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Bodies and their Spaces: System, Crisis and Transformation in Early Modern Theatre explores the emergence of the distinctively modern "gender system" at the close of the early modern period. The book investigates shifts in the gendered spaces assigned to men and women in the "public" and "private" domains and their changing modes of interconnection; in concert with these social spaces it examines the emergence of biologically based notions of sex and a novel sense of individual subjectivity. These parallel and linked transformations converged in the development of a new gender system which more efficiently enforced the requirements of patriarchy under the evolving economic conditions of merchant capitalism. These changes can be seen to be rehearsed, contested and debated in literary artefacts of the early modern period - in particular the drama. This book suggests that until the closure of the English theatres in 1642, the drama not only reflected but also exacerbated the turbulence surrounding gender configurations in transition in early modern society. The book reads a wide range of dramatic and non-dramatic texts, and interprets them with the aid of the "systems theory" developed by the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann.
What happens to teaching when you consider the whole body (and not just "brains on sticks")?
Set against the contemporary thinking of the city as a spectacle, SpaceDBodyDRitual: Performativity in the City establishes everyday life in the city as a ground for authentic experience. Reena Tiwari emphasizes the city as a space of lived experience-an intricately layered space giving people a poetic experience, responding to their memories and desires. She also explores the conflict between two ideas: the idea of thee 'city as text' to be read and understood from a distance, and the 'city as body,' where the body, after writing the text through its performance, achieves the capacity to read and understand it. SpaceDBodyDRitual demonstrates that the abstract 'seeing' embedded in the 'city as a text' is underwritten by the idea of power operating at deeper levels in the city. This hidden power is the power of the user's body in space. Furthermore, Tiwari proposes that an understanding of the 'city as body' through lived experience-through rhythmanalysis, where rhythms of everyday and extra everyday practices are understood-leads to the design of an environment that is evocative and is able to generate a bodily response from the user. To understand the rhythms, it becomes essential to know the way users inhabit, understand and map or present the city spaces by their bodies. SpaceDBodyDRitual will compel its readership to think of the parameters of spatial design as cultural generator.
A collaboration between dancer/somatic practitioner Ira Ferris and artist/scenographer Elia Bosshard, SPACE BODY HABIT is a transcription of conversations and experiences that unfolded during a two-week research residency at Frontyard, a multipurpose creative space in Marrickville, Sydney. Set to explore the many ways we perceive, or fail to perceive spaces, the book comprises a series of spatio-somatic and phenomenologically-driven exercises, followed by in-depth discussions on themes as varied as: first impressions and knowing space by heart, body as a space and supremacy of vision, care for spaces and observing spaces from the more-than-human perspective, posture and perception, repetition and choices, comfort and entrapment, sharing spaces with others and dissolving boundaries between spaces, creativity and mental space, language and the agency of spaces, memory and habitual pathways, structures and flexibility, physical and psychological spaces, voids and empty spaces, belonging to a place and knowing others through their spaces, designated spaces and liminal spaces, contracts and trust, boredom and perseverance... With the starting premise that interaction with space is often habitual and perception of space often unconscious, the book explores ways to deepen and enhance our awareness of space and its impact on our day-to-day life. What else might we open ourselves to if we challenge the ingrained relationship to space and inhabit familiar spaces in new ways? The ​​exercises and conversations were inspired and informed by reading texts on space/place and the body, including: Rhythm Analysis by Henri Lefebvre, The Spell of the Sensuous by David Abram, The Poetics of Space by Gaston Bachelard, The Memory of Place by Dylan Trigg, Bodies of Water by Astrida Neimanis, Escapism by Yi-Fu Tuan, and Bertolt Brecht by Meg Mumford. The authors wish to acknowledge that this research residency and the writing of the book took place on the unceded land of the Gadigal and Wangal people of the Eora nation. Their care of the land, their respect for the lineage, their reciprocity with the place, are to be our inspiration as we find ever better ways to be in spaces and pass them on to others.
This book considers various ways in which the body is, and has been, addressed and depicted overtime while also working to redefine the body and its relation to historical time and social space.
Kaia Rønsdal combines the perspective of production of space, ethical theory and fieldwork, focusing on the contradictions in lived space, by observing encounters and interactions between different groups of people in everyday public space. It is an interdisciplinary contribution to the science of diaconia. The interest lies with the lives that diaconia traditionally have been concerned with and the spaces where these lives are lived, exploring the concept of calling through narratives of these lives and spaces. The book challenges and contributes to traditional and contemporary notions of calling as it is understood in the Scandinavian tradition. These notions, stemming from interpretations of Luther, place the calling among humans, as opposed to it being something exclusively divine and ecclesiastical. The discussion on the calling is enriched with concepts stemming from French sociology and human geography, primarily from H. Lefebvre and M. Foucault, as well as phenomenological contributions. These are concerned with the significance of body, space, urbanity, and spatial interpretation as space is a relational, formative phenomenon constituted in practice and interaction. Through methodologies developed from phenomenology and spatial theory, where the researcher subject is an evident embodied participant, detailed accounts from the field form the material, describing everyday life in an Oslo cityscape. From this material, the concept of calling is explored, developing the discussion from the perspective of the spaces of others. The assumption being that it is in the spaces where people meet and bodies respond to other bodies, whether marginalised or not, that calling may manifest itself. Through spatial analysis of the minute details of bodies and socialities in everyday life, new material for ethical considerations is explored. The analysis and discussion may enrich and further deepen the understanding of what takes place in public spaces, recognising them as a source of knowledge in a range of disciplines. These everyday encounters may also be described and analysed as contributions to the development of theory and praxis of diaconia.
With cities increasingly following rigid rules for designing out crime and producing spaces under surveillance, this book asks how information shapes bodies, space, and, ultimately, policymaking. In recent years, public spaces have changed in Western countries, with the urban realm becoming an ever-more monitored, privatised, homogeneous, and aseptic space that has lost its character, uniqueness, and diversity in the name of ‘security’. This underpins precise moral and political choices in terms of what a space should be, how it can be used, and by whom. These choices generate material consequences concerning urban inequality and freedom, or otherwise, of movement. Based on ethnographic and autoethnographic explorations in London’s ‘criminal’ spaces, this book illustrates how rules, policies, and moral values, far from being abstract concepts, are in fact material. Outlining the basis of a new urban information ethics, the book both exposes and challenges how moral values and predefined categories are applied to, and materially shape, the movement of bodies in urban space with regard to crime and security policies. Drawing on Gilbert Simondon’s information theory and a wide range of work in urban studies, geography, and planning, as well as in surveillance studies, object-oriented ontology, and contemporary theoretical work on both materiality and affect, the book provides a radically new perspective on urban space in general, and crime and security in particular. This book uses a balanced mix of theoretical concepts and empirical study to bring theory and practice together in an intertwining of ethnography and autoethnography. This book will be of interest to students and scholars in the fields of urban studies, urban geography, sociology, surveillance studies, legal theory, socio-legal studies, planning law, environmental law, and land law.
Mind and Body Spaces highlights new international research from Britain, USA, Canada and Australia, on bodily impairment, mental health and disabled peoples social worlds. The contributors discuss a variety of current issues including: * historical conceptions of the body and behaviour * contemporary political activism * matters of identity and employment * accessible housing * parenthood and child carers * psychiatric medication use * masculinity and sexuality * autobiography * social exclusion and inclusion. The contributors are: Hester Parr, Ruth Butler, Rob Imrie, Michael L. Dorn, Deborah Carter Park, John Radford, Brendan Gleeson, Isabel Dyck, Edward Hall, Pamela Moss, Gill Valentine, Christine Milligan, Flora Gathorne-Hardy, Jane Stables, Fiona Smith and Vera Chouinard.
Intervening Spaces examines interconnectedness between bodies, time and space. It explores the oscillating and at times political impact that occurs when bodies and space engage in non-conventional ways. Temporal and spatial dichotomies are disrupted--revealing new ways of inhabiting space.
Despite the popularity of Skype with video many of us are still figuring out how to ‘do’ it. Interviews reveal that we can now run the programme but we are less certain about how to ‘perform’ in front of the webcam. Seeing ourselves in the box on the side can feel strange. We are not quite sure which bits of our bodies to display on the screen, how much to move around the room, or move the device around the room. Is it acceptable to use Skype with video at a funeral, in crowded spaces or while in bed? This book addresses how people are emotionally and affectually connecting with others audio-synchronously on the screen in a variety of different spatial contexts. Topics include Skype with video being used by grandparents to connect with grandchildren, friends and family using it for special occasions, and partners using it for romance and sex. Theories addressing bodies, gender, queerness, phenomenology and orientation inform the research. It concludes that while Skype does not offer some kind of utopian future, it does open up possibilities for existing power relations to be filtered through new lines of sight/site which are shaping what bodies can do and where.