publishing Opportunities That Await You! Section I: In the first part of this book, I'll explain the type of articles in both the Christian and secular market that need your manuscript, work that will educate, encourage, entertain and inspire others through the written word! Learn editorial techniques for publishing, how to break into those markets, get your message across, and earn extra $$$. How to Find Great Ideas to Write About! Section II: Great ideas are all around you! Learn how to see with writer's eyes, and hear with writer's ears! Discover how to glean ideas from your life experiences, your volunteer work, hobbies, career, family, and dozens of other aspects of living. Section I and Section II contain written exercises to help the writer develop skills in these areas. They can be completed individually or in small-group settings with other writers. You?ll find ways to extend learning, questions to consider, and discover interactive ideas with experienced writers.
Boot Camp for Christian Writerswith Denise GeorgeWriting-To-Publish: The Basic Foundations"How to Choose Your Reading Audience"In the first part of this book, I'll show you how you can identify your chosen readers, examine their needs, and match them with the publishing book and magazine marketplace."How to Write Clearly and Effectively to Your Chosen Audience"In the second part of this book, I'll show you how to carefully craft your words and sentences so that they communicate clearly, effectively, and creatively to your chosen reader.BONUS! I have also included some exercises you can do at home to hone your writing skills in these areas. You can do them by yourself, or together with a writer-friend. You'll also find pages to jot down your own thoughts and ideas as you read.Best wishes to you as you learn more about how to select and determine your readers, and how to write clearly and effectively to your chosen audience.
Four, More Articles Editors Love and How to Write Them!Section 1“Writing and Selling the How-to Article”Used in both the Christian and secular market, the How-To Article is considered one of the easiest to write. Let me show you how to write about what you know, find a solution to a challenge, or share an easier way to solve a problem. Use quality photos to sell your How-To craft article ideas to editors by showing the materials needed, the steps involved in the directions and the finished product. Learn how to write in a sequence of steps, and give readers confidence in learning new information.Section 2“Writing Newspapers Articles and Mini-Columns”Your local newspaper is a source for writers. Newspaper articles and short columns run anywhere from 300 to under 1,000 words, with 750 being an average. Keep your eyes and ears open to events in your community. Stay ahead of what is happening and offer to write an article. Editors need mini columns to finish out a column in magazines and newspapers. You can supply these needs by writing “tight” and “bright” articles that are geared to the audience and magazine. Section 3“Break into the Magazine Market with Fillers”Do you have an amusing anecdote? What about a child's cute saying? Or, can you supply a brief quotation that matches the tone of the publication? Let me show you how to find these markets that use brief fillers and mini columns. I'll explain how to: Listen to conversations. Observe people. And come up with original thoughts that can turn your words into entertainment or laugh lines that bring smiles to readers' faces. Used for both the Christian and secular magazines.Section 4“See the World—Write the Travel Article”Painting a visual picture of people, places, and things, and making readers want to go there, is only one reason to write travel articles. And the other reason? Traveling free—or almost! Personally, I have written dozen of travel articles while touring the U.S. and foreign countries. And most of the time, the published articles paid for the trip! You'll learn how to contact an editor before you leave home, steps to follow after returning from your trip, how to search for an unusual twist to well-known sites, how to use quotes from famous people from the area, and the value of using a photo package to gain the editor's attention. You'll also discover how one location provides spinoffs to a number of salable articles. And don't overlook armchair travelers—these people that want to read your articles, but never leave home. Enjoy this fun and exciting way to use your talents as a writer.Bonus! To make writing easier, I've included some examples that will answer questions on working with editors. Also, this book has exercises to complete at home that will improve your writing skills. The exercises are designed to be completed by yourself—or you can use them with others who enjoy this craft of writing-to-publish. Additional pages provide space for personal thoughts as you learn from this book. The Appendix offers advice as you write-to-publish. I ask God's blessings on you as you write articles that inspire, educate, inform and entertain your readers.I believe that writing is a gift given by God. He gives us this talent and it's up to us to learn the mechanics of putting words on paper. A Bible verse that has given me hope follows:“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:31).
Writers ADVANCE! Boot Camp is designed to kickstart your writing. Writers ADVANCE! Boot Camp prepares writers for the service of Christ in their work. Strap on your boots. Get out your pens. God expects us to ADVANCE our gifts not squelch them. This workbook is your marching manual. Join us February 20 - 22, 2015 at the beautiful Billy Graham Training Center (The Cove) in Asheville, NC. Learn more at writersadvancebootcamp (dot) com Writers Advance! is not a level of writing - it's a battle cry. God calls us to step up and ADVANCE, not fall back and retreat. We are called together to focus our hearts on the task Christ assigned us. . .to strengthen our ties with one another and hone our craft of writing so we might effectively spread the Word of God. Boot Camp offers attendees the experience of a large writers conference, but on a more personal and intimate level. Top notch faculty, brings not only the craft of writing to the table, but also the understanding of being called by God as a writer. NEW THIS YEAR - One-on-one Mentoring with Award winning authors. ONLY 6 SPOTS AVAILABLE for this one-on-one 2 hour personal mentoring
Boot Camp. The starting point for everyone who joins the military. No one who signs up expects it to be easy. It’s not supposed to be. But everyone at some point during boot camp comes to the end of their own strength. It is at that point where a little encouragement makes all the difference. Resting in God’s Shadow offers encouragement specifically written for those in this especially challenging period of the military. Chaplain (Major) Jeffrey L. Brooks, U.S. Army Retired knows what he’s talking about, with 22 years of active military service. During that time, he served as chaplain at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, encouraging the men and women in boot camp to never give up on themselves or their dreams, keep a positive mental attitude, and give it their best. Since then he’s had a passion to write these encouragements into a book. This book is a collection of twelve devotionals, followed by a prayer book with spaces to record your thoughts. The devotionals in Part One correspond with the prayer book in Part Two. Concise and focused devotions fit into even the most rigorous training schedule. Whether you’re active in the military, or have a loved one headed to boot camp, this devotional is sure to provide just the right words of encouragement and Scripture.
Section I"Getting Started in the Magazine Market"In the first part of this book, I'll show you how you can start writing for magazines. I'll answer questions, such as: "How can I make my time count?" "How can I use writing to inform, educate, inspire and entertain readers?" "How and where can I find ideas?" "What are some common hindrances to writing?" "How can I use my God-given creativity to generate article ideas?" "Can I use my 'reason to write' as a ministry?" These ideas work for me. They'll work for you, also. Personally, I've published over 4,000 magazine articles and worked with hundreds of editors.Section II"The Magazine Market-Tools of the Trade"In the second section of this book, I'll focus on over 3,500 secular and 1,200 Christian markets that need writers to fill their pages. New markets appear each year and many companies are going to online publications. I will discuss, "Exploring the Christian and secular market, explain common symbols and basic information." "What are the steps to publishing in these markets?" "Do photos make a difference in obtaining a contract?" "Query letters: catching an editor's attention." Let me help you learn the basics of writing for magazines and realize the passion of putting words on paper while getting paid.Section III"How to Identify Your Audience"In the third section of this book, I'll share two critical points for being published. Knowing the audience/reader of each magazine and understanding the focus of each publication makes a difference in receiving a rejection letter or a contract. Learn how to: "Recognize the social, educational, and economic level of the audience." "What information can a writer learn from the articles, advertisements, and photos about the magazine?" "Article titles that sell." And, "Writing tips that bring success." Let me share my love for writing and introduce you to a career that can change your life!Section IV"Knowing the Magazine"Section IV, includes a vital part of successful writing-to-publish. Knowing the magazine for which you write is vital to receiving a contract. With many magazines online, it's easy to research back copies in the archives. Check the table of contents. If a topic has been used in the last several years, the editor will not use it again. However, be creative and suggest a different slant. Some editors say they do not repeat a topic within 10 years; other 6. Check to be sure. Look at the format, photos, sidebars, question and answer articles. Use these as guidelines to write your own article. As an added bonus, I have included enrichment activities you can do at home or with a writing friend. Practice these activities and develop your skills as a writer. The book also has pages to write down your thoughts and ideas. I believe that writing is a gift given by God. He gives us this talent and it's up to us to learn the mechanics of putting words on paper. A Bible verse that has given me hope is Isaiah 40:31: "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Writers ADVANCE! Boot Camp is designed to kickstart your writing. Writers ADVANCE! Boot Camp prepares writers for the service of Christ in their work. Strap on your boots. Get out your pens. God expects us to ADVANCE our gifts not squelch them. This workbook is your marching manual.
"A Fascinating Read! I am truly impressed with this beautifully written book and am happy to highly recommend it as a must read."- Denise George, Co-founder / Boot Camp for Christian Writers"An Inspiration to us All! This is not a book review; this is an inspiration review!"- Idgie, Editor/Owner, Dew on the Kudzu"Poignant and Elegant! I cried, I laughed. I could feel her sitting beside me as she recounted each story."-Joy Davis, AuthorLouise Leigh, Ph.D. is the mother of three adult sons and a wonderful daughter-in-law. Her husband Bob, a Methodist minister and retired professor from the University of Alabama, entered Eternity in 2018 after an extended illness. Louise has a rich and varied background including thirty years of college teaching and serving as a hospital lay-chaplain. She returned to the University of Alabama in her seventies to earn a Master in Counseling degree, and then served as a counselor at her church. Louise continues to offer counseling services in her home.A life-long learner, she recently graduated from the Centurions Program and presently audits courses at nearby Beeson Divinity School. Her first granddaughter was born when she was only eighty-two. This bundle of joy was followed by a precious sister just sixteen months later. These beautiful babies light up Louise's life, and this book was originally written for them.
Boot Camp for Christian WritersDenise GeorgeFour Articles Editors Love—And How to Write Them!“The Ever-Popular Personal Experience, Inspirational Article”Learn how to offer your readers hope, encouragement, and inspiration through your own personal experiences. Editors love the first person intimacy that develops between you and your reader when you honestly share your own experiences, and provide helpful practical and inspirational advice. The personal experience/inspirational is popular in both Christian and secular magazines. “The Delightful Daily Devotion”A daily devotion is brief, fun to write, and hopeful to the reader. Many daily devotional, monthly magazines are entirely free-lance written! Editors need a steady supply of devotions. Many of these magazines go to people all over the world. Learn how to write devotions an editor will love.“The Issue-Oriented Article”Offer your voice and your Christian worldview to people all over the world! People today need answers to the questions that come from current events, the world's problems, crisis situations, etc. These articles you write about current society and world issues will help inform, educate, and stir your readers to action.“The Perfect Profile/Interview Article” & “The Multiple Profiles Article”Both Christian and secular magazines use profile articles. In this work book, you'll learn how to set up and conduct an interview, research your topic, format your article, and write the perfect profile piece. Everyone has a story! Discover how to detect and identify good profile article opportunities in the people you know, meet, and work with every day.Templates and exercises are included to help you hone your writing skills.