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The miracles of the Prophet (saw) is an outstanding book of Al-Muhaddith Ibn Katheer which deals with the miracles performed by the Prophet Muhammad (saw) over the twenty three years of his Prophethood. About the Author Al Hafidh Ibn Katheer was born in Busra located in Modern day Syria, in the year 701 AH, 1303 CE. After the death of his father, Ibn Katheer travelled together with his brother to Syria during the year 707 AH to seek knowledge. He was known to have a strong memory and a fine understanding. Ibn Hajr (ra) said: "He was the representative of the science of Hadith among the scholars of jurisprudence and during his lifetime, he authored books which benefited people even after his death. He rose to be among the most prominent scholars specializing in the science of hadith, history and exegesis (Tafsir). He died in the month of Sha'ban in the year 774 AH - 1373 CE in Damascus and was buried at the cemetery of Al-Sufiyah besides Ibn Taymiyyah (ra).
The miracles of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, are among the greatest indications of prophethood. The miracles of the Prophet is an outstanding book of Al-Muhaddith Ibn Katheer which deals with the miracles performed by the Prophet Muhammad over the twenty three years of his Prophethood.
The miracles of the Prophet (saw) is an outstanding book of Al-Muhaddith Ibn Katheer which deals with the miracles performed by the Prophet (saw) over the twenty three years of prophecy.
Of course the Quran is not a book of science. However, many scientific facts that are expressed in an extremely concise and profound manner in its verses have only been discovered with the technology of the 20th century. These facts could not have been known at the time of the Quran's revelation, and this is still more proof that the Quran is the word of God. In order to understand the scientific miracle of the Quran, we must first take a look at the level of science at the time when this holy book was revealed.
The book reveals the fulfilled prophecies the Prophet made with amazing accuracy during his lifetime and after his passing -- even the ones that are still being fulfilled now, or will be fulfilled in the future. The book also reveals the signs of the "Hour," or the era leading to the end of time. Furthermore, it uncovers the Prophet's eye-witnessed prophecies describing Paradise and Hell Fire. The book not only reveals the signs of the "Hour" or the leading era to the end of time, but also the prophet's eye-witnessed prophecies describing the Hereafter as well. You will not be able to put it down racing to know what will happen in the world next! "What this book shows, without doubt, is evidence that would blow the mind of the reader, Muslim or non-Muslim, as to how much proof there is of God's existence, and that Muhammad is His last prophet. The biggest difficulty I faced was trying to limit the book to 350 pages, while the amount of the prophet's fulfilled prophecies, and miracles, physical and scientific was just astounding," said author Moustafa Zayed.
Web Sites: The religion of Islam is, as the meaning, “The religion that strengthens people’’ [the set of principles that keep people away from the things like problems, sorrows, wars, weaknesses, spiritual illnesses, unhappiness and similar things and that ensure safety and security]. The religion of Islam taught in the Qur’an in fact distances people and societies from problems, fears, unhappiness, quarrels, wars and similar negative things. All the principles in the Qur’an are for the health, happiness and peaceful living of humanity. The name of the religion that Allah sent with Adam, Noah, …Abraham, …Moses, Jesus and Muhammad is İslam. The only source of the religion of İslam is the Qur’an. Some people and communities known as Muslims on earth adopted the views and understandings of some others as a religion by leaving the original messages of the Qur’an. Hence, intolerable problems among themselves and in their relations with non-Muslims have emerged and still continue to emerge. Islam expounded by the Qur’an is very different from what it appears, particularly what the non-Muslims see on those people who claim to be Muslims. When you read the English interpretation of the Qur’an which is the source the religion of İslam, you will know the Qur’an and the religion of İslam more closely.